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National Outcry Forces Sarasota Newspaper to Pull Op-Ed Praising Proud Boys

The Sarasota Herald-Tribune (FL) ran an opinion piece written by Melissa Radovich this past weekend, in which her headline read “Attacking Proud Boys Does a Disservice to Caring School Parents.” She further explained that “When I think about the Proud Boys, I think of fathers, business owners, and veterans.” The op-ed drew so much heavy criticism nationally, that the paper was eventually forced to pull the op-ed. Interestingly, what the paper failed to mention even in their retraction, is that this op-ed piece’s author Melissa Radovich, isn’t just some soccer mom trying to be fair-minded - she’s also married to one of the Proud Boys.

Now, I have to admit when I first read this, I thought “Gee, does Mar-a-Lago have a newspaper?” But then I realized it was actually a Sarasota paper. Now obviously the way Ms. Radovich portrays the Proud Boys is quite controversial for many, but I fully understand what she means. Why, it’s just like saying “I might have been a blood-thirsty, sadistic guard at Auschwitz, but darn it - I’m a father and a husband too!” Or, perhaps “Under those Klan robes, are just a friendly bunch of well-intentioned dads."

With that said, I’d like to clarify a little something Ms. Radovich and MAGAs seem to misunderstand - “folks aren’t mad at neo-Nazis for being good parents.” It isn't their child-rearing that’s at issue. You see, even we libtards understand fascists aren’t busy doing evil 100% of the time, just like Ted Bundy didn’t spend all day, every day - committing homicides. That said, I am always a bit shocked when I read that one of these neo-Nazi thugs is married and raising children. Why, everything else aside, just how “proud” can a Proud Boy be, when you and your entire family - are living all cramped-up down in your mom's basement?

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johnnyrobish 8 July 12
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Femfascist aren't feminist.
Fuck Rush for calling fascist femanazis for 35 years.


WTF do the editors do? Sniff glue in th stockroom?

MizJ Level 8 July 12, 2022

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