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“There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book.
bobwjr comments on Nov 28, 2019:
It's the person reading it
Krish55 replies on Dec 4, 2019:
@bobwjr ???
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
K9Kohle789 comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Voted yes. If America wants to encourage Muslims to be in the US the religion will overtake Christianity by 2027 and we may no longer have the same freedoms because the word Islam means submission. Already they do not assimilate, They separate and try to get public schools to devote time for the ...
Krish55 replies on Dec 3, 2019:
@Grecio When East and Southern Europeans moved in to East Coast neighborhoods, the WASPs moved out. Poorer and newer immigrants always displace older ones...
I’ve often wondered what would/should follow Capitalism.
St-Sinner comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Controlled capitalism is the answer. Not any version of socialism.
Krish55 replies on Dec 1, 2019:
@St-Sinner Well there are holocaust deniers also. So you are an imperialist denier…?
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
K9Kohle789 comments on Nov 30, 2019:
They should be banned from seeking office, they should be limited entry to the US.
Krish55 replies on Dec 1, 2019:
@godlessguy The problem is that the question only picks on one group.
I’ve often wondered what would/should follow Capitalism.
St-Sinner comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Controlled capitalism is the answer. Not any version of socialism.
Krish55 replies on Dec 1, 2019:
@St-Sinner It prospered by exploiting other countries and waging war when necessary to continue exploitation.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
K9Kohle789 comments on Nov 30, 2019:
They should be banned from seeking office, they should be limited entry to the US.
Krish55 replies on Dec 1, 2019:
@K9Kohle789 Wait! Are you saying that the 911 hijackers who crashed the planes are still alive? Or are you stereotyping all Muslims? Like how Hitler stereotyped all Jews? You just revealed your racism…
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
K9Kohle789 comments on Nov 30, 2019:
They should be banned from seeking office, they should be limited entry to the US.
Krish55 replies on Nov 30, 2019:
@K9Kohle789 You've read the news about the murders committed by white supremacists?
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Grecio comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Nobody in the USA that speaks against Christianity gets declared an apostate and has his/her head chopped of or gets stoned to death. Do you see the point. Islam is still in the dark ages.
Krish55 replies on Nov 30, 2019:
Those atrocities didn't occur before Western countries invaded those lands. Your selective use of facts prove you to be a racist. You're selective Cherry picking from history proves you to be a racist.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Grecio comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Nobody in the USA that speaks against Christianity gets declared an apostate and has his/her head chopped of or gets stoned to death. Do you see the point. Islam is still in the dark ages.
Krish55 replies on Nov 30, 2019:
That difference exists because Christian countries don't get invaded and their societies is destroyed by the US and by Europeans. In the post Yugoslavia wars, christians committed barbarities against each other and against muslims. Furthermore, Christians in the American army commit barbarities in Afghanistan and Iraq…
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
K9Kohle789 comments on Nov 30, 2019:
They should be banned from seeking office, they should be limited entry to the US.
Krish55 replies on Nov 30, 2019:
Only them? What about blonde white supremacists?
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Krish55 comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Not before it expels racists!
Krish55 replies on Nov 30, 2019:
@Grecio It was a general statement not a response to you.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Krish55 comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Shouldn't keeping White Supremacists out be added to the question?
Krish55 replies on Nov 30, 2019:
@Grecio I said white supremacists not Christians .
“There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book.
bobwjr comments on Nov 28, 2019:
It's the person reading it
Krish55 replies on Nov 28, 2019:
Words have no meaning in themselves?
“There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book.
Cutiebeauty comments on Nov 28, 2019:
That doesn't make any sense to me...
Krish55 replies on Nov 28, 2019:
It's a reflection of his middle class narcissism and privilege.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Krish55 comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Choice number 4: Should Agnostic keep prejudiced posts out of the site?
Krish55 replies on Nov 28, 2019:
@Grecio I didn't use the word racism here. I used the word prejudiced. There are other dangerous ideologies, like White Supremacy, which should similarly be kept out as well, but I don't see them mentioned in the question. In the US, White Supremacists have killed more Americans than radical Muslims have…
I’ve often wondered what would/should follow Capitalism.
St-Sinner comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Controlled capitalism is the answer. Not any version of socialism.
Krish55 replies on Nov 28, 2019:
The history of capitalism shows that the power of capital can only be controlled for short periods. Access to such gross economic power this has to be eliminated.
The Agenda welcomes Bhaskar Sunkara founding editor of Jacobin magazine, to discuss his new book, ...
ToolGuy comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Is McDonald’s selling liver to kids? I used to tell the socialist caucus of the NDP that they would be successful selling socialism to Canadians when McDonalds sold liver to kids!
Krish55 replies on Nov 27, 2019:
It's not about selling socialism as if it's religion. It's about promoting the radical politics that addresses people's needs…
Are Non Believers More Prone To Using Profanity?
fedup comments on Nov 24, 2019:
On this site when it comes to degradingTrump most definitely.
Krish55 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
Degrading Trump? Who can do that better than he to himself?
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Kayladad1 comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Seems to me that there isn’t much difference in the behaviors of all organized religions. Most are intent on foisting their beliefs on others, as if to absolve them of having to hold themselves accountable. To my view.
