As a non theist, what are your top 3 political issues you would like to see addressed in the upcoming election?
really you think the deep state is real?
Universal healthcare.
Universal healthcare.
Universal healthcare.
Universal health care, law enforcement and criminal justice reform. Tax reform which truly benefits the middle class. Would love to see a nationwide minimum living wage established. Decriminalization of recreational marijuana use. Removal of marijuana as a schedule 1 substance.
Strengthening/ building/ repairing ‘The Wall of Separation’ between State & church.
Reinstatement of The Fairness Doctrine Wiki: “The fairness doctrine of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, was a policy that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was—in the FCC's view—honest, equitable, and balanced.”
Reversal of the “U.S. Supreme Court case known as Citizens United v. FEC, which struck down as unconstitutional a federal law prohibiting corporations and unions from making expenditures in connection with federal elections.”
better yet get rid of religions because it just separates us from each other. The realism we are one race the human race too! gods and religions are just superstitions, myths, and legends!
Universal healthcare.
Reverse everything Trump has signed into law or signed out of law.
Term limits for congress.
Limits to how much money can be given to politicians. Not allow corporations to give to politicians.
Spell out what a president can and cannot do legally, and be specific.
Simplification of the income tax system. Get close to where everyone pays the same percentage. Fewer or no exemptions. Include all forms of income. Tax churches.
Restore inheritance taxes.
or have a maximum how much you get in inheritance before its taxed.
@benhmiller That's what they had before the current regime did away with it with their Tax Scam. I believe the tax didn't kick in until the inherited money hit $5 million. The only people who would care about it would be someone in line to inherit over $5 million. So, by eliminating that tax, who did that help? The wealthy.
Climate change, regulating capitalism, ending lobbying
Getting a treasonous idiot out of office, figuring out a logical gun policy that keeps them out of the wrong hands but preserves the liberty of responsible gun owners, and something that gets overlooked during all recent idiocy, redistributing funds to repair our failing infrastructure, in my opinion it's about stopping the unjustified military spending on policing the world's resources and focusing those funds on our homeland.
Protecting the environment; climate change; clean air and water.
Immigration- a path to citizenship.
Stopping Republicans from reversing 40 years of American progress.
Climate change
Income inequality
Health care
While I agree that climate change is going to impact most lives and end quite a few, I think adaptation is the realistic solution. Fossil fuels will be utilized until cheaper sources of power make them obsolete.
Things are gonna get hotter before they get cooler.
It's time to buy real estate on Svalbard.
I think you don't understand the issue. We need to do something for it not to get worse. You say fossil fuels will be utilized, but that is exactly the thing. We need to make this not be a viable option via a carbon tax among other things.
Oh I’m gonna loose my popularity. LOL.
1 Gun control!
2 mental health treatment
3 health care reform/ Medicare for all.
What do you want to happen with gun control?
@BenCorbin a mirror of Australia would be nice. But at least a ban on automatic weapons.
I have kids in high school and last year there was an active shooter scare.
My daughter listened to her friends cry and call their moms to say goodbye while a swat team descended on their school. They hid and listened to running and shouting and knew they might not go home.
When the swat team failed to find a gun, my daughter and her class were frisked at gun point.
This traumatic event is a happy story that many parents didn’t get the chance to tell.
I also don't give a shit if you like it.
@BenCorbin Your assertion that semi-automatic weapons are rarely used in shootings is either a statement of gross ignorance or an outright lie. It is patently false. Yes, I am for gun control. I am a gun owner and an expert marksman with an assault rifle while in the Army years ago and was a hunter for years.. But, I do not believe that there is any valid reason for private ownership of automatic, or semi-automatic weapons, as their main purpose is killing people.
@BenCorbinYou were the one who threw the wall in as a diversion in your invalid and illogical argument.
Education--STEM (and real science, not pseudoscience like ID)
Women's autonomy over their bodies
Immigration reform. We need immigrants. Let's make it easier for people to come here and work.
Not in any order:
You have to be kidding. 3? Just 3? I can think of a half dozen that should all be equally stressed in the number one slot. Hundreds of others in the next 20 positions.
And yet you didn't answer.
@BenCorbin -- An answer given the parameters of the question is not possible. Change the limits and order, get an answer.
Sigh. If Only.
I agree with top 2. Now puppy mills out rage is to keep the big names in business so they can run the small breeders out of business by calling them puppy mills. If you are breeding for selling them you are a puppy mill!
@benhmiller No one should be breeding dogs as long as 4.5 MILLION dogs are put to death every year in the USA for the "crime" of being homeless. All puppies born should be "chipped" and registered and the breeders should be responsible FOR LIFE for feeding, vet care, etc.
Everyone who breeds dogs or cats....or refuses to spay/neuter is responsible for the deaths in these photos.
Just 3? With the recent attacks on the environment, LGBTQ rights, education, workers' rights, etc., all the things I didn't think would have to matter so much anymore are taking center stage again. Even so, my big three have to be Universal Healthcare, separation of church and state (and enforcement of the Johnson amendment), and the protection of our democracy. If we're not careful, the November election could be our last.