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Addendum: I did not mean we were couch potatoes I was curious if anyone like organized sports. (oh boy).

Do Agnostics like sports?

This question comes up time and again.

It seems many of us lack this trait because the trait that would keep us locked into a religion kind of makes us go "meh" about sports.

However I'd love to find out - so here's a poll!
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RavenCT 9 Sep 12

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I'll watch if I'm at someone's house and they have a game turned on, but other than that,I don't care much to watch any sport or sports team.

Occasionally, I will go online and check out stats like what team is winning or something like that; this usually applies to tournaments like NBA playoffs, World Cup, Summer Olympics.


I'd rather go for a walk.

Yup me too.


I can enjoy playing sports but usually find it unsettling how much importance is assigned to them by others.

I can enjoy philosophical conversations about the nature of reality and consciousness but find it unsettling how much importance people put into believing they have found the answers.


I watch most of the 49ers games and have a singular appreciation for a nice golf shot but generally No. I was really turned off professional sports when I heard a baseball player comment during the strike several years ago. A player said that not all players get millions of dollars a year. "Some of us only make $600 thousand a year." Like that was barely enough to live on. SMH


I have always liked sports. When I was 13, I was a part of a baseball team that was runner up in the state tournament. Senior year of high school, I was a part of the track team that was State Champion, I ran on the 1600 relay team and we only finished third in that event. I then did two years of NAIA football, because of ankle injury ended that participation. I have also coached my son's soccer and flag football teams. So, yes, I also prefer the team vs individual versions of sports.


People waste to much time viewing sports ,betting on sports,debating sports ,arguing about sports watching sports on tv and spending huge amounts of money on tickets to stupid sports events to watch rich people throw balls around when they should get off their asses and actually participate in them. I submitted a post on this topic on the main site


I like some sports. I used to play softball in high school, and a couple of leagues when I was older. I ran track in high school. Played tennis. Played baseball with
the neighborhood kids, and basketball.
Now, I watch college football (GO Gators!!!!), not the pros. I watch Yankees baseball, when I can catch a game.
I'll watch some tennis. I'll even watch Olympic curling matches.
Nothing wrong with sports.
Everything in moderation.


I enjoy listening to Baseball. I am not religious about it.

Little League and womens softball finals. But only if there is really nothing else going on.


I am a CFB fan, luv to watch. But I also do a fair amount of bike riding and play a bit of pickleball. Gotta stay somewhat fit.


I started an new Group yesterday for NCAA Football. So far, underwhelming.

Where... I'll join.

@jeshuey Right here []

I was about to tell you to link it! Cross pollinating is fair play!


I will watch American football but only teams I follow and only if I am not doing anything else or its a bowl game or the superbowl. I will watch football/soccer if I happen to catch a game on tv. That is about it unless I know one of the people playing personally then it could be just avout anything. 🙂


I have no interest in sports, but I don't care that other people do. I'm just uninterested.


I grew up in Nebraska where the mantra is Go Big Red. Big Red being the Cornhuskers, the college football team. I never got it. The only sports I voluntarily watch are ice skating and gymnastics. I chose to watch a superbowl one year, what a waste of an afternoon. Aside from the fact that we pay athletes way too much and don't hold them accountable for their actions, we pay millions in taxpayer dollars for stadiums the taxpayer cannot afford to attend. It is just foolishness.

I do enjoy the Olympics. Or at least parts of them.

I understand competing against yourself. To do better?


I played football, basketball, baseball, was in track, the swim team, 3 instruments in band in school. Having athletic ability while also being capable of rational thought isn't all that unheard of. "Jocks" have all levels of intelligence and skepticism.

No it's the team factor that I'm curious about.

The teams I'm familiar with tried to raise it to almost a religion? That's why I'm curious.

I'm not trying to say it's good or bad. Just my own curiosity.


I'm oblivious to sports.


I don’t follow any sports, but I can enjoy it if someone else is watching.


I like skateboarding, but I don’t want to watch skaters anymore. My son was phenomenal. I like individual sports, like riding bikes, lifting weights, hiking, etc. I absolutely hate shit like football, though. It is puke-worthy.

I used to be able to sit with people to watch a football game on TV - until I learned about Traumatic Brain injury. It became an even worse sport to me then and I just won't.

@RavenCT injury’s the only thing I like about it...


American Football!


Former Christian, now atheist.

Never liked watching sports.

The National Anthem at a Thanksgiving Day Football game in HS - and I went straight home. That's how much I like contact sports.


I played sports in my youth, but was never very good and really didn't enjoy it much for the most part. Individual activities appealed to me more than cooperative team sports, so weight training, cross country, etc., were more my sort of physical activity or sport. But when it comes to spectator sports, I hate them. Whatever in-group mindset is required to care about a particular team or player is something I'm quite happy to be lacking. I'd have difficulty paying attention to football, for example, even if you paid me to sit through a game.


I'd much rather play sports than watch them. I'm bad at all of it but as long as I'm having fun and getting a workout that's all that matters to me.


As an unabashed athiest, I have been a lifetime athlete, but not much of a watcher. My least favorite sport is pro football. Would rather watch Misty Copeland dance swan lake. Now there is an athlete!!!


As a young men I played football, fast-pitch softball, a little basketball. As an adult I played competitive volleyball, and racquetball and coached football for 4 years(and loved the latter, but moved out of high school teaching to different horizons in education. I have always loved the out-of-doors. As a teenager and young man, I hunted a lot, but never for trophy kills. I have been an avid fisherman for around 70 years


I like to watch, but not practicing.


Big sports fan, particularly the Patriots. After thinking about it, I'd have to admit they have at least in part made up for the lack of religion for me. Woohoo! I really don't see any correlation from my POV.

godef Level 7 Sep 12, 2018

I grew up in MA - it's almost in the water. 😉

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