9 3

Just when you thought that nothing could be a sadder expression of the human condition that Brett Kavanaugh being appointed to the SCOTUS, this comes along. 😟

Surfpirate 9 Oct 6
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So much better than the natural ones and you can continue to sell all those charming bee killing agro chemicals for huge profits.



Mind blown, such a freaking headache.


"Free" market profit motive at work. Instead of correcting human created environmental damage, focus all your research on how to profit from the damage. for me, I am planting clover to replace my environmentally useless lawn.

My lawn came with free clover already added for my convenience, you may have been ripped off. 😉

@Surfpirate right. Mine too. I unfortunately have this annoying grass infesting it and would like to do something to remedy that. lol


should be SCROTUS utter bollox

jacpod Level 8 Oct 7, 2018

This is such vomit topping the shit. Fuck em all

Justjoni Level 8 Oct 6, 2018

They could be the first assassination bee.

Kind of like the Kennedy magic bullet but with wings?

@Surfpirate I can think of all kinds of people to get rid of with swarms of these video stinging bees.

Mosquitos will be next.


Fascinating. Even if never implemented, the tech will be incredibly useful. (See below DARPA posts).

I guess it is an upgrade from paying humans to walk around orchards in China with feather dusters because the pollution there has killed all the bees.


What exactly IS their purpose ?

Cast1es Level 9 Oct 6, 2018

The replace the nearly perfect bees that we are driving into extinction with our pesticides, the same pesticides that we deny are the problem because a few people are making billions selling those pesticides.

Scan the article... basically pollenators to replace/augment honey bees, which are dying out.

I thought it was a parasite killing off the colonies.
I've also been told colony collapse in the commercial arena where bees are trucked from crop to crop is caused by simple exhaustion which reduces their immunity to disease.

@bigpawbullets There is a problem with mites and the huge mobile hives that are trucked around the country contribute to the spread of the mite problem but the mites only became a major problem after the neonicotidoid pesticides weakened the hives resistance to the mites. The people at Bayer and Monsanto blame the mites but deny their complicity in the hive collapse.

@Surfpirate , absolutely correct.


Crap! Do they sting?

SukiSue Level 8 Oct 6, 2018

I'm sure that function could be programmed into them, perhaps with a lethal nerve toxin? What can't be weaponized anymore?

Sue! For you, we'll install stingers!!

DARPA is on it! Plague Bees!!!!

@bigpawbullets Isn't that just perfect, our tax dollars at work.

They'll just subcontract to Walmart.
The Military / Industrial complex is a huge economic engine. Those tax dollars I complain about are in reality pumped right back into the economy.

@bigpawbullets Unfortunately it is an economy based on death, like being a winner in a race off the edge of cliff. 😟

A very valid view. It's a juggernaut that if turned off, would seriously damage my country's economy. I made a good living for part of my career as a military contractor. Some of the manufacturing parts would be difficult to repurpose. The IT stuff I was involved with is driving that industry with great potential benefits.... like robotic bees!

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