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Short, fascinating lecture by brilliant and fun Stanford neuroscientist Robert Sapolski (several TED Talks), explaining the two faces of brain chemical oxytocin. It makes us bond with and feel good about members of IN groups like family, friends, but increases hostility towards out group OTHERS.

MoonTigerII 7 July 20
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unfortuneate but true,we need to stay positive and hopefully converta few from the other side,not easy though

RoyMillar Level 9 July 21, 2019

I have seen it before but still good to refresh. We just need to use our brain and logic and we can find reasons to make a them a us.


Cool but depressing

bobwjr Level 10 July 20, 2019

More hopeful if you watch it again and pay attention. Downside of oxytocin can be easily modified in creative ways, BUT people have to be aware of it's powerful effects and 9 of 10 are not... yet... Share this!


Well that was fucking depressing. But very true. See it at school with the kids all the time.

GreatNani Level 8 July 20, 2019

Give them the same ball caps or scarves or buttons to pin on shirts to make a NEW all inclusive In Group like psych professors did, NaniNaniNani!

@MoonTigerII LOL! We try! We are a Montessori school so we are all a out peace, love and inclusion🙂

@GreatNani Okaaay... Now try putting BEAUTIFUL clinical LSD 17 in their Kool-Aid, haha! Turn em' into little angelic gurus! JOKING, moderators! 😂😂😝😝😱😱

NOT LSD 25! That shit turned me into a werewolf, snakeman or blob from Venus when I looked in the mirror, haha!

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