Krish55 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@JohnnyQB If you were to try reading what I actually said. I also condemn Islamic fanaticism. However , it is racist to do that while ignoring the Western abuses that promotes Islamic fanaticism in order to exploit people in Muslim countries. Your denial of Western imperialism is what proves you to be a racist.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Kayladad1 comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Seems to me that there isn’t much difference in the behaviors of all organized religions. Most are intent on foisting their beliefs on others, as if to absolve them of having to hold themselves accountable. To my view.
Krish55 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@JohnnyQB You haven't refuted anything I said with historical facts. Instead you're ignoring Western abuses in order to condemn those of another culture. You're proving yourself to be a racist by being culturally prejudiced by asserting some sort of Western moral superiority.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Kayladad1 comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Seems to me that there isn’t much difference in the behaviors of all organized religions. Most are intent on foisting their beliefs on others, as if to absolve them of having to hold themselves accountable. To my view.
Krish55 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@JohnnyQB The general point is this . Yes Islamic fanaticism is a problem. But it became a major problem because the West uses it in order to maintain imperialist control in Muslim countries. So if, like me, you don't like Islamic fanaticism, you have to oppose the Western imperialism that causes it to grow
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Kayladad1 comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Seems to me that there isn’t much difference in the behaviors of all organized religions. Most are intent on foisting their beliefs on others, as if to absolve them of having to hold themselves accountable. To my view.
Krish55 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@JohnnyQB Syria's igovernment under Assad is a secular government where women have rights. We are supporting the Islamic fanatics trying to overthrow it.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Kayladad1 comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Seems to me that there isn’t much difference in the behaviors of all organized religions. Most are intent on foisting their beliefs on others, as if to absolve them of having to hold themselves accountable. To my view.
Krish55 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@JohnnyQB Saudi Arabia is the way it is because we support those Islamic fanatics in order to have control of the oil.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Kayladad1 comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Seems to me that there isn’t much difference in the behaviors of all organized religions. Most are intent on foisting their beliefs on others, as if to absolve them of having to hold themselves accountable. To my view.
Krish55 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@JohnnyQB Iran wasn't that way until we over threw the secular socialist government in 1953 which led to an Islamic reaction that took effect in 1979.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Kayladad1 comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Seems to me that there isn’t much difference in the behaviors of all organized religions. Most are intent on foisting their beliefs on others, as if to absolve them of having to hold themselves accountable. To my view.
Krish55 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@JohnnyQB Iraq wasn't that way until we invaded and give power back to the religious.
Palestine as Litmus Test: If Democratic candidates like Harris, Booker, etc.
jdubbs1066 comments on Nov 23, 2019:
Anyone for Mayor Pete?
Krish55 replies on Nov 23, 2019:
No, he participated in and supports US imperialist wars. He also does not challenge capitalist injustice. He is known for speaking logically and rationally. But logic based on faulty assumptions and the ignoring of injustice will lead to faulty and unjust conclusions.
What are the major differences between Socialism and Anarchism?
genessa comments on Oct 31, 2019:
The major difference is that they don't resemble one another at all. Anarchism is against organization and government. Socialism is an economic (rather than governmental) system (anarchy, being against organization, allows for no system to all) that relies on pooling resources for the common ...
Krish55 replies on Nov 3, 2019:
@genessa Genessa, Sorry that i offended you. It's just that you were incorrect to claim that anarchists don't want to create anything. While that may be true of some today, its was not in the past. And it's not true for those like Chomsky who still see themselves as sort of libertarian socialists.
What are the major differences between Socialism and Anarchism?
genessa comments on Oct 31, 2019:
The major difference is that they don't resemble one another at all. Anarchism is against organization and government. Socialism is an economic (rather than governmental) system (anarchy, being against organization, allows for no system to all) that relies on pooling resources for the common ...
Krish55 replies on Oct 31, 2019:
@genessa Read about anarchist revolutionary activity in Spain during its Civil War. Both there and in other places, anarchist activity and goals contradict what you are saying.
What are the major differences between Socialism and Anarchism?
genessa comments on Oct 31, 2019:
The major difference is that they don't resemble one another at all. Anarchism is against organization and government. Socialism is an economic (rather than governmental) system (anarchy, being against organization, allows for no system to all) that relies on pooling resources for the common ...
Krish55 replies on Oct 31, 2019:
@genessa The explanations have to be based on history. The explanation posted by St. Sinner is the most historically accurate explanation of the similarities and differences. This is not a theoretical issue.
What are the major differences between Socialism and Anarchism?
St-Sinner comments on Oct 31, 2019:
Google the terms seperately
Krish55 replies on Oct 31, 2019:
@St-Sinner This is a very good explanation. Thanks for posting!.
I hate to say it, but in the last few months this whole site has become inundated with a lot of very...
Krish55 comments on Oct 17, 2019:
Why don't you take your intolerance and join a fundamentalist group - of any religion...
Krish55 replies on Oct 17, 2019:
@GreenAtheist Well, you always have excommunication at your disposal if I fail your religious-type test...
I hate to say it, but in the last few months this whole site has become inundated with a lot of very...
Krish55 comments on Oct 17, 2019:
Your attitude is what gives atheists a bad name.
