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I guess I could think about posting again? The world has changed a lot over the last few months.

And the pinned pages need to be updated and restructured again. In regard to the sources, some of them have gone through changes also. A couple to few sources added.

We have an election cycle coming up. Once again, the 2 worse possible people on the planet running for president for the 3rd in a row. One is a senile war hawk criminal that isn't running the country, while working harder to keep his balance and memory than anything else. The other is seemingly going to be that fascist gaslighting criminal who is intent on inflaming chaos and violence again. Like the last time, making suggestive maneuvers against the status quo, but will built onto the status quo, like the last time.

I'll warn everyone now. Since Trump was sent home packing after a 4 year term, Biden has served over our country where his administration has allowed the Ukrainian fascist structure stretching from WWll to become ever more powerful in the US on multiple levels. Our country has never been so vulnerable to chaos and revolutionary types of violence and riots as we seen at Maidan in 2014 than is present today. People within his administration have actively been working hand in hand with known fascist and nationalist of this Ukraine structure on multiple social aspects, within rallies and gatherings, strengthening groups within the country, also with the help of multiple NGOs and think tanks. The very type of people who glorify WWll Nazis and Ukrainian collaborators of Nazis of that era. These people are present in both the US and Canada. And they've been excelling in the power structure drastically since Russia was forced to confront her security issues and protect the citizens of the Donbass regions.

If he uses this construct to incite violence like he did in 2016 and 2020 using our own nationalist and fascist, and or then win or lose, it has the potential to become a lot uglier than Jan 6th. Protest and or rallies of supporters and or opposition, bringing on the combination of both, these could be highly more violent than any we've seen in the past. The type of actions that martial law can be use against us. This was a warning given to us from simulated analysis going into the 2016 election cycle from a Mint Press news article that is more relevant today. Apparently, like Trumps call to have more voter suppression in Georgia failing to come to fruition, his nationalist and fascist didn't rise to the occasion either. Or on Jan 6th. Lets hope this time it fails also! Maybe our DOJ will come to their senses and actually do their job.

Did anyone pay any attention to the UAP hearing? Is anyone interested in full disclosure?

Do you actually comprehend what it's all about? The hearing lacked the full disclosure of the investigative work of Dr. Steven Greer who is attempting to expose that we have had the ability to produce free energy for decades. The hearing was a matter of controlled narrative. It served to be a means towards a perception that aliens can only be our enemy. If Greer is right, that the UAPs we've been seeing with our jet fighters can be, or are, both ours and aliens, do you understand the implications of this information? Is it really hard to believe that there's a secret government blocking our national government from a genuine investigation into UFOs? That our corporations are a large part of that secret government who hold the technology to build their own Tic Tacs.

Who's in the house!?! What do you want to talk about!?!

William_Mary 8 Aug 13
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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