Finish this sentence: Everyone who knows me, knows I love ___.
nothing, I simply like things for a little while.
@Redcupcoffee its a thin line between love and hate at times (both ways) but mostly entertaining at all times. Never a dull moment ?
@Redcupcoffee i just got a new kitten. She is hiding now. It is cute the boy cats aries and crazy came to her as she meowed
@Redcupcoffee which, oddly enough, makes you more attractive to me.
@Redcupcoffee I recently watched dawn of humanity on Netflix
My daughter, my fur babies and purple! In that order
@Redcupcoffee thank you thank you
Coffee and books and my grands!
@Redcupcoffee Yes. I have 2 granddaughters, 3 and 15 months~