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We can't afford to subsidize The Rich

Infoguy211 8 July 15
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this is an old one, the new numbers after the tax giveaway are way more lopsided.

glennlab Level 10 July 16, 2019

This is the repub way, help those who don't need it and send the bill to those who are barely making it.....


No shit

bobwjr Level 10 July 15, 2019

This..Rethuglicans and Corporate Dems OWN this horrid state of affairs..

Charlene Level 9 July 15, 2019

Agree, no doubt.

But the target should not be the rich. The target of the effort and anguish should be the own political leaders who would not do anything about it.

St-Sinner Level 9 July 15, 2019

Fuck the Rich and Corporate whores

No. The Dem led House has passed over 100 bills that Trump and McConnell have blocked from ever getting a vote in the Repub Senate. Put the blame where it belongs: the morally corrupt Republican party.

It is understood that the anger is against the corporate class which is also the class of the powerful and rich. But they are not going to the self reform, will they?

We should be telling our political leaders and legislators to change it. That and that alone will change the system. We cannot do anything, absolutely nothing.... as individuals or even as groups. We tried Occupy Wall Street vigorously, but it did not work. We have been complaining over 100 years but small public outcries have not gone anywhere. The solution lies in legislation and actions through SEC.

@altschmerz time to eat the Rich...

@jerry99 Corporate Centrist Dems have continuously voted for loosening regulations along with the Rethuglican stooges..

@OwlInASack eat them..

@dan325 and @Charlene I'm sure Mr. Trump is delighted to hear your opinion of moderate Dems.

@jerry99 this early in the PRIMARIES I could giving a flying fuck about what Drump thinks.. I"m more concerned that the DNC is going Jam Biden Down Our they Did in 2016 with Hillary..

@OwlInASack done!💓💓💓💓💋💋💋💋💦💋💦💋

@OwlInASack and dinner!🍸🍔🍺🍟🍗🍷🍰

It seems to me that Trump is most likely to win the re-election in 2020 and democrats are in disarray.

@dan325 the Dem primaries have Always been down and ignore that history is ignore how the dems became Rethuglican Light..

Just because of public anger against his outrageous personal behavior or his policies?

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