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Do you even read the previous responses before you spout your opinion on the topic?

KateZilla 7 July 1

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I really don't like too, because it looses the spontaneous moment. Sometimes I do because I am not sure of the question and if I am responding accordingly. I usually will after I post. I like to post and not give a one sentence comment.


Typically, but I do object to the verb “spout.”

I know the definition.

yeah kinda like we should shut our traps@Gatovicolo. Other people have asked if people search a topic prior to posting. HUH?

@btroje I got that, but I was being polite.

@Gatovicolo you are a better man than I will ever be

@btroje why thank you


Usually, but not always, see no point in being redundant.


Does it matter?

Me thinks not!


Sometimes l do and sometimes l don't!


Nope. Why should I care about anyone else's opinion? Mine is my own.


Ask anyone, I totally spout first.
Besides, what difference does it make? I still read the other responses.
My opinion generally doesn't change regardless of what I do first.
The comment box is before the other responses anyway.


I read other opinions but my reaction is usually to the original post. Sometimes I respond to others opinions if I find them interesting or relatable. Why the derogatory way of putting it? In a discussion forum aren't people supposed to react to topics with their opinions? I thought that was the point of it ☺

MsAl Level 8 July 1, 2018

I always read some but not all especially when the answers are long and there are many comments. Sort of pick and choose.


Nope. My opinion is the correct one & the only one that matters.
Thank you for your support. =0}


I didn't on this one. 😀
Sometimes I can have a knee jerk reaction and I'll just go right ahead and comment but mostly I check others first.


For me, it depends on how long the thread is when I stumbled upon it. If it's short, I'll just write. If it's long, my experience here is that someone else will have stated what I wanted to say and done so more eloquently than I ever could. In that case, I'll second the motion and say "^^^ This ^^^" and be done with it 🙂


Depends on the topic


I didn't this time!


Sometimes i do. And sometimes i don't.

Either way, nothing is irrevocable except death, so if i read something which makes sense, which i hadn't thought of, and which motivates me to amend my perspective, nothing stops me from sharing the change and agreeing with whomever was my inspiration.


Mostly not. I almost always "spout my opinion", then read other's comments. If you do not participate is some way, you do not advance your points.

So, you're also a mercenary.

@bigpawbullets I am that I am. I always like that phrase and say that if it is good enough for Yahweh, it is good enough for me.

lol@jlynn37 you never struck me as a point whore

@jlynn37 didnt popeye say I am that I am too?

@btroje Popeye said "I yam that I yam".

@btroje Uuuuhh, When can I start?

@jlynn37 I wonder if that was covert antitheist commentary


Some, but for instance this has 47 comments right now, so no.


Almost always.


Nope, guilty but not guilty. I don't need everyone's input to establish my own thoughts. That's why. Is there a risk to have duplicates? it a big deal? I don't think so.... that's how my logic works


It seems a button has been pushed.


Often I only read them after I've made my opinion.


Not often. I am responding authentically. I realize there are times it might have been helpful to have read the existing posts first. Oh well. I do instruction manuals either. Lol


Read what now?


Sometimes I do, but sometimes the post grabs my attention so much that I respond to it directly.


I often scan through part of the comments if there are a lot of them, but I only care about what I want to say.

Plus, I know that few people, if any, are likely to read my own comments, so it doesn't matter what I say.

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