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I need suggestions for a low growing ground cover. One that will take full sun and live in heavy clay soil. And one that's not invasive. Suggestions?
It's going to bank hemp fields. And needs to cover several large areas. I was thinking maybe short rye but I've never planted larger areas for cover.

freeofgod 8 July 10
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I recently read an article about the benefits of buckwheat as a ground cover. []

JackPedigo Level 9 July 11, 2019

Maybe vetch?

Carin Level 8 July 11, 2019

It is considered invasive in our state. They planted it along the freeways and the upkeep was costing too much money so they ripped it all out...people near the freeways were complaining because the seeds were being blown to their yards. I hate the stuff...

I'll look that one up.


Various varieties of thyme -3 - 4 inch high will spread, but easy to clear out if you want to - smells nice and can use in the kitchen


Liriope? It gets larger around but does not can easily pull out clumps if you want space between them...I grow them in shade and sun and it does well in clay as long as it is not too comes in variegated and dark green and has pretty but plain flowers...there are tall and short varieties and they are fairly inexpensive...there are a few that are creeping so be sure to check (see second picture)

thinktwice Level 8 July 10, 2019

That's beautiful. I've had it before and it is non invasive but would take a ton to cover the areas needed.

@freeofgod In Atlanta, with clay soil, I bought about 50 took about a year to fill in nicely...

What about ajuga? It is lovely and spreads quickly but is easily controlled...

@thinktwice , I'll check it.


What is the natural grass there ?

There's really not one but a mix of many.

@freeofgod ok choose the one you like most


I have a trouble spot near my goldfish pond dense, acid clay and constantly wet. I'm leaning towards a plant called bee balm. It's not low growing but it is friendly to critters.

Buttercup Level 8 July 10, 2019

Bee balm is wonderful. Slow to spread in this area.


Ground cover that's not invasive . Oxymoron ?

Cast1es Level 9 July 10, 2019

Not really. Some ground covers that seed get carried by the wind and go everyplace. Not welcome in a hemp field. thought exactly. If it is not invasive, grass and other weeds but push their way in amonst it. It needs to be agressive. But I see, maybe nothing with airborne seed.

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