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What do you do better than anyone else?

Redcupcoffee 7 Sep 6

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Fart. If I eat a steak with a milkshake, or eggplant, or black-eyed peas and greens.... It's like a super power.


I think quickly on my feet...I remember hundreds of small facts daily, and I am killer at researching. I also make it a point to increase my vocabulary and love finding news way to use fun, perhaps obscure, words in daily conversations. I am abysmally lacking in being humble...(see what I did there? ha ha)

@Redcupcoffee lol I also like being sarcastic and a bit self-deprecating 😉


Every time I think I'm really good at something, somebody shows up and does it better. So I won't claim to be the best, but I'm a pretty good singer, I'm a damn good waitress, and I'm a fantastic kisser.

That's a pretty good resume ... i'd employ you ?


Being me. No one else can be me.


Procrastinate.... And many other things I will list later.


Take care of me! 😀


In my work, there are some things I do better than anyone else. Outside of work, I have a lot to learn...


@Redcupcoffee I repair, build, & design professional audio equipment.


Mama and Grammy.

@Redcupcoffee Thank you! I did have good material to work with and my adult children are amazing citizens and really good people, my proudest accomplishment is their upbringing. Being a grandmother is just far beyond what I ever imagined it would be. This IS what life is about.

@Redcupcoffee Grandchildren are amazing. I love my kids, but the depth of love for my grandchildren takes my breath away. I am sure your grandmother would be proud of you. As far as I can tell you are a wonderful person, kind, and intelligent. That is what we want, for our offspring to be good people. Forget riches, fame, good looks. We want good people, that is what matters. I tell my kids all the time how proud of them I am. And when SamSam and Austin are old enough to understand I will tell them the same.


I am the living example of what white people are better at than any other race.

I can sunburn like no one else.


Have a come back for just about anything said. I'm pretty quick on my feet.


Not to brag too much, but I think I may be better at being average than anyone else.


Scream at the sight of a roach . I CAN RESURRECT the dead better and faster than jesus boy .

There are several ways to interept that last statement. I'll play safe and go with the professional nurse thang ?

@SimonCyrene ???????


Find the crazies.

Hahahaha! Oh ya? Hahaha

@Capnblu I'm eerily consistent with this skill. Eerily.


With the blood thinners I am on, I can bleed better than all of you ???


Witty repartee, or so I’m told. Useless skill. What about you?


Loving and caring for my girlfriend Jenn.


i am the best allegorical thinker i know. i see connections between things. on a practical level this is not as useful as you may think, but it isn't as useless as it looks either.


@Redcupcoffee oh i hope so! but in different circumstances 🙂)



I think I do a pretty job of helping people in my community


Nothing... maybe if I ever pick one thing to do I might be the best but alas, I am more a 'Jill of many things'


Turn lemons into lemonade...

@Redcupcoffee and then we put a little vodka in the lemonade and have a little fun.... 😉


Thinking outside the box or knowing useless, obscure or weird trivial things (A genuine Cliff Claven). It's a curse.

Bet that makes you interesting to be around.....😉

@Lavergne potentially? lol, Thanks


I am widely regarded as a leading expert on beating California traffic tickets. The other two top experts recently retired.

I run an open mic with the best sound of any open mic in the LA/OC area.

I cook a great vegan chili.

I write fun protest songs and perform them accompanying myself on ukulele.

I design T-shits.

I'm the best me I can be.


Lie about what I do better than anyone else.


I can perform a mental trick in which I can determine within seconds of learning your date of birth (month, day, year) what day of the week you were born, and what the number one song on Billboard was during your birth week. It's more impressive in person, so you can confirm visually that I'm not cheating. I can guarantee correct answers from about 1963 through the mid-1990s. Outside of that period, it's guesswork, but still impressive, I think.

@Redcupcoffee Thanks! I surprise myself with this trick sometimes.


Everything. lol 🙂


I'm not in to competition any more ...

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