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Know your Democratic Socialist.

Snickers77 8 Aug 15
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My namesake, Mikhail Bakunin, the great anarchist, had the idea of a society run by labor unions and guilds in place of political parties. Makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

Bakunin Level 7 Aug 18, 2018

Like those but try explaining that last one to your conservative neighbour.


Great posts!

Krish55 Level 8 Aug 16, 2018

Interesting, Frank Lloyd Wright? Really??? Curious, since he never once designed any house that could remotely be considered affordable by the average worker. His clients were all quite affluent. His houses were wonderful but sprawling. He was known to have called modest, affordable houses a blight on the landscape. Not exactly what I call a socialist sensibility or method. (I was an architecture student before changing course into sociology and psychiactric social work)

I think his houses were like works of art so from that standpoint he was right. I don't think we can judge him without taking into account that he was more an artist than a capitalist even if he got rich doing it.

I guess he was not referring to himself as a Democratis Socialist. That was more the title of the post. His was a comment of unions being an appropriate counter-balance to capitalist power. That is not the same as a calling to eliminate capitalists.


Thank you for posting this. Every time I get called a socialist(or liberal, progressive, leftist, etc) I have the same response: how’s that a BAD thing?!

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