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I am curious if anyone ever wonders how can this really smart person believe in God? I consider myself a really open minded person but I just can’t understand it. I’m just curious as to other people’s opinion so please share your thoughts. Thanks !

pamelayoung481 5 July 14

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53 comments (26 - 50)

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I suspect it almost always starts in childhood and just becomes what they call "faith"... that thing you just cannot reason with. The person cannot think any differently. For those with whom it starts in their adult years, I seems it's usually triggered by some calamity where the new-found faith is a crutch and an insurance policy... just in case. People can be "really smart" about many things, but still make a huge exception for their "faith" simply because it's safer than taking a chance and being wrong. And there's something soothing about the notion of "forgiveness" and a better next world. And it's just more socially acceptable to be some sort of a believer. How many atheist politicians do we know of?


A couple off the top of my head:

  1. Childhood indoctrination
  2. Social/Cultural - wanting to belong to the Mormon clan, the Jewish clan, etc.

New research (ICE) that indicates brain structure changes as a result of home/community environment. To the point of DNA changes.

“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”
― Aristotle, The Philosophy of Aristotle

JacarC Level 8 July 17, 2018

I've always said; "a person cannot believe in science and god".

They can if they believe that god was a scientist. 🙂

@IAJO163 Not on his best day !! They are lots of other gods and more people believe in other religions than christ !! Still a POS FAIRY TALE !! NOT REAL never has been ! SCIENCE is the only one true answer to EVERYTHING !1 PRAY ALL YOU WANT IT WON"T CURE CANCER but SCIENCE WILL !!

@Ricky64 Are you trying to sway me to a hard side? lol. The world isn't black and white and as long as the only factual thing that exists is belief, we can continue to be open minded about things. 😉


I always wonder how Doctors and other scientists can believe in God.

craige Level 4 July 15, 2018

I wonder that same damned thing...

Brain damage !!!


I wonder the same thing. Just my own opinion, but I think believers are a tad feeble minded. But at the same time, I do know that a small percentage of the usa's leading scientists are believers so there is that. The majority, though, are agnostic or atheist. I tend to agree with Richard Dawkins that "the more you know, the less you believe".


It's a notion that has confounded me for the longest time.. I don't claim to be super intelligent..but am curious as to the how & why highly intelligent people don't dismiss the existence of god out of hand...

Of course I realise and speculate that most do..but it is difficult to account for the rest..perhaps they hide in the long avoid ridicule or career barriers etc. ?


and it's human nature to want a comforting explanation for life, that everything is under control and all will be OK..


Intelligence is vas concept, I am intelligent in my field of art as a wealthy man is intelligent in business.

If we were measuring in IQs. Atheist and other groups have a higher IQ than Christains. If we're measuring in emotions, christains would have a Monopoly. An EIQ would be moving closer to an balance intelligence.

Since 90℅ of biological scientist are non believers and I am a bio -organism first, not based on myth. It is better to take a realistic path. Rather than a blind faith, lost in space.


I just ruminated this hypothetical example: Intelligent people who live within in-tact moderate religious social constructs can maintain them if they have no reason to examine those religious constructs. Their intellect can be applied to lots of practical, secular activities without ever wandering into the philosophical,spiritual domain. If their social support system disintegrates due to tragedy, betrayal, apathy, etc, then they will have the opportunity to examine what the function of those constructs were and become agnostic about philosophical/spiritual things.

If the religious social constructs they subscribe to are extreme then they can’t be intelligent.


Actually there have been many professional studies on the issue, and the results have been consistent...

The more intelligent a person is, the less likely they are to be a theist...


A similar relationship has been show regarding educational levels, and financial/material status.

camne Level 7 July 15, 2018

If someone is afraid it doesn't matter how smart they are they're going to believe what they need to believe in order to get through life


My mother was an accountant who started school taking pharmacy, and represented herself in court numerous times even winning against the oil companies. Her favorite hobbies were mind puzzles, crosswords, sudoku, etc. Yet she was christian, and believed in reincarnation, practiced palmistry, and handwriting analysis, as well as she had a quija board...

Inversely I have met some outright dimwits who happen to be atheists or agnostics. So it's not as simple as smart people reject supernaturalism and only lower intelligent people believe or have faith


They get their hooks into them when they're vulnerable. That's why they actively court addicts, prisoners and people with small children who are feeling overwhelmed.


Some people are more rationally minded rather empirical.
This often will lead the rationalist to simply assume premises that might not seem justified to an empiricist. It’s been a debate that has played out since the time of Plato and Aristotle: Plato being the rationalist and Aristotle being the early empiricist. This is usually the disconnect between types like myself who are empiricists ( probably why I gravitated towards studying physics at Uni) and the more rational types such as pure mathematicians and other philosophical branches. As far as I know, and I could be wrong about this ( I really am most likely wrong ), these are the two broad classifications that epistemologies fall into.

