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Russian media laughs at 'dumbest guy in Congress' Louie Gohmert for asking Forest Service to move the moon


phxbillcee 10 June 10
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Gohmert was elected to congress to get him out of the state. To stupid to live so send him to Washington where he becomes a problem, for everyone. How does this idiot get elected?


Still Congress is a embarrassment

bobwjr Level 10 June 10, 2021

Still probably easier than getting a Republican to do the right thing and vote against whatever will get him or her elected.

UrsiMajor Level 8 June 10, 2021

HOW? Just how?


He's just a visionary, a thousand or so years ahead of his time.

BDair Level 8 June 10, 2021

Another hugely powerful argument for testing candidates for mental acuity as well as personality disorders.

racocn8 Level 9 June 10, 2021

Gohmert would fail on both counts.


I watched the clip, and I think he made that comment to illustrate the futility of US government agencies trying to control the Earth's climate. However I'm not 100% sure that was what he intended to say.

BD66 Level 8 June 10, 2021

What video did you watch? It’s clear from the reaction of the woman to whom he addressed the question that he was not being sarcastic or ironic. Watch it again. We’re not talking about a comedian or late night TV host with standup comedy skills here! This is yet another in a long line of public statements made by Louis… it’s just another ‘Gohmert!’

@p-nullifidian He was making fun of the woman and her goals. She reacted how you would expect someone to react when you are pointing out how foolish their goals are:

@BD66 Very well, in your view Louis Gohmert has employed a unique deadpan (straightfaced) delivery in a response that otherwise would be a total fail. Touchet Louis?


Definitely not one of our best and brightest.🤬

Ya think? 😉

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