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Addendum: I did not mean we were couch potatoes I was curious if anyone like organized sports. (oh boy).

Do Agnostics like sports?

This question comes up time and again.

It seems many of us lack this trait because the trait that would keep us locked into a religion kind of makes us go "meh" about sports.

However I'd love to find out - so here's a poll!
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RavenCT 9 Sep 12

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47 comments (26 - 47)

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I've always been a huge sports fan.


I grew up watching most major team sports, but I did lose most of my enthusiasm for them around the same time as I was abandoning religion. There is something to be said about the type of person that easily falls for nationalism, tribalism, being especially swayed in the ways necessary to get excited enough about sports to have grown men wearing shirts with other mens name on it and crying when they leave town. Conservatism also has a high correlation with being a football, NASCAR, baseball and fight fan. I appreciate basketball the most as a spectator. It's the most graceful flowing game and was my main love growing up but I don't follow or watch it anymore. would probably still enjoy seeing a hockey game or a baseball game live but all the sports I participate in and give a fuck about have no teams or mascots. Martial arts, poker, bowling, hiking, even gaming and being a musician I would consider being an athlete of micro movements and fast-twitch muscle reactions. All of which are far more interesting and ethical to play or even watch than the NFL or MLB these days.


I didn't like sports when I was a Christian, so religion (to me) has nothing to do with it.


Does this beg the question as to what exactly qualifies as sports?


I can understand the emotional appeal but the logical side also sees the pointlessness and more so the Bread and circuses effect behind them.


The idea that atheists are unathletic is absurd. Not believing in a god makes us sedentary? Ridiculous.

I am a lifelong athlete. Hiking, swimming, running, weight lifting, backpacking, downhill skiing, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, kayaking, rowing and more.

Have been atheist since age 13, when I realized the Bible is just a book of stories written by men.

Yup - oops - didn't write that clearly. Not what I meant. lol


I like and played sports all my life. Also, I have to thank my youth baseball league (and the 80's Bears) for keeping me away on Sundays from that indoctrinating church nonsense. And I've been an Atheist since sometime before puberty.


Sky diving!


Sorry I've never heard the question come up and believe the two have nothing to do with each other. Along the lines of if you were a boy or girl scout can you still enjoy watching television?

lerlo Level 8 Sep 12, 2018

Me personally, I'm definitely NOT a professional sports fan.

Pros: I do see value in teaching kids the benefits of teamwork, and the individual striving for excellence in physical and mental feats, and the bonding experience that comes with sports. I admit I was front row cheering on my own kids in sports, even after I had to rush my son to the emergency room after an injury that happened in a game. I understand the bonds between sports fans and the joking rivalry. It's nice to be able to identify with a group. But...

Cons: I dislike the emphasis our society puts on sports, we seldom had dinner together as a family because of practice and game schedules taking over our family time. The money spent on sports could be put to better use. The multitude of professional sports games on TV seem to take over the free time people might normally spend doing something active or creative on their own. I personally don't enjoy watching sports, and don't really mind that others do, especially if it means I have the park, beach or walking trails to myself, but when I've had a significant other who places sports above all else, which has happened to me most of my adult like, I admit I resent the emphasis on sports.

If I was to ever seek out another significant other, he would NOT be a sports nut. That would be a deal breaker after my previous experiences, with partners who put sports (of any kind) above spending quality time doing something else.

Addendum: Since the question changed... I love physical activities not normally considered sports, such as hiking, biking, snorkeling, standup paddling, and the like, but not so much "organized sports" so am leaving my "hard nope" vote as it is.


Hockey for life! There really is no other worthwhile sport. Just one guys opinion.


I used to waste a lot of time watching sports, but I haven’t sat through a whole game in years. I still read the occasional game summary. I still like the TCU Horned Frogs, the Dallas Mavs, and the Texas Rangers, but I have better things to do than spend 3 hours of my life watching a game. I haven’t been into pro football since way back when.


Love sports
Was very competitive when I was younger, always enjoyed individual competition as opposed to team sports (yes the “let’s all prey together” thing contributed to this but was not the only factor)
I enjoy watching hockey and baseball on tv or going to games. and I still get out and play pickup hockey at the local outdoor rink in the winter.
When I was young a was internationally ranked in the sport of Luge, 2 x North American Champion in under 14, did not do as well at 15, then injury to ankle and could not compete for 3 years. Anyway enough of my life storey, atheists do like sports, at least this one does, but if I am partisapating I would prefer solo to team, but for watching more into team sports


I belong to a club where people smack each other with swords, shoot arrows with bows, swing maces, fence, and fight with battle axes and polearms. Sometimes there is dancing later.

Deb57 Level 8 Sep 13, 2018

Now this is more what I expected? I must find a better way to ask about what I want to know! 🙂

I have family that does that too.

Sounds like the crusades to me.?

@MrChange LARPing etc...


Some like sports and despise any form of religion........ Still I don't see what's the relationship between the two.

Some people have a religious fervour about their support for a team. Also, supporting some teams is very much a matter of religion, think of Rangers and Celtic in Glasgow.


Atheism and sports, Hmm, I have just the answer for that....
Pat Tillman.
Google him if you need to.


I love cycling, which can be a team sport (as at, for example, the Tour de France) or an individual sport (riders without teams in other mass-start races, or time trials for example).

Jnei Level 8 Sep 13, 2018

I love playing all sports. I like watching basketball and football. I have always been athletic and above average in every sport that I have practiced and played.


I simply cannot stick sport. Especially watching it. It all seems so moronic. There. I said it. ?

Here have a cookie. You can sit by me on the bench. lol

Moronic is definitely what it is

@RavenCT Thanks, have a segment of my orange in return.


Love it, especially Football, Baseball and Soccer but also Rugby, Cricket, Boxing etc etc. Have participated in many over the years but am a bit beat up now 🙂


I like to watch soccer but if I start watching after about 8pm and it's not an exciting game might go to sleep. I believe that soccer and many other popular major league sports will die out before too long in the US. Without subscribing to sports channels there are very few games are on TV. This is a vicious circle: People will not pay for sports channels unless they big fans. That means people who aren't big fans don't follow sports on TV which is where new fans come from. As old hard core fans die out there will be a major shortage of new fans to take their place. Since the greed in the games of the media, team owners, and players has become so prevalent sports will presumably die rather than make an inexpensive way for new people to get into it and become fans.

OCJoe Level 6 Sep 18, 2018

Sports I like and actually engage in: hiking, biking, and swimming (I am, in fact, a swimming instructor). Team sports--I have learned--generally bore me.

I like looking at nice physiques doing amazing physical acts. Those are the main reasons I would watch porn. I mean sports.

But I otherwise can't get into it. I realize it's a great icebreaker--esp. here in CA where everyone and their mother has a favorite basketball and football team--but it's a slippery slope and I am unwilling to put in all the necessary resources (time, money, brain cells) for something that I'm not that interested in.

Unless it's gardening. That's a sport, right?

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