Here’s a nice little story my thermodynamics professor told us that gets to the heart of he difference between what a scientist and say a mathematician do:

Do you know how electrical resistance works? It’s simple really as the voltage biases the current forward the little electron bump around and into each other losing energy and momentum along the way because no collision is perfectly elastic (conserving both energy and momentum). So there you have it: that’s how electrical resistance manifests and the beautiful thing is that is logically self consistent... except that it’s completely wrong at a fundamental level. Why? Quite simply electrons are not classical particles, they are quantum objects. What actually causes electrical resistance is a combination of thermal noise in materials and material defects.

So there you have it, if you want to describe the natural world, then you need an empirical basis for your assumptions in any given model.

A rationalist would respond to this by saying:
“ Ah yes, that is true, but the nature of [insert conceptual object here] is not physical and; thus, I need not provide an empirical basis for my assumption!”

To which I would respond:
“Does this offer any predictive capabilities or explanatory power for the natural world?”

To which they’d either say:
“Yes, just look at how this corresponds with what has happened” (basically some correlation) which I would say:
“Correlation does mean causation/implication”

Or they would say:
“no, but it doesn’t need to because I’m talking about something more than the natural world”

to which I’d say:
“cool story bro, don’t care about that”

Sorry if that was kind of long, but I really like that story 🙂

I would caution you about using quantum anything in this context. If electrons are not "classical particles" then what is? I do agree that a rationalist assumes that the model is correct, and that an empiricist is more inclined to assume that it is not. Both sides have benefits and drawbacks. For example what is an "outlier" in a data set. Do such things exist?

@RavenMunnin Not to worry, there is no quantum woo here. An electron is a quantum “particle” I say particle simply out of linguistic convenience. An electron exhibits wave-like behavior as well as particle-like behavior: it just depends on what interactions the electron goes. The true nature of the electron is much more complicated than a little ball which has classical circular orbits around a proton in the hydrogen atom. Classical particles obey Newton’s Law but quantum “particles” obey Schrödinger’s equation which by its nature is a wave equation: the solutions it emits depends on both the boundary conditions imposed on the Schrödinger equation and the given potential under consideration. Also the solutions that newton’s 2nd emits are actual positions of a given particle whereas he solutions of the Schrödinger equation represent a probability density once you multiply the solution by its complex conjugate.That is the main difference between classical particles and quantum particles.

Also it isn’t that an empiricist assumes the model is incorrect so much as they tend to be more skeptical and need justifications for assuming certain premises are true before continuing on. Basically what I mean here is that an empiricist won’t say “okay let’s just assume p is true, what follows is the proof of [insert whatever thing]” there will always be a reason why that assumption is used.

The answer to that question depends on any number of things in an experiment: did you control for all possible other variables? Is this outlier reproducible? What factors lead up to the manifestion of this outlier? It could be that it was simply a malfunction or it could be a new phenomenon that takes place under special conditions: special in that they are not everyday circumstances which leads to the phenomena being outliers according to a dataset. Of course the outlier itself might worth study even if it is just a mistake.

@Wavefunction what I meant was it sounds like you question the existence of matter when you say the electrons are not particles. The issue I am trying to point out is that the concept of 'classical' and 'quantum' are convenient ideological boxes we created so that we can still talk about these things. The ideas in quantum physics is so new and shaky that using them in this example is not going to help things as neither side really has anything more then a story to explain observations. I will try and restate my comment so it makes a bit more sense.
Quantum reality seems to be so different from the reality we experience that trying to describe it with the concepts we understand fails miserably. For this reason scientific thought around this realm has not been on solid ground with no good reasons to reject or accept very strange theories.
This brings me to why I started to talk about outliers. In essence you must either accept them as part of the model or reject them. The decision to do so is usually based on how accurate the model you are using predicts an outcome. Today Newtons laws still predict 99.99% of scenarios just fine. It was deposed because we eventually realized that the outliers were not outliers but actually part of a more complex model. This decision happened because we could grasp how they fit into a new model, and take measurements that allowed us to see that this model was more then just a story. So for me weather you stay with a model (what I am taking as a rationalist mindset) depends on if you can see the outliers as something else, it is not a mindset, rather a view that inevitably happens on a case by case basis. Religious people see the world as an exciting place where humans can't grasp what the causes for things are so they can treat outliers as part of the religious model (think miracles), they don't seek an alternate explanations. Its lazy but that is how I see them (to be fair we all do this with some things). Wanting to explain the outliers will force you to discard the old model as happens in science all the time. I will stop here its already to long.


“what I meant was it sounds like you question the existence of matter when you say the electrons are not particles.”

