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What things did people have in the 70’s that we don’t have now? I can think of a few. A debt-free education for one... university study here in the Netherlands was fully government funded. Affordable homes to buy for another... a good sized house was 3x an average year’s salary.

Denker 7 July 20

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Women's gay bars


George McGovern


Here in the U.S. people had a lot more land use rights. Things are so regulated now. If you buy land and want to do anything with it, you have to have a permit for anything and so many things just aren't allowed at all. There are rules for everything.

@Akfishlady Your dad dumped five quarts of oil. Do you realize that when they pave a road that they dump tanker truck after tanker truck of crude on the ground for miles and miles and then fine people for dumping their used motor oil? Do you think that that even compares? How about when they hot tar a roof on a huge shopping center? Do you think the same chemicals aren't getting in the water system? Do you think the amount of regulated chemicals being produced and used today is less than the unregulated chemicals that were being used in the 70's with almost everything being made of plastic instead of using steel, glass and wood? I really don't see your point especially when it comes to an individual homeowners land. Can't collect rain water, can't build a shed, can't have a garden instead of a lawn in your front yard, can't put up a small wind turbine or solar panels. Can't save an old vehicle to use as parts to fix or build something instead of buying new. My neighbors new Ford truck gets 14mpg. My 68 gets 17. All these laws and regulations are about money, not saving the planet.

@Akfishlady Dow Chemical in Freeport, Texas pumps all their unwanted waste from producing all kinds of plastic, chlorine, benzene, acetone, zylene and every other chemical known to man into salt domes underground as if a salt barrier is going to stop the waste from getting into the groundwater or the ocean. For 17 years I got a disclaimer with my waterbill warning me of the poisonous amount of chlorine and arsenic in the city water. In Gunnison, Colorado the trucked radioactive dirt from the closed down uranium mine every day for years in a constant convoy of dumptrucks to a undisclosed location in their clean up effort spreading radioactive dust for hundred of miles to another location where it would be safe. Like moving it and putting it somewhere else wasn't polluting another place on earth and everywhere in between. More laws and bureaucracy is not solving anything fishlady.

@Akfishlady They got rid of lead and replaced it with isocyanates and other chemicals. It makes no difference. The only difference is it cost the average Joe more, we have to work harder to survive and have less personal freedom while the corporations still get to do whatever they want and pollute all they want. There are literally thousands of refineries and chemical plants in the Houston area and only a handful of EPA personnel watching over them. When they do catch a company making an air violation or water or ground the company gets a $10,000 fine. Whoohoo! Ten grand to a company that made 700 million today and is making record breaking profits every year consecutively. Meanwhile they put Joe blow the hand made surfboard maker building surfboards in his garage in jail for a year and a half and fine him the same ten thousand for dumping a gallon of used acetone made by BASF in his back yard because his treehugging neighbor called the cops on him. Meanwhile the CEO of BASF makes 20 million that year.

@Akfishlady Quit trying to tell me things are better than in the 70's in any way because of more laws and regulations. They are not.

@Akfishlady Who do you think writes the laws? Your congressman? SMFH.

@Akfishlady How about you try and quit defending the worthless government and being a bootlicker and ill try to quit being rude.

@Akfishlady Im sorry, I have a real hard time when people defend laws, regulations, or the government in anyway because it obvious to me that our best intrest or the best interest of this planet is their lowest priority. It's undeniable.

@Akfishlady And by the way, they took lead out of fuel which supposably improved air quality but now they put ethanol in fuel. They make ethanol out of corn. The pesticides they use to grow so much corn go directly into the groundwater, rivers and oceans. Polluting way more than lead ever did. The people and planet have gained nothing good, only bad.

@Akfishlady You live in Alaska and obviously love fish. Guess what? The people making all the laws and regulations are making sure there are not going to be any more fish in 100 years. You can work your ass off to buy fish meat that is genetically grown in a labratory with no bones or guts or brain by them if you want to eat fish. Or something that taste like fish. No actual fish involved. Keep supporting more laws and regulations. The more you support them the quicker it will hapen.

@Akfishlady I'll close with two things. 1984 and Soylent Green. They are both becoming reality.


Great music. Not being an old fart here but music was THE genre of the time. Bear in mind it was just 7 years from Woodstock to the 1st Sex Pistols album and thats before Queen, The Clash The Jam and the Police etc.


Good Manners.


Regular gas


Giant telephone bills for calling long distance. Long distance could be a 30 minute drive too.
Unsolved crimes due to lack of dna evidence.
/devil's advocate

otoh, gorey driving accident documentaries shown to high school students (they don't show them anymore do they?)

