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I came home after having been away for two months. Well the person who was going to water my indoor plants either did not bother or gave them a tea spoon each. A lot of them died. What does one do, rant and rave or start over again.

Jolanta 9 Apr 20
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Can't believe someone would neglect your house plants like that. It's expensive to try to start over, but worth it if you had certain favorites. I'd have to start over if I was in your situation. I would be terribly disappointed to have to.

RussRAB Level 8 Apr 21, 2020

Been there, had it done to me also!!!

How stupid can these morons be not to follow instructions and have half a brain when the plants start to wilt and fade to light brown!!!


That person failed. One time, when I was going to be away for 2 weeks, I packed up my orchids and took them to a friend's house. I made it easy for her, and it worked.

BitFlipper Level 8 Apr 20, 2020

I am on Team Start Over. Deep breath first. Sometimes unforeseen things happen. Is it possible next time to set up a drip irrigation system on a timer? Alternately seek out foster homes rather than asking someone to come over. I guess some depends on how many plants need tending.
But sometimes shit happens. I am reminded of my Hurrucane Katrina experience. I had about twenty potted roses at the time, crammed into my postage stamp-sized, south facing, hot as hell front yard in New Orleans. I thought I was evacuating for three days. Turned into a mandatory six weeks. I was amazed when only three roses completely died. Most lost a lot of leaves but survived. A few determined roses sent roots out of the pots and into the ground in search of water and did quite well. Ah nature.


How awful! It constantly amazes me how many people are completely non-intuitive when it comes to plants. Can't they see them starving or wilting or gasping for breath in front of their eyes? Perhaps not until they're actually dead. I'm sorry your friend is one of those people. Maybe some roots are not yet gone and, with care, will come back? I hope so.

Lauren Level 8 Apr 20, 2020

How well do you know/trust the person you asked to water the plants? That's a real deal-breaker to me if good friends that I let in my home can't figure out how to properly water my plants.

But having said that; don't 'rant'. Don't "bemoan". Explain to him/her that they were asked to do something important; and they failed....and your trust in them is now broken. See if they act in an apologetic way or just 'slough it off". Their reply to your honest pain is what determines your future with them.

Robecology Level 9 Apr 20, 2020

You may want to consider what your future plans are , before you get more plants - do you have more trips planned ? are they ones that can sit outside and take care of themselves ? Do they need a lot of care ?

Cast1es Level 9 Apr 20, 2020

Start over. You enjoy it too much not to.


Sorry honey

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 20, 2020

Say everything you want to say, get it all out of your system. once you are sure that all the anger and frustration is out and passed, invite them over for drinks and thank them (also note, never ask them to do that task again). Then start over if you can't save the plants.

glennlab Level 10 Apr 20, 2020

You gotta rant and rave a little to take out your frustrations, Then chill out (with a beer maybe) and start over. Good luck. I hope you find some nice new starters.


Start over. Frustrating times all around. Sorry for your loss.


Water them and give them a chance to come back, after a week or two you will know which ones are complete goners and which ones may be nursed back to health. You'll have some empty pots to play with so think about some of those other plants that you have been hoping to try but didn't have the space for before this. It sucks but there's not much you can do about it except make the best of things. 😟

Surfpirate Level 9 Apr 20, 2020
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