Krish55 replies on Oct 17, 2019:
@GreenAtheist Uh, I'm an atheist too but embarrassed when atheists act like religious nuts.
I hate to say it, but in the last few months this whole site has become inundated with a lot of very...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 16, 2019:
Krish55 replies on Oct 17, 2019:
@LenHazell53 Words do change meanings. Look at the OED.
Surviving Indonesia as an atheist when the country is built on rigid religious traditions and ...
Krish55 comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Indonesia has a dominant religious fanaticism because the US supported Islamic fanatics and the military against a secular democratic government in 1965. This coup was a genocidal one that killed almost a million. Yet another case where Islamic fanatics were used to further the interests ...
Krish55 replies on Oct 10, 2019:
@TelefunkenU37 Also, the problems of uneven capitalist development lead to religious fundamentalism. When pro-capitalist dictators like the Shah and Suharto suppress socialist reformers, the exploited classes only have religion (Islam) through which they can voice their grievances. As exploitation gets worse, more people become fanatics.
Surviving Indonesia as an atheist when the country is built on rigid religious traditions and ...
Krish55 comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Indonesia has a dominant religious fanaticism because the US supported Islamic fanatics and the military against a secular democratic government in 1965. This coup was a genocidal one that killed almost a million. Yet another case where Islamic fanatics were used to further the interests ...
Krish55 replies on Oct 10, 2019:
@TelefunkenU37 What you are saying is correct but it is not the full picture. Suharto was supported by Muslim clerics, Muslim soldiers, and Muslim gangs which attacked suspected Communists and Chinese in 1965 for being godless. You are correct in that these were simply ordinary fundamentalists. But as in the Iran coup of 1953, letting the fundamentalists help murder a secular democracy paved the way for the the crazies later on. As a capitalist, Suharto used Islam to his advantage until it bit him. That's what happened to the US also.
Bernie's Importance: []
St-Sinner comments on Oct 1, 2019:
When did a tectonic shift happen in American politics in the last 50 years? We don't have FDRs any more. Bernie will not be elected. We have to stop him from doing any more damage to the Democratic Party. He should run as an independent.
Krish55 replies on Oct 2, 2019:
@St-Sinner You are welcome to join a Democratic group and comment there. This is a group for socialists.
Bernie's Importance: []
St-Sinner comments on Oct 1, 2019:
When did a tectonic shift happen in American politics in the last 50 years? We don't have FDRs any more. Bernie will not be elected. We have to stop him from doing any more damage to the Democratic Party. He should run as an independent.
Krish55 replies on Oct 1, 2019:
Protecting the corporate Democratic party is not the point...
Every time I get drunk I listen to The Internationale
Killtheskyfairy comments on Sep 6, 2019:
So you’re saying you have to be drunk to listen to it?
Krish55 replies on Sep 7, 2019:
No, but he probably sings it better that way!
Top scientist denounces smears of Tulsi Gabbard on Syria Rep.
William_Mary comments on Aug 17, 2019:
Lets not forget none of these people had a problem with Assad when the CIA was running black sites ops torturing Muslims within Syria in the early years of the war in Iraq. Not until Assad realized his country was on the agenda did he become a brutal dictator. And I personally have an issue with ...
Krish55 replies on Aug 19, 2019:
Excellent commentary!
"Capitalist economies have been an enormous boon to human welfare.
dan325 comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Garland provides a clear and insightful critique of capitalism in the above excerpt. Neither pure capitalism nor pure socialism can sustain itself; pure capitalism can't because of the reasons outlined above, and pure socialism can't because it stifles creativity and innovation. Semi-socialist ...
Krish55 replies on Aug 16, 2019:
@dan325 The Soviet Union had different stages in its history. After the Revolution and prior to Stalin, there was a tremendous burst of spontaneous creativity, which is acknowledged by Western art historians. Here is only one example.
"Capitalist economies have been an enormous boon to human welfare.
dan325 comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Garland provides a clear and insightful critique of capitalism in the above excerpt. Neither pure capitalism nor pure socialism can sustain itself; pure capitalism can't because of the reasons outlined above, and pure socialism can't because it stifles creativity and innovation. Semi-socialist ...
Krish55 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
@dan325 Do you really believe that if Shostakovitch had been born as a Russian serf prior to the Revolution, he would have had the opportunity to produce the music he did?
"Capitalist economies have been an enormous boon to human welfare.
Krish55 comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Boon for Europe and other white folks who benefited at the cost of people of color. Capitalism is a global system that necessitated the subjection and exploitation of the countries of the global south.
Krish55 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
@brentan Precisely! The point is that you are not disagreeing as you claim but merely choosing to ignore facts.
"Capitalist economies have been an enormous boon to human welfare.
dan325 comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Garland provides a clear and insightful critique of capitalism in the above excerpt. Neither pure capitalism nor pure socialism can sustain itself; pure capitalism can't because of the reasons outlined above, and pure socialism can't because it stifles creativity and innovation. Semi-socialist ...
Krish55 replies on Aug 15, 2019:
@dan325 It's both nature and nurture. You are totally ignoring the latter because of the individualistic ideology inculcated by this capitalist society. Socialist and communist countries support the arts more than we do. The egalitarianism creates opportunities for advancement in the higher arts even among the poor. In South Florida where I live, there are many talented Cuban classical musicians as opposed to other Latin countries with refugee populations. Same is true for Russia. Talent can't blossom without support.