Qualia Level 8 July 20, 2018

When my girls were in HS 10 years ago they were showing car accident videos. There was a horrible tragic accident just a few miles from the HS that my oldest went to, the cop who was first on the scene showed pictures and talked about the accident to driver's ed classes. Very sobering for those kids.

@HippieChick58 ah I'm so glad to know they still exist somewhere. I asked if they do that up here and was told emphatically no.
I recall them vividly!


Leaded gas, Chevelles and 442s, school assemblies with a real bear (no muzzle) for entertainment, plastic cigarette cases, quaaludes, purple microdot, cherry bombs, Burger Chef, manned moon missions, ozone...


The one thing I had in the 70s that I don't have today....youth !!!!!!!


Rotary phones, payphones/phone booths, seven TV channels total at the most, answering machines, record players, 8-track tapes, affordable housing, encyclopedias, typewriters, disco, Watergate (really sad that compared to today's commander-in-chief that Nixon is considered an "elder statesman" ), Vietnam, leisure suits...


Double features at big ass theaters. Cheaper health care /dental care/abortions, cheap rent, cheap college, cheap food, cheap drugs. Discos. All-nighters. Hours-long talks on the telephone. One night stands. Drive-ins.


Cassette recorders, black and white TVs, reel to reel tape recorders, proper board games, strip shopping with proper shops, nutritious food, diseases which were incurable, Concorde, more respect for each other, religious tolerance, school teachers that still wore capes and mortar boards...


Pet rocks. Now extinct. 😟

I have a pet rock. I won it from a radio station (KRGI) when I was in High School. I still have that pet rock. It's gone just about every place with me. That's a lotta miles.

@HippieChick58 that is so cool! Wish I would have saved mine and kept my mood ring too.. :/


Tv antenna and house phone come mind straight away.


Dial phones

weeman Level 7 July 20, 2018

Milk & Honey biscuits by Huntley and Palmer. Also Glooks by Walls were yummy 🙂

ipdg77 Level 8 July 20, 2018

I thought education was still free in the Netherlands, no?
Another thing is no security cameras.

No our students get saddled with student loans now

@Denker sorry to hear that. I lived there in the seventies and I thought your education system was great. What happened?

@confidentrealm I’m not exactly sure... I think it’s along the lines of more people stay in education longer and it became unaffordable.

@Denker I know back then it beat the hell out of the US system. It probably still does. I liked the different levels of secondary school. Weeded those out that didn't want to learn and taught them a trade instead. If you wanted to go on the university, you had to be intelligent and not just be able to play a sport. I hope those things are still in existence.

@confidentrealm yes, those aspects have proven very succesful and still exist.


For as great as the 70s and 80s were, child abuse was more rampant. No one ever talked about it or got arrested for it. My dad beat us with belts, switches, or his hands, he was a rough, ignorant man. He told me "there is no such thing as rape because a woman can run faster with her skirts up than a man can with his pants down." And "if you ever get pregnant without being married I will kick you out of the house." When I left his house I never looked back. I also never let my kids visit my dad and step witch without me being there. They say abuse runs in families. I stopped it in my family, it did not get passed on. Yes, I have some baggage from childhood. If a man near me raises his hand in anger I shrink and close down. One threat and I am gone. I will never again have that in my life.


A sense of indestructability and an insane urge to demonstrate it! ?


Ne fear of STD's as a death sentence, AIDS, or a permanent condition, herpes, to name just 2.


Affordable housing whether renting or buying, cars were more affordable along with auto insurance. Affordable education. Cheaper drugs and more casual sex. ☺


My mother's house was purchased for roughly 28k in 1971. 3bed/2.5bath. Full attic, full basement, 1 car garage attached to the basemen, 2 car detached garage. 1/2 acre property. Essex County, New Jersey.
That same property today is worth approximately $550k (amended for accuracy).
The 70s were the last decade that I can recall real prosperity. Things started tanking in the 80s, and have gotten exponentially worse. The 80s were the advent of artificial prosperity -- namely "Reaganomics", the "moral majority", christian evangelism, and a host of other unpleasant concepts.

Also, a factor in prosperity was that unions still had power. That was before "Right to Work" laws.

@dahermit Yep.

Got to agree there. Same as UK with the Thatcher dismantling machine. End of unions and birth of digital age and societal isolation.


Decent Social Security benefits and Medicare. Decent education. My public school education was superior to what I see kids getting now. New math my ass. No STD epidemic, I was young and foolish and never caught a disease that kept on giving. Our food was better. We were not so reliant on chemical fertilizers and we ate more fresh food less out of a box. Less chemical crap in the air and water. Better TV programs and not continual TV. We talked to each other more.


I’d love to live on a house that is worth three years of salary.

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