It might sound that way but that’s not what I am I’m fact saying: the nature of matter just simply isn’t as simple as matter existing a little point particles.

“The issue I am trying to point out is that the concept of 'classical' and 'quantum' are convenient ideological boxes we created so that we can still talk about these things.”

No they aren’t ideological boxes, they are separate physical theories that describe how matter behaves at different mass scales. If you perhaps meant that they are man made categories made to describe nature then sure that’s true, but they are natural distinctions to make: they aren’t arbitrary categories.

“The ideas in quantum physics is so new and shaky that using them in this example is not going to help things as neither side really has anything more then a story to explain observations.”

Well being almost a century old is not really that new in terms of physics unless you’re talking about field theory which emerged in the 50s-60s (you could really maybe push it to the 30s if you want to count Dirac’s attempts at QFT). The ideas are unusual yes but not shaky. A theory is much more than a story: a story can’t make predictions whereas a theory can. Also the whole point was that a classical picture of electron behavior in the context of explaining electrical resistance is logically self consistent, but the issue is that the premises upon which this model rest are incorrect: individual electrons are not governed by newton’s law, they are governed by the Schrödinger equation (at least those that aren’t relativistic anyway). This is why despite being a self consistent explanation of electrical resistance, it doesn’t correspond to other knowledge gained by science; thus, it is not a scientifically accurate description. This means that it’s predictive capability is rather limited and not as useful as the quantum description. Quantum perturbation theory will yield much more information about the system than treating the electrons as little bouncy balls that collide with the material.

“Quantum reality seems to be so different from the reality we experience that trying to describe it with the concepts we understand fails miserably.”

It doesn’t just seem that way, it is that way. I disagree with your assertion that trying to describe QM with any concepts we understand fails miserably. Describing QM using the language of math works quite well and gives insight that can’t imparted by watching a pop-sci program. If you’d like a decent introduction to QM, then Griffiths is a good introductory text and in fact is what I used in my undergraduate QM courses.

“For this reason scientific thought around this realm has not been on solid ground with no good reasons to reject or accept very strange theories.”

Umm what do you mean by this? While there are some unresolved issues with quantum theory, it is on pretty solid ground overall.

“This brings me to why I started to talk about outliers. In essence you must either accept them as part of the model or reject them. The decision to do so is usually based on how accurate the model you are using predicts an outcome. Today Newtons laws still predict 99.99% of scenarios just fine. It was deposed because we eventually realized that the outliers were not outliers but actually part of a more complex model”

Yes, and for a well established model a more general model is sought out to explain outliers: a model such that when appropriate limits are taken we can recover the old model. I’m not sure what you mean by Newton’s laws predict 99.99 percent of scenarios but yes Newton’s laws are still accurate in their regime. Newton’s laws weren’t deposed, their boundary of application was simply found and it was recognized that we needed a more general theory.

“This decision happened because we could grasp how they fit into a new model, and take measurements that allowed us to see that this model was more then just a story. So for me weather you stay with a model (what I am taking as a rationalist mindset) depends on if you can see the outliers as something else, it is not a mindset, rather a view that inevitably happens on a case by case basis.”

As I said outliers could simply be methodological errors, or they could be new avenues of investigation leading to the need for a more general theory( maybe even both!): it just depends on the specifics of the situation.

“Religious people see the world as an exciting place where humans can't grasp what the causes for things are so they can treat outliers as part of the religious model (think miracles), they don't seek an alternate explanations. Its lazy but that is how I see them (to be fair we all do this with some things). Wanting to explain the outliers will force you to discard the old model as happens in science all the time. I will stop here its already to long.”

Right, this is exactly why some religious people are pure rationalists. I disagree that we all don’t seek alternative explanations for some things. I always try to entertain alternative ideas because that’s how you discover truth: dialectics are a wonderful tool for seeking out alternative explanations. As far as science goes, you don’t discard a theory: you simply recognize its limitations and attempt to come up with a model that reduces to other models in certain limits (correspondence principal).

Edit: apologies for block quoting but there was a lot to respond to here and I had to organize my thoughts.

@Wavefunction this is an interesting conversation, unfortunately I feel like this is a bit cumbersome for what we require to explain ourselves correctly. I feel we are talking past each other a bit perhaps another time we can continue this discussion.

@RavenMunnin That is fine and understandable, good chat though.


some people give more credence of faith - even some smart ones. I happen to agree that the more intelligent often want actual proof. But I know a few people I would consider intelligent who still maintain faith.


Cognitive dissonance. They believe (and I have to include myself in that group, formerly) what their eyes tell them isn't so. (Mark Twain had a better quote but I can't recall it at the moment.)


Our God is a awesome GOD and i want you to belief he's been so good to us.CHEEERS TO THE MERCY SEAT

HA !!!

