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Republicans Call for Unity While Refusing to Acknowledge Biden Won

Now that they’re on the hot seat after encouraging the January 6th insurrection by their continual refusal to acknowledge that Joe Biden won the election fair and square, Republican leaders are now pleading with Democrats for unity.

Gee, calls for unity, from the very same crowd who spent the last four years yelling slogans like “f**k your feelings!” I mean, who could possibly question the sincerity of Trump supporters screaming at the top of their lungs for us to “stop being divisive, you bunch of communist, atheist, pedophile, socialist, satanist, fascist, sadist, libtards!”

Why, if one didn’t know better, one might think that given their complicity in the January 6th insurrection, Republicans aren’t really calling for unity - and what actually they’re calling for - is amnesia. To put it another way, Republicans don’t want “unity,” they want “impunity.” Oh my! Did I just make a rhyme, out of a crime? I’m surprised I found the time.

Anyway, while we’re on the subject of “unity,” just the other day - the completely sane, non-lunatic, QAnon conspiracy theorist freshman Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, announced she intends to introduce Articles of Impeachment against Biden, just two days after he assumes office. I mean, what could be more unifying than that?

So, why does she want to impeach Biden? Because she read somewhere that the Biden family sold all the good parts of America to China and Ukraine. That said, I do have to give her some credit though. I mean, at least she held off filing impeachment until day two. Smart move if you ask me! After all, she doesn’t wanna appear like she’s some sort of a crazy person.


johnnyrobish 8 Jan 18
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bobwjr Level 10 Jan 19, 2021

They think they are in control and will be in control, because they had control. We all should unite with them at the helm. They can lead us right over the cliff and still have trump as King.


Ahem...excuse me...I have something to say - FUCK THESE FUCKING FUCKERS! Thank you. That is all.

Joanne Level 7 Jan 18, 2021

@creative51 A not very creative statement? ( grin )

That seems a little strong, would you not want to put a few more FUcking fuckers in there for a stronger statement?

@dalefvictor How about : Infinite Fucks for those Fucking Fucked up Fuckers? If they want unity, they need to admit that there was no voter fraud. And, so far, very few of the Fucked up Fucking Fuckers have done so.


Moron Evangelicals voted her in. After all they believe in all this crap.


Greene is the reason women have so many problems on the job. It's not just that she is stupid, well yeah it is because she is stupid.


Twitter temporarily suspends account of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene


"Greene is a firebrand conspiracy theorist who has claimed the United States is experiencing an "Islamic invasion into our government offices," that the Pentagon was not actually attacked on 9/11, that Black people are "slaves to the Democratic Party" and that billionaire Jewish philanthropist George Soros is a Nazi. And she has expressed support for the baseless and wide-ranging QAnon conspiracy theory."

nicestuff Level 7 Jan 18, 2021

Sounds like a person with absolutely no means to reason or learn to reason. Shit in Shit out.


Calls for forgiveness are like them drunk crying on the other side of a locked door the morning after they tried to kill us.

"Why do you have to keep this going?!"


The Congress has rules and the House parliamentarian might tell her that motions to impeach are out of order for several months. That will piss her off.

yvilletom Level 8 Jan 18, 2021
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