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Darn it, spent the morning yesterday cleaning out the garden pond, trimming back the water lilies, adding clean and fresh water, re-introducing the fish to their clean and fresh home again then this morning I find the local birds have decided it is bath day and are all splashing around the water.
And not only that but the rose hip seed pods I've been keeping my eye on so as to try cross- breeding roses have almost all been removed from the bushes and chewed upon by the birds to get at the seeds inside.
oh well their needs must have been greater than mine.

Triphid 9 Jan 26
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I don't have a pond or fish, but I have squirrels that dig up the plants in pots. In the Spring, I get lots of volunteer pecan trees in places I don't want them thanks to these squirrels - in the garden as well as the pots. I stopped putting out bird seed. It was great fun watching all the different birds come around the feeder until these birds started attracting hawks and owls. With little dogs, I thought they might become targets if the birds of prey decided to try some red meat rather than poultry in their diet.

RussRAB Level 8 Jan 26, 2022

Our major birds of prey around area are the Wedge-tailed Eagle, the Nankeen Kestrel, what we call the Sparrow Hawk ( smaller version of the Nankeen Kestrel and the Swallow-tailed Black Kite.
As you can guess the BIGGEST of the is them Wedge-tailed Eagle wsith an average, normal wing span of approx. 1.8 - 2.0 metres, with females being slightly large and heavier built than the males, they hunt mostly out in open country-side and go after 'roos, young emus, feral foxes and feral cats, young feral pigs are often on their menu as we.
I have one that I rescued, cared for, rehabilitated and then released back into the wild she often comes back and cadges a free snack plus getting me to help her by removing ticks from her skin as well.
She ignores the other native birds around my home, ignores the chickens, loves my 8 year old nephew who will sit with her and pat her head and neck for as long she wants him to.
The ONLY predator/s that I need to be concerned with around here a the domestic cats that are let roam free 24/;7 and prey on EVERYTHING just for sake of killing and not much more imo.


My pond fish got cleaned out, mostly, the ones that hide the best from the heron don't show for me either. I buy a bunch of feeder goldfish every couple of years and when they get to 6 to 8 inches long big bird comes.

Buttercup Level 8 Jan 26, 2022

same, except it's that damned raccoon

No Herons or raccoons around here, just Wood-pigeons, sparrows, magpies, little corellas and galahs all now using the pond as their own private bathing facility...LOL.
Plus the fish in there are smart, they hide under the lilies and in a half of a broken earthen wear flower pot that I placed in there for them.

Ever thought of erecting a simple shade sail type of screen to keep the predating bird/s away from the pond and the fish as well?


You might think of getting an owl decoy to discourage the birds.

azzow2 Level 9 Jan 26, 2022

Why, I like to attract the native birds to my gardens that is why I feed the every morning and evening.

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