9 9

Another four years of pretty much the same. If I were in better shape I'd move to a Scandinavian country or at least Canada. This country isn't my country any longer.

Theresa_N 8 Mar 11
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What do you mean? It's not November yet?


Yup only sensible thing to do

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 11, 2020

Yea; it's depressing that we're letting the progressive Bernie down as a nation....

But Bill Maher saw it coming months's a video of him and Bernie in June 2018.

Funny stuff..but bittersweet....

Robecology Level 9 Mar 11, 2020

Prior to Trump getting elected, I actively looked for a new country. I had almost settled on Belize, I went down after he was elected and immigration procedures had gotten much more difficult and more expensive. The more difficult Trump has made immigration to the US other countries have reciprocated.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 11, 2020

Good luck in learning another language and culture. Be prepared for lots of taxes and don't be surprised if you might lose any US benefits. I did that (for other reasons) back when I was in my early 20's and it was very doable then. Not so much now.

JackPedigo Level 9 Mar 11, 2020

Nobody wants us.

Actually, Cape Breton Island, NS is actively recruiting immigrees.

@AnneWimsey Youngens most likely. If we old folks are welcome, sure. But, health insurance????

@Beowulfsfriend yes, health insurance...and a fast-track to a home (waterfront on the market 3+ years, easily under 70,000) plus invest $10,000 in an existing business, or start one, and citizenship in ONE YEAR!

@dan325 sell up here, put some into a (very very cheap) house there, invest in an existing business....ta da!


I’m heading to Canada in June to visit my 87 year old Uncle. He is the last of my mother’s siblings still alive. My Cousin’s keep telling me to come up there to live in order to get away from my lousy Government. If the orange anus happens to get re-elected I just may do it!

@Wangobango3 My uncle lives in Golden, B.C. Are you nearby that area? I’m always open to meeting fellow members whenever I travel.😉

@Wangobango3 that’s to bad. Where do you live in Canada?

@Wangobango3 What a beautiful place you live in! I’ve always wanted to visit Nova Scotia as I have seen travel shows that really showed how beautiful the area is. I’m sure your place is wonderful!

@Wangobango3 I’ll have to put Nova Scotia On my bucket list! Great description by the way. I love “shabby elegance”!!


People get the government they deserve, I guess. And I don't just mean Americans.

brentan Level 8 Mar 11, 2020

@dan325 Dan, you're not a people. You're a person. Still, I know where you're coming from.

No, brantan; religion gave us “deserve” talk. We get the gov’t we allow.

@yvilletom Well, that's democracy!

@brentan Yeah, democracy gives everyone what only the majority allow.


I'm planing trip to Canada mid/end of May to explore possibilities...🤔

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