"Capitalist economies have been an enormous boon to human welfare.
Krish55 comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Boon for Europe and other white folks who benefited at the cost of people of color. Capitalism is a global system that necessitated the subjection and exploitation of the countries of the global south.
Krish55 replies on Aug 14, 2019:
@brentan With which of the following facts do you disagree?
"Capitalist economies have been an enormous boon to human welfare.
dan325 comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Garland provides a clear and insightful critique of capitalism in the above excerpt. Neither pure capitalism nor pure socialism can sustain itself; pure capitalism can't because of the reasons outlined above, and pure socialism can't because it stifles creativity and innovation. Semi-socialist ...
Krish55 replies on Aug 14, 2019:
You are making a false dichotomy. This "choosing between systems" is a product of a Western capitalist misrepresentation of history. Socialism emerges as a defense against the ravages and warmongering of capitalism. It really is not a question of academic choice. The nice social democracy of Scan. was able to emerge because inter-Europe trade allowed them to benefit from European imperialism. It is not socialism itself that is stifling but the totalitarian aspect which developed because of the devastation those less favored countries like China experienced. Again, this in not a matter of choice but of cause and effect. Of course the USSR had stifling aspects but if it produced Shost. and sent a man into space, it also obviously had creative aspects.
"Capitalist economies have been an enormous boon to human welfare.
Krish55 comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Boon for Europe and other white folks who benefited at the cost of people of color. Capitalism is a global system that necessitated the subjection and exploitation of the countries of the global south.
Krish55 replies on Aug 14, 2019:
@brentan That's not being fair. That's just being escapist and ignoring facts. The worst dictators have been put in by the West to support the exploitation of their countries.
"Capitalist economies have been an enormous boon to human welfare.
Krish55 comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Boon for Europe and other white folks who benefited at the cost of people of color. Capitalism is a global system that necessitated the subjection and exploitation of the countries of the global south.
Krish55 replies on Aug 13, 2019:
@brentan When the US and European countries impose brutal dictators who let the West exploit their countries, it is hard for the people of the country to benefit.
"Capitalist economies have been an enormous boon to human welfare.
Krish55 comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Boon for Europe and other white folks who benefited at the cost of people of color. Capitalism is a global system that necessitated the subjection and exploitation of the countries of the global south.
Krish55 replies on Aug 13, 2019:
@Matias You neglected to mention that European capitalism was what devastated China in the first place. The English, for example, forced the Chinese government to allow the importation of opium which wasted the people. The communist movement arose to throw off such capitalist control and exploitation. It unified the country, setting the state for the development that is taking place now. The Maoist excesses were caused by the understandable paranoia after US forces threatened China through Korea in the Korean war and during the US genocidal war in Vietnam that killed 2 million. I can understand why some privileged white folks like you celebrate the system that continues to kill and impoverish people of color in the Global South.
The War Was Won Before Hiroshima—And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It | The Nation
Garbonza comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Admittedly, I skimmed over the opening parts of this article until I saw the familiar tenor -- which seems to be built on the American guilty conscience for just about everything. At no point did I see any reference to decades of expansionist fascist government in Japan, which at least by the early ...
Krish55 replies on Aug 11, 2019:
In your citing of history, you neglected the starting point of US-Japan conflict. Admiral Perry terrorizing Edo harbor (now Tokyo) by threatening to bombard it with modern US gunships in 1853. This terror threat by the US led to Japan becoming similarly militaristic and imperialist as a defense to avoid what had previous befell China and India.
How do my fellow progressives feel about this?
Krish55 comments on Jul 16, 2019:
A Corporate Democrat may be better for Americans, but will still pursue American imperialism abroad. At least Trump shows the real face of American imperialism to the world. In doing so, he engenders opposition to imperialism both at home and abroad. If neither Bernie nor Warren is nominated, we...
Krish55 replies on Jul 17, 2019:
@MojoDave OK, shall we vote for the leader of the Nazi party then?
St-Sinner comments on Jul 15, 2019:
Jeff Bezos has achieved all using the existing laws on the books. He has succeeded in a capitalist economy where we do not hate but adore the successful and the rich. We have fed the top 1% richest in America where we value and celebrate the rich and not teachers and others. What Jeff Bezos did ...
Krish55 replies on Jul 15, 2019:
@St-Sinner You are distorting the issue. Hating the injustice of wealth disparity is not hating the individual rich themselves.
Palestine as Litmus Test: If Democratic candidates like Harris, Booker, etc.
SiouxcitySue comments on Jul 10, 2019:
As "Democracy" is practiced in this country, a vote for a third party which can boast about 1/1000 of registered voters as members, is a wasted effort. Capitalism is an economic system, not a governmental system. Israel is its own entity, not a protectorate of the United States. Money is the thing ...
Krish55 replies on Jul 11, 2019:
What about Bernie doesn't make sense when it is dissected? Also, we don't leave the Israel-Palestine entity alone. We spend billions of dollars supporting the oppression of Palestinians. It's actually your points that don't make sense when they are dissected...
