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Eleven Minutes of Media Falsehoods, Just On One Subject, Just On One Station

This special report hoped to make a list of all the editors' notes and retractions that would be needed because of the #TwitterFiles. The problem turned out to be too big to count


{This is part of the new media strategy in the Censorship-Industrial Complex age: in addition to downgrading and deamplifying dissent, fringe political ideas, controversial takes, offensive speech, and, yes, even true errors and foreign propaganda, the CIC softens up audiences to accept certain ideas through sheer, unrelenting repetition. You’re not hearing one or two stories about Russian bots or evil anti-vaxxers or even the treachery of Jill Stein and the Green Party, you’re hearing hundreds just on one channel, and God knows how many more in other outlets and via social media. One’s defenses wear down after a while, and there’s a natural instinct to grow afraid of suggesting the opposite around friends after a while.}

And Fox was worried about Tucker Carlson!?! Granted, he had his flaws. But he served his purpose helping to manipulate their followers. And at the tune of losing 500 million in stock!?! After forking out $787.5 million to Dominion Voting Systems!?! I'd love to see a law suit against MSNBC for all the lies committed by just Rachel Maddow that she has spewed since 2016. Reverberated by all the prime time shows, MSNBC would go under.

The above highlighted part is what makes the comments I get about RT being Russian propaganda so highly ludicrous. It simply explains to those of us who understand the process of information delivery correctly how a comment of such indicates who's blissfully indoctrinated into a delusional reality. Who actually isn't capable of thinking for themselves.

William_Mary 8 Apr 26
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