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I've been lax in posting garden pics.
Sitting on my front step.

AmiSue 8 July 15
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That is beautiful. Much nicer than the neighbors with the mowed yards. Better for the environment all the way around.
Love the Japanese maple. I had one once. Paid eighty bucks for a six foot tree. It thrived the first two years. The third year it got some kind of leaf disease and died. Probably because of the unbearable humidity in this part of the country 😟
Had a mop top hydrangea like that. Paid fifty cents for it at the end of the season. It thrived for twenty years. Was still going strong when I moved.

freeofgod Level 8 July 16, 2019

love the cone flowers.

glennlab Level 10 July 16, 2019

Really beautiful. I know it has to be thinned out, but I love that overgrown look. Very cottage-y!

@AmiSue yes, thnx. Lots of soggy plants and downed branches but no structural damage. Some of my leggy annuals appear to be toast....soggy toast. It's okay. They were crowding my rose bushes too much, anyway.


all those plants - split them, pot them, sell them - or give them to friends - or looks like some of your neighbours could use them

@AmiSue I re potted and sold everything at a yard sale. Made more off the plants than anything.


nice work.aint diggin in the dirt fun?

lookinhard Level 7 July 15, 2019

@AmiSue I had just finished putting in the last of my plants(literally 5 minutes).The wind started to pick up.Then the rain started.Then......HAIL...PEA SIZED.?End result,the hail amounted to almost 2 inches thick and all froze solid.Coldnt even look at it for 1 1/2 days.Pretty much 60 shot.Made me sick and wanted to just dig it all up.But,i decided to yank out everything that was ruined and put a few small plants in and held my breath.That was 3 weeks ago,and almost all have come back.Pictures in another week


Also be careful near powerlines to keep your trees trimmed away from the nuke grid and overhangs near the curb where others might park & exit into eye hazards


Almost looks like a rich Iowa prairie untamed and cooperatively beautiful

@AmiSue just keep your sidewalk clear to avoid the weed commissioner or official asshole trying to force you to buy gmo grass and Roundup to poison your natural plot of planet


What a beautiful walkway to your front step.


Beautiful borders!

Spinliesel Level 9 July 15, 2019

You could hide large carnivores in that! Watch out!


Wow, I see lots of work and dedication.

JackPedigo Level 9 July 15, 2019
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