Hiding Ethnic Cleansing: []
bobwjr comments on Jul 4, 2019:
More religious Bullshit
Krish55 replies on Jul 4, 2019:
@bobwjr The article was about "then."
Hiding Ethnic Cleansing: []
bobwjr comments on Jul 4, 2019:
More religious Bullshit
Krish55 replies on Jul 4, 2019:
Actually it's not. The Zionists then weren't religious. But they were ethnic supremacists.
Palestine as Litmus Test: If Democratic candidates like Harris, Booker, etc.
Kiote comments on Jun 18, 2019:
I voted Bernie in 2016 primary but he disgusts me now. He is the main reason we have Trump now.
Krish55 replies on Jun 19, 2019:
Really? How so?
Palestine as Litmus Test: If Democratic candidates like Harris, Booker, etc.
Xeno comments on Jun 15, 2019:
So I have trouble understanding why you would refer to Bernie as incorruptible. That is a very strong word. He seems like a well meaning man, and a true believer in social and economic justice, but he is still a politician who has and will continue to make compromises to be effective and ...
Krish55 replies on Jun 16, 2019:
He may modify his position for voters but he won't do that for campaign contributions.
"We must resist the impoverishment of public discourse on matters of religion which has come about ...
mordant comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Who is TB?
Krish55 replies on Jun 10, 2019:
Wait. TBA...
Dawn of Agriculture: Worst Mistake EVER?
Metahuman comments on May 27, 2019:
Read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn . One of the most enlightening books I've ever read .
Krish55 replies on May 27, 2019:
Ishmael is fiction.
Dawn of Agriculture: Worst Mistake EVER?
Krish55 comments on Jan 17, 2019:
True, but it was inevitable given population increase.
Krish55 replies on May 27, 2019:
@Metahuman It took while before small-scale, settled ag. became the larger, oppressive civs. But settling was necessary because the world was now filled and with the gradual pop. increase, there was no new places to roam.
Why Memorial Day? [] Also here: []
Looking4-Others comments on May 27, 2019:
I couldn't see it
Krish55 replies on May 27, 2019:
OK, try new link..
Dawn of Agriculture: Worst Mistake EVER?
Krish55 comments on Jan 17, 2019:
True, but it was inevitable given population increase.
Krish55 replies on May 27, 2019:
@Metahuman Your Point? Are you asserting there was no increase in human population during the migration that settled the planet after evolution in Africa?
Dawn of Agriculture: Worst Mistake EVER?
Krish55 comments on Jan 17, 2019:
True, but it was inevitable given population increase.
Krish55 replies on May 27, 2019:
@Metahuman Ag. fueled a significant increase. I'm talking about the accumulation of slow increase in hunter societies. Your correct facts do not contradict what I'm saying.
Why do people keep complaining even if things improve?
Neenz comments on May 20, 2019:
I am one who can't be happy with my blessings sort of speak when i see children in other parts of the world suffer my very blessings or innocent beings lose their rights to exist because I'm partaking in small or big portion in the problem which we all agree that whatever wer are doing is not enough...
Krish55 replies on May 20, 2019:
Sen. Cruz honors Santa Fe High School shooting victims in Congress
Captain_Feelgood comments on May 15, 2019:
Somebody needs a drink and a hug.... and their meds.. 😁
Krish55 replies on May 15, 2019:
Well, see your dog's vet. May he can get you a prescription…
I LOOOOOVE me some Alexandria Cortez. ;0)
ToolGuy comments on May 14, 2019:
She is truly inspirational. Have you seen the documentary?
Krish55 replies on May 15, 2019:
I'm a middle school Science teacher.
Krish55 comments on May 5, 2019:
You're being an intellectual snob. (And I'm a teacher too who loves intellectual issues.) Atheism is a natural state for kids. Religious indoctrination is what changes that. I brought up my kids with neither religion nor atheism. They're basically atheist now. Atheism doesn't need any of your ...
Krish55 replies on May 5, 2019:
@Tomofhb No evidence and reasoning needed. Can you take off your teacher hat and relax? It's up to those who propose God to provide evidence and reasoning. In the absence of this, atheism is the default, natural position.
Religious fundamentalists and many of today’s atheists share the same approach to texts.
Krish55 comments on May 4, 2019:
Your comment ignores that the vast majority of the religious believe the texts to be literally true and interpret them thusly.
Krish55 replies on May 4, 2019:
@Matias Your personal attack does not contradict anything I said.
Religious fundamentalists and many of today’s atheists share the same approach to texts.
Krish55 comments on May 4, 2019:
Your comment ignores that the vast majority of the religious believe the texts to be literally true and interpret them thusly.
Krish55 replies on May 4, 2019:
@Matias I said the vast majority of the religious. The erudite few are merely trying to have their cake and eat it too. They want to be considered both religious and enlightened.
Israel to UN: Bible is Proof of Land Ownership
Matias comments on May 3, 2019:
Israel? There is more to Israel than Bibi and his buddies and the Jewish zealots. There is more to the USA than Trump and his supporters. Remember that the next time you make general statements about a country.
Krish55 replies on May 4, 2019:
Israel is also Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, correctly predicting that "The antisemites will come to be our most loyal friends..."