Double HA!

If you continue to engage in god stuff I will report you & you will be blocked. If you want this to happen then do it again this is my last warning. gods are not permitted on this site.


I knew a Jesuit with a PhD in philosophy who was a theist. I just had to scratch my head.

I’m a 50/50 agnostic with a PhD in philosophy and I know many PhDs in philosophy who are theists, although perhaps the atheists in the field do predominate. I suspect what so many of this list find unbelievable is some popular version of Christianity (or Islam) that reads like a fairy tale, and surely no Phd in philosophy subscribes to it. Of course, there’s lots of room on the continuum between the concepts of “an old man in the sky” and “a being than which a greater is not possible"; and it is (something like) this latter that I understand the philosopher-theists believe in and that I am uncertain of.

I have a bachelors in math and philosophy, but this guy was a card carrying Jesuit. I really don’t think he believed in some higher interpretation of the Bible. I’ve met other fairly well educated scientists, philosophers and historians who believe in this bs. I find it farcical that a historian would believe this bs. But they do.

@Gatovicolo Math and philosophy! Great! It is interesting that so many great thinkers were mathematicians and philosophers, such as Leibnitz, Russell, Whitehead, and others.

I taught at Mississippi State U. for 30+years and there I, too, became acquainted with many professors in other fields who were biblical literalists. And after I wrote the note above I remembered a PhD in philosophy who also was, but I still think it is probably rarer in philosophy than in most other academic areas. (This guy was an older Church of Christ preach who, I always cynically thought, came to graduate school in philosophy in hopes the degree would give more authority to his pronouncements.) Best.

I came to study math through symbolic logic. That’s an odd path, I believe. I’ve always admired Russell, Whitehead, Frege and Wittgenstein.


I think one of the oddest was the author Graham Greene. He came from an Anglican-agnostic background but converted to Catholicism at Cambridge in the 1930s. When his contemporaries like Philby, Burgess, McLean and Blunt were embracing Communism.
Often described as the best English writer never to win the Nobel prize. He never was unquestioning of his faith or the absurdities of Catholicism. It was the mystery that drew him in.
Novels like "The power and the glory" and "Heart of the matter". Pushed the boundaries of faith to the limits and often brought him into conflict with the Vatican. He did throw light on a subject that many of us would dismiss.


We've been taught that belief in a god transcends intelligence, that god is a given so use your intelligence for other endeavors. Also, it's not socially acceptable be seen as anything other than a believer. As foe me, there may or may not be a god, but that is irrelevant. I'm on Earth for a certain number of years and then I'm gone. Nothing else matters. When an intelligent person turns his/her attention their existence, issues may become clearer.


"Religion makes smart people dumb" is my motto. The brainwashing starts at an early age and later in life they find it hard to break free. I truly don't get it myself since there are so many signs that prove this stuff was made up, like there is nothing mentioned about dinosaurs, plus the many natural disasters of old which are explained as acts of god, chariots of fire (meteorites). They must conform to their beliefs or go to hell and they believe it. They're prisoners to their own belief system as are so friggin many others.


I would have thought it's a combination of what you're brought up to believe and nothing happens to challenge it, there's almost a subconscious disconnect between god and reality, but I think the majority of people just don't scrutinise and question it because they don't need to.

ipdg77 Level 8 July 15, 2018

A lot of Christians & Catholics believe in the bible. The King James bible, started in 1604, completed in 1611 The oldest manuscript known to mankind is The Epic of Gilgamesh. Translated from carvings on vases from Mesopotamia thousands of years before the bible in ancient Egypt. I have read novels translated into English of The Epic of Gilgamesh. A historical ruler is described as, two third god one third man, and he was bisexual. His mothers' body was inhabitant by a goddess; his father,all human,was the ruler before him. This book is required reading in colleges and universities, along with Homer's The Iliad & The Odyssey, Greek Mythology. Most people believe what they read, Intelligent people are educated people. The bible is also there for students to read. Being smart is using your intelligence to your advantage in a conversation, but you have to be humble and admit when you don't know much of a certain topic.This is where those that are Trump supporters, they only believe what they hear, for the most part, that don't read much. They only read certain parts of the bible they want, it's called cherrypicking. They lack variety which is part of a fully functional brain. Bottom line an educated, intelligent person can believe in godS, it's how their lives are influenced by what they want to believe is their god and his /her teachings. Some people just don't want to better themselves.

Ouch! You said "better" and signified a norm on a competitive scale.

@IAJO163 Thank you, I think ?!

@IceManBNice420 I refrain from using the word "better" these days as it creates a standard that must be met. There's no better, just different.


How can you believe in a non existent person , that would be believing fairy tales are facts or bigfoot is real !! Or I believe Trump is the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz !!

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