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Are you very concerned what happens to your body after death?

Marine 8 Sep 13

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I always wanted it to rot where it falls, but society and shit...

That reminds me of that old show on HBO, at the end when Pullo dumps the chick that killed his wife out in the street and it pans back to show her still rotting in the street some time later.

@Minta79 not familiar with it

@NothinnXpreVails Rome. That was a pretty major detail to leave out... The show was called Rome.


Nope. I've made it clear that I want to be cremated.

@tshaaj Cremation is much cheaper than the traditional funeral and burial.
I'm not going to be "burdening" anyone.


No. I used to tell my daughter to burn me and flush me. I have purchased a death plan, cremation and ashes dumped at sea. Done and paid for. She doesn’t have to do anything except a phone call.

that's super responsible!

When I left the attorney's office after signing the will and the trust...I felt like such an ADULT! 🙂


Yes, I prefer no embalming and a quick cremation...then scattered with the ashes of all my furbabies on a mountain side somewhere.....

Quick cremation, no preservatives, no service, no viewing, just burn and urn.
If they want a viewing then they should have visited.
I'm using your idea about the fur-babies, thanks, I never thought of that. I have wondered what would happen to them after I go. Not that I would have them euthanized, but the ones who have passed before.


Cremated. Ashes mixed with tea leaves and served as a piping hot cup of tea to whoever would freak out the most when they're told they just drank a person. Probably a vegetarian.


I could care less as I am through using it. I have donated my body to the Uni. of Conn. medical school. Maybe it will help someone. I am also an organ donor.

I have willed my body to the U. of Texas medical center and it is a good feeling to know that I may be the instrument to train some future medical professional who will find the cure to humanities most devasting healh issues and I will have done more after my death than I ever did while alive.


Nope. It just better not be injected with formaldehyde & alcohol dressed up like a mannequin & place in an over priced jewelry box only to be placed in the earth. My corpse should be recycled into the great compost of million year old carbon & star dust from whenst it came. Organs donated. Remnants scattered on Mesa Verde National Park.

I'd be ok with the Alcohol part...
Spiced Rum would be my preference - but I would also prefer to be alive when they start...


Yes, what if a bunch of Catholic priests are around?.lol

Don't worry, you're too old for priests.



My preference is stick me in a giant blender. Liquify me. Spray me over a big patch of California Golden Poppies.

This sounds awesome!


Yes. Donate anything that is not too decrepit to use, do NOT embalm. I would really like one of those compostable urns you can plant a tree in. I don't want to take up any real estate or poison the earth.

I got mine online and already have my cremation paid for. Picked a Maple tree for the urn.


I have told multiple members of my family on more than one occasion that they can eat my body for all I care.

Dietl Level 7 Sep 13, 2018

nope...feed it to to dogs that are hungry for all I care




Nope, I've mad some obscene suggestions as well as some real ones, I don't really care, I'll be dead anyway.


Some what, my family is nice enough not to give me a god-based funeral. I have signed up to be donated to the local med school as a cadaver for classes: students know your name and how you died. Then my family gets your and ashes of others sent to them when the students are done with me,(I am okay with other peoples ashes with mine, I am pretty friendly anyway). On,the other hand, I would feel happy if I knew they would feed me to bears, except that bears might learn that people are tasty, and that could result in some nasty live people/bear interactions. I generally think funerals are for the living and have instructed family to have me burned and take the ashes someplace they think would make me happy, or I can hang out in there house in a coffee can (but not cheap brands, I hate when people bring crappy coffee to work). To make it right and theme it towards me, they all should be late to the funeral, just as my body will be, ( I get lost and am late when I try to get to a new place consistently).


I used to be very against cremation. The thought of being burned into ash never set right with me. Now i don't really care although i think it would be cool to be put in a tee planter or something similar

TimD Level 3 Sep 13, 2018

Not really, it's not as if I can do much about it. I suppose the one thing would be is that I don't want a grave, that would mean upkeep for someone and in your face reminders, all the good stuff should be in your heart and head. So scatter my ashes in the compost at a garden project I'm involved in, that'll do 🙂


not much really.


Nope. Take anything that might be useful (though at my age and health status that might not be anything) and burn the rest. Do whatever you want with the ashes, I'll be gone and won't care a bit.


Not really, but I'd like to think some good would come of my corpse. Something like being turned into fertilizer or medical research.


Very much so. I want it to be put to a good use: I don't mind what that use is, so long as it helps improve the world a little bit - whether that's medical science or minced up and donated to a cat sanctuary, just so long as it gets used in a useful way.

Jnei Level 8 Sep 13, 2018

Not in the least.


Nope! Everyone important knows it's cremation & sprinkling for me.


Beyond being an organ donor, no.

GwenC Level 7 Sep 13, 2018

Don't really care what is done with my body, I'll be dead.

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