Can anyone discuss The Dialectic of Enlightenment? This is a book by the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory.
Why didn't a workers revolution take place in the United States, Germany, England and other industrial countries but in agrarian Russia? This is what The Dialectic of Enlightenment attempted to explain.
I've just started examining this work.
People have always lived in the midst of darkness, there's nothing particularly special about the present age.
During the great European Enlightenment (a program which hasn't yet finished its course) the core momentum was the sceptical questioning of authority in all it's guises. This together with the newly developing scientific method of experiment and observation led to rapid technological progress, the speed of which continues to accelerate. Somewhere within spin of progress, we have lost our sense of orientation. This needs to be rediscovered or redefined, and embraced once again.
We always turn in circles
@schway perhaps because of increased population densities ..
has enlightenment happened yet? I thought we had reverted to the darker ages.
Dark matter and black holes everywhere ... No wonder it's getting darker again
The French probably claim to have started it all ... after all the invented the metre, but they lost the longitude ... and the metre hasn't penetrated the Smerican minds yet ... though the American industries have embraced it.
As all periods in history "enlightenment" was named with the befit of hindsight and, as always, historians give different starting points.
@schway i partially sgree ... i disagree on the monarchical bit ... many monarchies endorsed scientific institutions ... New technologies were another tool in the exploitation of the colonies
Ok ... start us off!
@schway of course ... where there is light there is shadow
@schway the Frankfurt school turned away from enlightenment thought they are anti Marxists and anti materialists
@schway all of those men were anti marxists that mixed idealism with materialism []
@schway in fact the does great critiques of petit bourgeois pseudo left idea's and movement's, if you are interested in what was and is the Frankfurt school and postmodernism.
@schway precisely, thought up by academics that secretly despised the working class so they came up with identity politics to say all oppressed groups are revolutionary which they then used to keep the working class doing their bidding and all importantly divided. It is antithetical to classical Marxism which says that the only revolutionary class is the working class. I'm a Trotskyist and classical Marxist so I've no time for the unscientific ravings of post modernists.
@schway Frankfurt school are postmodernists
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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