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The Christmas season is hard. I miss him so much, the planning and shopping, the playful teasing. I miss laughing with him.
There is a heaviness that has spread through me and sleep is difficult again. The sadness is so overwhelming at times. I feel so lost. 😟

Betty 8 Dec 8
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I am cleaning out & sorting thru stuff. Ofcourse I am coming across photos, love letters & keep sakes. It has been 5 years since I found his corpse. I thought I was thru grieving but I was brought to tears again. So I was thinking of you & wanted to reach out & say you are not alone in your feelings. Also one of my favorite personalities on my favorite show of all time passed away at 58. These feelings come flooding back. Do not hesitate to seek counseling if the process becomes overwhelming, as we all know now that it is not a sign of disfunction or weakness. If one feels lost, they can help find a path for you back to acceptance. Expressing yourself here is also an outlet & always welcome.

Mooolah Level 8 Dec 11, 2023

Thank you for that. It is nice to know I'm not going crazy. It's the littlest things setting me off right now and they take me by surprise.
I still have some things to sort through that I have been avoiding and I am not looking forward to it.

@Betty Take your time & be good to yourself. Hugs.

@Mooolah Thank you, I will. You too, be good to your heart. 🤗


Just stupid little things trigger me. A favourite movie or show, a smell, a song, an expression, a turn of a favourite phrase, a stupid cushion, just stupid little things. So many songs playing now, so many precious memories and plans unfulfilled.

Betty Level 8 Dec 10, 2023

Heal soon.

Mooolah Level 8 Dec 9, 2023

Thank you.


I ŵish you peace.

Thank you. There are so many reminders at this time of year, they feel so fresh. 😟


Stay Strong, reach out to those you trust.

Thank you. Trust is a funny thing, there are different levels depending on the person.


Try ashgawanda for the sleep.


Thanks for sharing that. We all know what you mean if that's any comfort.

Thank you. 🤗

@Betty You're very welcome.


My condolences;even though my girlfriend had been gone 5 years, this time of the year is so difficult for me.The massive grief will pass though,and you will be left all the good memories.

I hope so. 😟


We do miss all those fun times with our partners, especially during special occasions. What worked to help me through those difficult days was to get myself out of the house, not always an easy task.

I love animals and started going to my local dog pound and helping out with cleaning kennels, walking dogs, and just spending time in the kennels with some dogs who were really scared. It does seem to help get your mind off of the painful loss of your loved one when you are out helping others. Sending you a virtual hug.

Thank you. I do my best. 🤗

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