Israel to UN: Bible is Proof of Land Ownership
Matias comments on May 3, 2019:
Israel? There is more to Israel than Bibi and his buddies and the Jewish zealots. There is more to the USA than Trump and his supporters. Remember that the next time you make general statements about a country.
Krish55 replies on May 4, 2019:
Israel is also Europeans transferring their guilt over anti-Semitism and the Holocaust onto another people to salve their consciences.
Israel to UN: Bible is Proof of Land Ownership
Matias comments on May 3, 2019:
Israel? There is more to Israel than Bibi and his buddies and the Jewish zealots. There is more to the USA than Trump and his supporters. Remember that the next time you make general statements about a country.
Krish55 replies on May 4, 2019:
Correct! Israel is also labor Zionists enbued with racist European superiority colonizing the land after 1880 and displacing Arab workers with the slogan, "Jewish labor for Jewish land." It's also Jewish terrorists in the 1940s bombing the King David Hotel and massacring Deir Yassin village, prompting Palestinian refugees to leave. It's also Jewish terrorists murdering UN Ambassodor Folke Bernadotte in 1948 when he tried to stop Israel from taking land allotted to the Palestinians. It's also the Israeli Army shooting Palestinian villagers when they tried to return after 1949. It's also the coordinated attack with imperial Britain and France in 1956 to take the Sinai and the Suez. It's also the Blitzkrieg aggression of 1967. It also the election of certified war criminals Begin and Shamir. And of another president,Sharon, responsible for the war crime of Sabra and Shatilla. And the 5-time election of Netanyahu. Etc. Etc. No wonder European and American fascists love Israel while still hating Jews...So you're correct. There is a lot more to Israeli fanaticism, conquest, and Apartheid that the current Netanyahu expression of those inherent and longstanding Israeli characteristics.
Trump will defeat biden, it will take more than just an anti trump message to win
Krish55 comments on Apr 29, 2019:
He is also a whore for Israel
Krish55 replies on Apr 30, 2019:
@of-the-mountain Which of my comments support that accusation?
Yes, we removed the general forum.
Krish55 comments on Apr 24, 2019:
Seriously, what was the "general" forum? Where was it?
Krish55 replies on Apr 24, 2019:
If it was abused, we could have applied "corporal" punishment. That would have been a "major" deterrent..
Let's Have Some Fun. Post a song relevant to Climate Change. I'll Start...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Apr 21, 2019:
The last resort by the Eagles I bought the album Hotel California as a teen and the first time I heard the song, it gave me shivers. Still does.
Krish55 replies on Apr 22, 2019:
@Lucy_Fehr Sorry, just wanted to hear the song. Since you liked it, I thought you'd like to share..
Palestine as Litmus Test: If Democratic candidates like Harris, Booker, etc.
Garbonza comments on Apr 19, 2019:
Not a very reliable litmus test, I believe. Obama for one uttered a lot of bumpf in favour of Islam, like that old chestnut, "Islam is a religion of peace." (Read your Quran.) Apart from that, I can hardly believe that "Palestine" is an issue at all in the United States when even their Muslim ...
Krish55 replies on Apr 21, 2019:
@Garbonza Because it would illustratrate which candidate is honest in facing the truth and willing to challenge powerful and well funded political action committees
Let's Have Some Fun. Post a song relevant to Climate Change. I'll Start...
Lucy_Fehr comments on Apr 21, 2019:
The last resort by the Eagles I bought the album Hotel California as a teen and the first time I heard the song, it gave me shivers. Still does.
Krish55 replies on Apr 21, 2019:
Please post it from YouTube
Liz Warren; 1st Presidential candidate to call for the Impeachment of DJT. Worth the effort?
Krish55 comments on Apr 20, 2019:
She sells out to AIPAC and Israel!
Krish55 replies on Apr 20, 2019:
@Robecology I told you that I posted it as a main post above. Take a look, please.
Liz Warren; 1st Presidential candidate to call for the Impeachment of DJT. Worth the effort?
Krish55 comments on Apr 20, 2019:
She sells out to AIPAC and Israel!
Krish55 replies on Apr 20, 2019:
@Robecology "Jewish Telegraphic Agency" "Five Jewish Facts to Know?" You consider that unbiased?
Liz Warren; 1st Presidential candidate to call for the Impeachment of DJT. Worth the effort?
Krish55 comments on Apr 20, 2019:
She sells out to AIPAC and Israel!
Krish55 replies on Apr 20, 2019:
@Robecology You made the initial claim of violent protests. Provide your eye-witness to document that the majority were protesting in that manner. Apply your principles of supportive documentation to yourself...
Liz Warren; 1st Presidential candidate to call for the Impeachment of DJT. Worth the effort?
Krish55 comments on Apr 20, 2019:
She sells out to AIPAC and Israel!
Krish55 replies on Apr 20, 2019:
@Robecology See original post above. Your own wording distorts the reality. Only a few of the Gaza protestors threw rocks. These were at the Apartheid Fence separating them from the places from which they were evicted in what is now Israel. Most of the Palestinian dead were peaceful protesters including medics tending to those already shot. The protests were about the right to return, which international law guarantees. Israel is defending its conquests and its Apartheid policy of expulsion and segregation.
