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I just had a mind blowing conversation with my fundamental christian mother. We discussed the bible, evolution, the universe, and other light subjects.

She tearfully admitted that she does not believe the bible to be infallible. She said that it was obviously, "too full of man".

She politely asked me to stop because I was, "crumbling the last foundations of her faith".

I informed her that I wasn't attempting to do that, but that I was glad she was willing to talk about it with me.

I never thought this day would come.

She told me that she thought I was very intelligent and thoughtful and that she admired me.

Up until today, I was only described as wayward and sinful.

Oh, happy day!

Donotbelieve 9 Sep 13

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If the ones in power would admit to the fallacies and be honest, we could at least have honest debates. Have you listened to christian/ atheist debates? Deconversion gets you your brain back. Praise that some elderly keep brians and can use them. Some just sink into the bubble and cannot.


I see some of the people who wake up to the reality, seem to go through a withdrawal period. Losing the "opiate of the masses" can be quite frightening to a lot of theists. It's just like quitting other drugs.

My Mum is 78 and she went through it a few years ago. She's much happier now. She's told me she appreciates not having to bullshit herself. She loves the power of the truth.


Well done the both of you's!


I love my mother to death, however she became a devoted Christian when her mom died.
Today, speaking about anything god or religion is basically a sin"
I have learned not to bring the subject up about my belief or the lack of an it keeps me in check with her.
She likes to set mental traps to see where I'm standing about her god; learned how to recognize them and take another route.
Still, I'm still considered a devil enabler and surely" heading to hell...

I'm so sorry! Is she logical in other areas of life? How old is she?


She is very logical as far as her age allows it (90 years old). We do have intelligent conversations about politics and society at large.
The only big problem is her beliefs; at times they could hinder any communication.

@Luiggi I'm sorry. We never know what's going on in 90=-year-old brains! I'm glad she's satisfied with her beliefs and hope it makes her passing easier. She'll need them soon, rather than later. You're a good son!


This post makes me so very happy for you!


My mother used to be fairly religious but after I came out to her several years ago as an athiest and explained to her why I felt like I did, she had eventually come to a similar conclusion. She is maybe more agnostic at this point but I am glad I could get her to open her world view and make her think for herself. Hopefully you and your mother can find a way to make this bring you two closer together. It did for me.


Congratulations.. Too bad my conversations with family always ends up in treating me like I'm a devil worshiper lol


When I lost my faith, it wasn't one big waking up moment. It was a series of small earthquakes that really shook me, until I realized what I was left standing on was not a foundation stable enough to build a life on. Realizing that was huge, and I definitely went through a mourning process. Church had been such a big part of my life. Be patient with her, she's really feeling that loss and uncertainty right now.

There is such a variety of these holds on us. I just outgrew it, lucky to realize it's bs. Stopped needing its comfort. No fear of hell, etc. Most of my family, whom I used to pray for, are atheist. Yea, now! What's left is the few believers and so many friends from religious days. Variety of church reactions, too. Some are horrible, ungodly--ha. Some are gentler, just sad, like mine.


Never too late for some people, I guess. Glad you had this experience.


"We must carry the Torch of Reason over the murky waters of Faith and Superstition, to a new beginning and a peaceful world."- Author Unknown


That's awesome that you and your mother can talk about that! It can really bring you closer and you now have a better understanding with each other. I'm happy for you 🙂


WOW! Good for her and good for you! (You're lucky and I'll bet hundreds would envy you that discussion!) I hope it continues and you can have many more of them!


Good news! It seems she is overcoming her fear to see the light.

@Donotbelieve I'm wondering if she'd be open to reading about the Humanists and their thoughts about living a good life without gods?

@Donotbelieve Well...they have lots of publications...intelligent, logical and loving.

@Donotbelieve My favorite is, now that I actually know the bible, I can come back with any accusation of evil with, Have you read in the bible.....? What is more evil than what god/the ancients condoned in the bible?


Happy for you!


Wow!!! Glad to hear you were able to have this conversation with your mom. Sounds like a real breakthrough.


The labels are what keep is fragmented! Whatever you got from. It cheers.


That’s brilliant that she is being open and respectful.


Hallefuckinlujah!!! Mixed emotion here. Along with the positive ones, also a tinge of frustration and exasperation about her still having faith and not wanting hear any more. In your opinion what were the main points which led to her realization?


Good for you


That's nice ?


I’m so happy for you.



JeffB Level 6 Sep 14, 2018

Wow! I'm glad for you.


I wish my sister could admit the same. I got her to that point--she said that what the bible says doesn't matter because it was written by man. But yet when I ask her why she believes in the Christian god in particular she fails to give me any good reasons. Like where do you think this notion of the Christian god comes from?


You were raised by a good person, willing to listen and be open minded. You are kind enough to know what to say when.

Btbd Level 7 Sep 14, 2018
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