Does socialists are against the right of guns possesion by the people?
Socialism isn't for or against gun rights. It's for using the government to collect funds to pay for things that society for example, Socialism collects money (taxes) to pay for
-health care
-road and highway maintenance
-regulation of farming, food production, and other things...including licensing, testing and demanding insurance for car -and gun - use.
Some nations have got this down well. Some don't do well with it at all.
Brazil has had the socialization of fuel regulation ahead of most North and South American nations. That's why you pay so little for gas; and almost all of your gas has 10-15% Ethanol (alcohol from plants) in it.
Brazil is apparently well socialized in health care.
I'm not sure where you stand with gun regulation and control. But you are far ahead of us in the fuel and health care department. With our rediculous death rate, I'm guessing you're ahead of us in gun regulation and control (socialization) as well
Healthcare in Brazil is a constitutional right. ... Public healthcare is provided to all Brazilian permanent residents and foreigners in Brazilian territory through the National Healthcare System, known as the Unified Health System (Portuguese: Sistema Único de Saúde, SUS). The SUS is universal and free for everyone.
Healthcare in Brazil - Wikipedia
Yes that is right anyone need to pay for medication our hospital bills here in Braszil.
But we want our guns back, because the far left take away our rights after the 2005 referedum where majority of population voted in favor to buy firearms
You'll find a lot of folks on this page not sympathetic to your comments....
You say "the far left" do you define that? Many here are "left" leaning, liberals, and progressive who prefer we had better gun control and regulation
You must know we in America have dozens of deaths per day from firearms...and the "far right" works hard to keep guns in everyone's we continue to set records for suicides and accidental deaths, as well as violent deaths.
You said that your populace "voted in favor to buy firearms"...was that a "buyout" of guns owned privately? So you didn't have to sell your gun? I'm not clear on what you're saying.
@Robecology deaths by guns in Brazil is almost 2 times higher than USA.
@Williamcristiano Point taken; but according to these statistics, gun possession is Brazil is 8.6 per 100,000; in the US it's 120 per 100,000.
So you have twice the murder/homicides, whereas we have more suicides, and accidents. We have far more "mass-killiings" (terrorist acts, usually by American born youths) than you do.
So both our nations have bad gun habits.
My only argument with you is your claim that the "far left took away your rights" but then you said the "majority of population voted in favor to buy firearms"....I'm still not clear on that; was that a "buy-back". - or an offer to buy guns from the general population? So you "sold" your guns to the didn't have to surrender them?
@Robecology when the disarmament statute came into force, they gave a period of 90 days for people to hand over the caliber of government-restricted weapons, they did not repurchase it, but offered only about 150 dollars for a rifle, so many of the people did not surrender the weapons, or sold them to the criminals, because the criminals offered more fair values to the arms than the government itself.
the government also tried to disarm the military police but without success.
@Williamcristiano That sounds typical.
All I can suggest is know your neighbors.
Be peace-loving.
I've known and met gun-nuts, gun-obsessed people.
People trying to sell me guns.
People I've sold my guns to.
Be careful.
I realize that many people here hate firearms and hate their owners, perhaps because they do not live in a violent country like mine, where only criminals and law enforcement officers can have firearms.
in a house where there are no guns a criminal snake can invade and fuck everyone's ass.
@dan325 His English is challenged; his native tongue is probably Portuguese/Brazilian.
I don't think socialism in itself has anything to say about gun ownership but I think a eell-organised socialist society would have no need for guns, and certainly not in the hands of ordinary people.
Excuse-me, but criminal people will not gives their weapons for police department, only honest civilian people respect the laws in everywhere in the wolrd
@Williamcristiano Countries where ordinary citizens are not allowed to own guns have a very much lower rate of gun deaths.
@CeliaVL it is not true, in my country Brazil is forbiden but gangsters don't respect the laws.
They use machine guns .50 like mexicans gangsters
@Williamcristiano I'm sorry. I didn't make myself clear - I meant countries where the rule of law is largely respected.
The only time that gun ownership was relevant in American politics was immediately following the 2nd world war. The veterans returning from the war were highly trained. It was an era of social growth because they would have acceoted nothing less. Jethro out back with his Ar-15 and a 6 pack represents no threat to the status quo. Yes I include the civil war in this assessment.
they want gun reform but people can still have guns. why does any american need semi automatic weapons and silencers. simple answer they do not. also nra needs to be watched closely, a lot of damage has been created by the nra selling weapons to druglords gangs extremist all over the world.
Socialism has nothing to do with gun control pro or con.
Yup. Think hi-cap magazines and high school shooting. That sort of things. Some old boys should find another hobby.
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