Liz Warren; 1st Presidential candidate to call for the Impeachment of DJT. Worth the effort?
Krish55 comments on Apr 20, 2019:
She sells out to AIPAC and Israel!
Krish55 replies on Apr 20, 2019:
@Robecology From Michael Arria: Warren’s position on Israel may be the most craven of all, as she leaves little doubt which side she would have taken in the recent brouhaha, that erupted at the DNC, when a reference to Jerusalem was rammed into the party’s platform. Her website rolls out the usual platitudes (“steadfast, trusted, and reliable allies”) and identifies Palestine’s membership effort at the UN as a “unilateral step” that cannot be condoned. As for the United States assisting in a two-state solution, America “cannot dictate the terms” to Israel, regarding whether or not they should refrain from bulldozing houses or cutting off a population’s access to water.In an article, at Al Akhbar, Max Blumenthal took her to task on the question of Israel, before ending with an entirely sensible point, “ It is far better for progressives to grill her on her foreign policy positions before the campaign is over than after the next war begins.”
Cut Aid to Israel?
zesty comments on Apr 19, 2019:
Of course not! Fuck all Palestinians.
Krish55 replies on Apr 20, 2019:
@zesty You're assuming I'm on employed. What makes you assume that? You've looked at my profile several times. So you know very well what my occupation is - History and English teacher…
Palestine as Litmus Test: If Democratic candidates like Harris, Booker, etc.
Garbonza comments on Apr 19, 2019:
Not a very reliable litmus test, I believe. Obama for one uttered a lot of bumpf in favour of Islam, like that old chestnut, "Islam is a religion of peace." (Read your Quran.) Apart from that, I can hardly believe that "Palestine" is an issue at all in the United States when even their Muslim ...
Krish55 replies on Apr 19, 2019:
@Garbonza Israel is not a democracy. The expelled Palestinians can't vote. The controlled Palestinians in the West bank can't vote either. And do you think the Palestinians in Israel like being 2nd class citizens? This is why many, including Jimmy Carter, call it Apartheid.
Cut Aid to Israel?
zesty comments on Apr 19, 2019:
Of course not! Fuck all Palestinians.
Krish55 replies on Apr 19, 2019:
Very humanist comment… Very revealing about you… You intend to throw crap on the Palestinians with that comment but instead you end up throwing it on yourself!
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu: Leave No Palestinian or Arab Alive | Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Apr 19, 2019:
For a people who have experienced genocide, it is sad to see them resort to similar actions.
Krish55 replies on Apr 19, 2019:
@genessa There is absolutely no Historical evidence that the israelites were ever in Egypt. Moreover the Egyptians did not use slaves to build the pyramids. These myths are Israelite mythology used to justify the conquest of Canaan.
Palestine as Litmus Test: If Democratic candidates like Harris, Booker, etc.
Garbonza comments on Apr 19, 2019:
Not a very reliable litmus test, I believe. Obama for one uttered a lot of bumpf in favour of Islam, like that old chestnut, "Islam is a religion of peace." (Read your Quran.) Apart from that, I can hardly believe that "Palestine" is an issue at all in the United States when even their Muslim ...
Krish55 replies on Apr 19, 2019:
Issue has nothing to do with Islam. The litmus test is the ability of a candidate to honestly face the truth.
Socialism: A Primer - Socialism is an umbrella term for everything from anarchism to ...
metalhead222 comments on Apr 16, 2019:
no system is perfect we can all agree that 1% should not control 90% , thats basic math
Krish55 replies on Apr 16, 2019:
The central point! You just cut to the Chase!
Socialism: A Primer - Socialism is an umbrella term for everything from anarchism to ...
zesty comments on Apr 11, 2019:
It is called communism. History perfectly showed where the implementation leads: terror of the proletariat, communist concentration camps, poverty and absence of technological and social development. Social engineering, the creation of a new, socialist person, simple doesn't work. This is an ...
Krish55 replies on Apr 13, 2019:
@zesty If the Soviet missions were excrement, then the US space missions were inspired by shit! After all, it was the successful Soviet human orbit that caused the US to compete
Socialism: A Primer - Socialism is an umbrella term for everything from anarchism to ...
zesty comments on Apr 11, 2019:
It is called communism. History perfectly showed where the implementation leads: terror of the proletariat, communist concentration camps, poverty and absence of technological and social development. Social engineering, the creation of a new, socialist person, simple doesn't work. This is an ...
Krish55 replies on Apr 13, 2019:
@zesty The US got it from that Nazi Germany.
Socialism: A Primer - Socialism is an umbrella term for everything from anarchism to ...
zesty comments on Apr 11, 2019:
It is called communism. History perfectly showed where the implementation leads: terror of the proletariat, communist concentration camps, poverty and absence of technological and social development. Social engineering, the creation of a new, socialist person, simple doesn't work. This is an ...
Krish55 replies on Apr 13, 2019:
@zesty Furthemore, your acknowledgement that Yuri Gagarin was the 1st person in space contradicts your earlier claim that there was no technological development in Communist countries.
Socialism: A Primer - Socialism is an umbrella term for everything from anarchism to ...
zesty comments on Apr 11, 2019:
It is called communism. History perfectly showed where the implementation leads: terror of the proletariat, communist concentration camps, poverty and absence of technological and social development. Social engineering, the creation of a new, socialist person, simple doesn't work. This is an ...
