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I really, really need to play in the dirt.

AmiSue 8 Feb 5
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Pitchers and catchers report soon, so there's light at the end of the tunnel. Was 62 deg. here today but the ground was all mud and 3 inches down frozen solid.

EricJones Level 8 Feb 5, 2019

We had temperatures in the low 80's here in North Texas a day or so ago. I took my dogs out and sat in a lawn chair to watch them play wearing gym shorts, a t-shirt, and no shoes. The sun had gone down and it was very pleasant. The dogs got a little extra play time that night. Tonight is about the same.

@AmiSue I'm about 125 miles west of you, so I share your pain.


Time to start the seedlings?

Hathacat Level 9 Feb 5, 2019

My dirt is mud for a couple more weeks.

CaroleKay Level 8 Feb 5, 2019

be ready about the time you are, won't it?


Toooo many.


Here in Chattanooga the weather has been pretty mild so I've been getting my hands dirty for a while now.


At least 43 days until the first inkling of Butterfly Season

Leafhead Level 8 Feb 5, 2019

Yay! I am trying my hand at spouting lots of perennial blue salvia (furinacea/mealycup blue), and plan to scatter wildflower seed in one of my flower beds, zinnia and dwarf dahlias in another. Hoping it all draws in many many butterfies and bees!! ?

I've hat a butterfly hibernating in one of my pots since October, I have to move him to water and he slowly moves back to his spot. I've got about 10 that are fluttering out in the yard right now.


Getting prepped for radishes in middle TN


Winter lasts while April with us. 20 March may be the official spring but it is still early for some.

Fernapple Level 9 Feb 5, 2019

We saw some dirt since some snow finally melted. ?

ADKSparky Level 8 Feb 5, 2019

Move to Florida. We play in dirt every day.


@AmiSue Florida isn't like the rest of "the south"...we have our share of conservatives and #Religulous....but it's far different. I live on the beach in a gated community and love it.

I personally like the seasons. It allows me to catch up a little.

@Robecology It seems like Florida is backward. The norther part is more southern and the southern part more northern.

@AstralSmoke Don't get me wrong. I love the seasonal changes. Love the buds exploding in spring, the turning colors in fall. I often (at least once a year) drive up and visit friends in the N.E. Might make s spring trip in a couple months...

@Robecology Let me know. Maybe you'll need a break around Chattanooga!

@AstralSmoke Thanks for the offer...but Chatanooga's a bit "inland" for me...although I've fallen in love with route 95 to 77 to 81, to New York and New England.


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