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Does anyone have a hack to keep critters out of the garden?

I seem to remember my Dad grew scallions as a repellent - but I'm not sure.

My cousin left for a week of vacation to find her garden eaten by groundhogs.

(My Dad also grew marigolds to repel pests and put nails around the roots of tomato plants!). But he's not alive to ask. So I'm asking you all! 😉

RavenCT 9 July 15
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Traps are probably your best bet, place them at their entry point to your garden and bait the with what they have been eating. You can use live traps or humane kill traps most anywhere.

Relocating is always a good option.

I did this with mice in my shed until I learned that they don't like garlic!

My poor cousin - they put in so much work - were gone for 1 week - and garden massacre.

@RavenCT Having had woodchuck eat hydraulic hose off of my implements to the tune of thousands of dollars; I can imagine what their could do to a garden if they took and inkling to.

@HeathenFarmer Does insurance even cover that? Gees!

@RavenCT No insurance doesn't cover it unless it ate at least $5000 worth on one machine.


I have groundhogs living under my shed . Every time I block a tunnel they dig another one ! They chew everything. I'm so sick of them ! I've seen huge ones and young through the windows.


Model hawks / eagles on top of poles are reputedly effective against many small creatures.

FrayedBear Level 9 July 16, 2018

I put in barbecue sticks cut in half sharp end up it doesnt take long for them to learn - however I don't actually know what sort of critters you have and don't even know what a ground hog is so hands up completely out of my depth and fallen into a big hole of my own making ! Good Luck by the way!

jacpod Level 8 July 16, 2018


I had a neighbor who did that back in the day. That would be really illegal in a neighborhood. lol

Too bad. Quite effective in my neighborhood.

@bigpawbullets I should have mentioned I was in the forest behind the houses with a friend once when he started firing.
We hightailed it out the other side.


Fence the entire garden but the fence has to be 6-12 inches into the ground to keep the burrowers out. Coyote urine is available at hunting supply stores. A roll of barbed wire. A lion with adequate shade on a chain. A moat. A mine field. Watch towers with a rapid fire paint guns.

Mooolah Level 8 July 15, 2018

Coyote urine is obtained by torturing the poor animal. They call it a "passion bait." Please leave it on the shelf for psychopaths who like to kill helpless animals.

@TaraMarshall I don't use it. But.....

@Countrywoman, borrow a friend's dog. Good enough.


During the drought of 2011 in Texas I strung barbed wire at belly level to keep deer out. This was on the inside of a 5 wire fence, even. The deer had nowhere to land, safely. Then I strung another fence outside of that one. Looked like I was prepping for the Normandy Invasion!!

Yes we've had deer issues here - one particularly long winter they started in on my neighbors shubs. lol


I have fences, I have 600 garlic plants and a couple of dozen Marigolds, wind chimes, reflective eyes and solar powered, motion activated lights; I put down blood meal and I turn on the sprinkler when the deer come near the garden - AND STILL THEY COME AND EAT MY GARDEN.
You can also try urinating around the edge of your garden or better yet getting a friends dog to do his business around the edge of the garden. Or just accept that you are going to lose a percentage of your garden to the wildlife.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 15, 2018

I think they got decimated being gone for a week.

I remember the blood meal...

And I remember spraying tulips before they bloomed with oil mixed with hot peppers (deer repellent). They loved the brand new shoots.

I have got to take a picture of my neighbors "guarded garden". I finally was able to ask them about the yellow plastic all over their fencing.

It's anti squirrel electric fencing. rofl...

They have pie plates and an electronic owl... it's just something else. I'm a little in awe?

Woah doood. You might consider a mine field or a moat. You have done everything else.


I've read broken egg shells keeps snails away from plants . I've heard marigolds keep rabbits and deer away .

Cast1es Level 9 July 15, 2018

Maybe the Marigolds help with the four-legged. Not sure.

@RavenCT The deer don't seem to care about the marigolds one way or the other but at least they don't eat them, that would be insulting. 😀

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