Krish55 replies on Apr 13, 2019:
@zesty And if you make the similarly ridiculous claim that the cosmonauts were sacrificed, then the same is true of those who died in US space missions!
Socialism: A Primer - Socialism is an umbrella term for everything from anarchism to ...
zesty comments on Apr 11, 2019:
It is called communism. History perfectly showed where the implementation leads: terror of the proletariat, communist concentration camps, poverty and absence of technological and social development. Social engineering, the creation of a new, socialist person, simple doesn't work. This is an ...
Krish55 replies on Apr 13, 2019:
@zesty Those numbers are ridiculous! 2 million in Cuba? How so?
Socialism: A Primer - Socialism is an umbrella term for everything from anarchism to ...
zesty comments on Apr 11, 2019:
It is called communism. History perfectly showed where the implementation leads: terror of the proletariat, communist concentration camps, poverty and absence of technological and social development. Social engineering, the creation of a new, socialist person, simple doesn't work. This is an ...
Krish55 replies on Apr 13, 2019:
@zesty Do you know the names of 15 Africans and African American slaves who died in order to create the wealth in the society that we all enjoy? Do you know the names of 15 native Americans at subject to genocide? Do you know the names of 15 Mexicans who died in the US wars of conquest? Do you know the names of 15 Filipinos who died in US genocide around 1900? Do you know the names of 15 Vietnamese who similarly died? Do you know the names of 15 Iraqis who died out of the over one million who died since our invasion in 2003? Etc., Etc.,.. Capitalism has created far more deaths and suffering than all the various types of socialism ever have!
Socialism: A Primer - Socialism is an umbrella term for everything from anarchism to ...
zesty comments on Apr 11, 2019:
It is called communism. History perfectly showed where the implementation leads: terror of the proletariat, communist concentration camps, poverty and absence of technological and social development. Social engineering, the creation of a new, socialist person, simple doesn't work. This is an ...
Krish55 replies on Apr 11, 2019:
Look at the history in more depth. You're commenting on one type that developed in a specific situation. Some of your comments are inaccurate. You do know that the USSR was the first to send a man in space...?
National Socialism is socialist in the same way that a hot dog is canine or a catfish is feline.
Tooreen comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Labels all the labels, focus on policy and call it American values
Krish55 replies on Apr 11, 2019:
Depends on what you mean. Slavery was once a great American value. Now it's imperialism.
Socialism: A Primer - Socialism is an umbrella term for everything from anarchism to ...
ArthurK comments on Apr 10, 2019:
So if Socialism is not "Mother Government" but rather communities supporting what is best for the community how come it is destructive to to democratic institutions? If the majority of the people who combine to make a community elect to have a body of their members administer services that meet the ...
Krish55 replies on Apr 11, 2019:
@OwlInASack Great responses! Thanks!
How do I create Pinned Posts for my group? Thanks in advance...
Boomtarat03 comments on Apr 9, 2019:
@Krish55 what I did was I post it first then I edit it using the 3 lines beside the star on the left can see it there (pin to top)?
Krish55 replies on Apr 10, 2019:
Thanks, I see it!
Put the blame where it belongs:
jerry99 comments on Apr 6, 2019:
As an old curmudgeon, it looks to me that young people are being led to believe that they’re all going to become pop stars or YouTube/Instagram stars and achieve wealth and fame by being assholes on viral videos! Good luck when they figure out they still have to earn a living while they’re ...
Krish55 replies on Apr 6, 2019:
The issue is not old versus young. The young could also make their complaints about old geezers… The division is between exploiters verses the exploited. In a situation where getting a college education puts one deeply into debt, it's understandable that a few young people look for an easier way out. But that's only a few. And don't confuse the symptom of a problem with the deeper problem itself.
Ilhan Omar Owes No Apologies, Apologies Are Owed Her
Mooolah comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Israel a DEMOCRACY surrounded by dictators, kings, despots, anarchy. Israel betows religious freedom to Moslims. Jordan denied it to Judaics when Jerusalem was under Jordan's rule. Israel outlaws female genital mutilation. Rampant in Somalia. Israeli Arabs vote. They CAN'T or it is corrupt in ...
Krish55 replies on Feb 27, 2019:
Israel is an ethnic state, like the Confederacy and South Africa. Most Palestinians were expelled in 1948. They cannot return and vote. The resulting ethnic Jewish supremacy, enshrined in law, cannot be a democracy. You are therefore pro Jewish supremacy. And your cited "history" is a lie. Palestine was a British colony, with a 3% Jewish population prior to Zionist colonization.
Ilhan Omar Owes No Apologies, Apologies Are Owed Her
Imatheistically comments on Feb 25, 2019:
There is nothing more pathetic then a MUSLIM WOMAN mouthing off about a country with a religious belief that is almost as pathetic as hers!
Krish55 replies on Feb 26, 2019:
@Imatheistically You keep ranting about her religion. I am anti-religion also. But when did you hear her preaching the glories of Islam or trying to convert anyone? You ignore that within any religion, there is a range of beliefs and practices. You are being as blindly condemnatory and fanatic as any religious fanatic.


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