4 10

This is the next semi-long term project facing me.
(No, it won't interfere with the Bat-house build)
Used to be a strawberry bed, but the birch grew to a point of casting too much shade for optimal strawberry production. So, I'm going to increase the "haditat" garden here. Lots of cleanup and grading first though. I was thinking a water feature of some kind. Suggestions?

bigpawbullets 9 July 15
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What about a mass planting of spring flowering bulbs. Crocus ,Virginia bluebells, bloodroot, scilla, jonquils, hyathinth , etc

Mooolah Level 8 July 16, 2018

Water feature = electricity & maintenance. Pump filter etc. Unless a bird bath. Koi pond =- bringing in the Koi for the winter and they don't do well out of water. The pond has to be below the frost line so it won't freeze all the way down & make fish popsicles. Lots of deep digging. Unless you do the hard plastic pond tub that you set into the ground. But still you have to bring the fish inside for the winter. Or eat the fish. A shepard's hook with hummingbird feeders. If the feeder is kept free of mold those birds are remarkable. Even a hanging basket of trailing petunias with ornamental potato vine or fuschias that the hummers love. A sculpture or a spinner. The high end ones made of copper are entertaining & quiet. Anything but those annoying wind chimes forcing everyone to hear them. Always on whether one is home or not to appreciate them. Drives the neighbors crazy. Great as a burglar alarm inside the house.
I know! A Trump pinata. =0}

Mooolah Level 8 July 15, 2018

I love the idea with the pots. And maybe a small seating area and build the rest of the garden around them.

EricJones Level 8 July 15, 2018

Do you have any leftover pots?

Surfpirate Level 9 July 15, 2018

Damn! A shed full!!!

@bigpawbullets No need to mess with the roots by digging a pond and you can take it apart and stick it in the shed for the winter so you don't have to worry about freezing.

@AmiSue It looks like there is enough overhead clearance to the tree to get it stacked about 5 or 6 feet tall. Personally I would run a piece of rebar down through the middle of all the pots so it is more stable but still portable enough that you could take it apart for the winter. Freezing would shatter the pots as they are too porous to survive a freeze.

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