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I was across the street from the Pentagon on 911. It is my sincere belief that all of this was "an inside job"... []

LetzGetReal 8 Sep 11
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I disagree completely. It would be impossible to keep that under wraps.


In response , as a rebuttal . < [] , [] , [] >

Marmion Level 6 Sep 12, 2018

I think that these theories are an insult to all that were lost.

Sorry. I'm not attacking you personally, but that is how I feel. My opinion is these conspiracy theories around 9/11 are terrible things to do to the families and friends of those that were lost and those that responded to help.

Umbral Level 8 Sep 11, 2018

If 911 were a conspiracy, it would be difficult to prove who was involved and how. In any case, capitalism and American imperialism are evil enough as it is. Conspiracy talk distracts from the more fundamental issues of inequality and environmental destruction. Moreover it alienates some who are concerned about those issues.

Krish55 Level 8 Sep 11, 2018

This is what I'm saying. Eyes on the prize and all that.

@LetzGetReal I appreciate your sharing your experiences. But let's focus on tangible issues of Justice. ..

I disagree ... It is precisely such actions that keep us divided, so we might as well just integrate them into the discussion.


This, folks, is a good example of how conspiracy theories work.

@LetzGetReal this thread


Do you think an actual aircraft hit the Pentagon that day? I ask because reports I've read say that even the most catastrophic aircraft crashes will leave recognisable aircraft remnants, like wheels and wing parts. Nothing like that can be seen from that day. Nothing I ever saw in footage shows any. What is your view? Thanks.

David1955 Level 8 Sep 11, 2018

@LetzGetReal interesting, thanks. I do note that not a scrap of video footage exists showing an aircraft there that day. It is most curious.

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