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What's your most outlandish belief? (Mine is, I believe crop circles are not man-made.)

Redcupcoffee 7 Sep 17

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Our cat doesn't like my wife. I've explained to her that the cat is drawn to power and is very observant. The cat sees her take care of everybody and has decided (incorrectly, I might add!) that's a sign of subservience and the antithesis of power, so the cat's written her off. It's completely unfair, unwarranted, and I don't in any way defend the cat's behavior. We have a dog, now too, and the cat hates her, not because she turns the walkways within the house into her own terrifying streets of Pamplona for the running of the dog, but because she siphons away the attention of her powerful humans.


I think there interdimensional creatures that exist within our planetary space.


Here is an article that the origins were a scheme of two people in England.

@Redcupcoffee It is undoubtedly some type of people playing jokes, after these two started it.

@Skeptic66 like a crop circle secret society? I mean, they have been going for quite a long while now, clearly not a few desperate individuals. I find it more likely the cause is 'unknown' over red necks chosing to stomp out hidden concentric patterns in their corn...

@dellik People copy all the time. Some idiots did it and now periodically, others do it. There is nothing supernatural here.

@Skeptic66 You are half right. There is nothing supernatural. There is simply natural, but not yet understood.

@dellik ...and that is the reality of everything ever called supernatural.

@Skeptic66 but the only one calling these supernatural is you..


I use human-made as man-made is gendered.
I do not have any beliefs that accept anything supernatural. My Enlightenment-centered world and note my user name, means I am skeptical of everything.


Yup, that's pretty outlandish........


Despite having never fallen, I still panic walking across slippery logs, suspended high above a raging river or creek with sharp rocks, rapids and waterfalls below. Glittering rapids below me are mesmerizing.

In the middle, I freeze, trembling, unable to take another step. It's a panic attack.

In 42 years of hiking, I have never fallen. Does this matter? NO.

So, I shakily drop to hands and feet- with a heavy pack throwing off my balance- and carefully creep across the log like a baby bear. Don't look down.

It's humiliating.

That sounds like a reasonable fear, I'd probably do the same thing....


Thank you.

Other hikers stride across.

Rarely does someone come back to lend a hand. My favorite hiking partner, Karen, watches to see if I'm okay and helps me across.

"You are a kind and wonderful person," I told Karen. "Thank you for helping me. I deeply appreciate you."


i believe it matters not what we believe, there is only one truth and science exposes more of it every day. I know that any knee jerk reaction to believeng unfounded theories is misguided and I can reason well enough to see when my brain is trying to get one over on my mind.


Here is one really out there.... After the first heavy retaliation bombarding in Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden was never seen again. After the fact, there were audio tapes to pretend to prove that he was still calling the shots (which kind of proves to some extent that he was already missing in action)....all that being said, Obama operation to get him and kill him was a theatrical BS and that's why it was "decided" to dump his body at sea where no one would find it. If this is not outlandish then I don't know what is...

@Redcupcoffee I can't prove it as no one can prove me wrong either


I am a bit surprised no 911 conspiracy theories yet...

@Redcupcoffee uuuuuffff where do I start... Here it goes, as of today I have never seen footage of the plane crashing at the Pentagon, neither a picture showing any airplane parts. That's the outlandish thing, it wasn't a plane what hit the Pentagon


@Redcupcoffee Agree with you, that IS an outlandish believe..... ?


That trump really IS a stable genius.


that our whole universe is a holographic simulation inside a black hole.

It is a high school kid proyect gone wrong ?

@IamNobody I thought it was on a shelf somewhere but got a C-... lol

The problem with that is the computational power requirements for irrational numbers. Nice idea, though.


that there is good in the world

@Redcupcoffee as delusions go its fairly wide spread


I strive to live an evidence, facts and data based "belief" system. If there is none that can be shown to exist, I reject the "belief" until some are presented. It doesn't bother or frighten me to say "I don't know".


I do not believe in aliens from outer space. The distances involved would require beings essentially immortal to make the journey, and time is relative to the journey--35 million light years distance is a journey of 35 million years to get here at the speed of light. I just don't buy the whole little green men scene.


That my dogs understand every single thing I say to them or around them ?


That humans will become redundant and robots will do all labor. Just a few will have all the money. The robots will eliminate the few.


It's been proven that most crop circles were man made.

@Redcupcoffee Your absolutely wrong

@Redcupcoffee They've been explained in numerous documentaries.

@Redcupcoffee Most crop circle researchers admit that the vast majority of crop circles are created by hoaxers. But, they claim, there's a remaining tiny percentage that they can't explain. The real problem is that (despite unproven claims by a few researchers that stalks found inside "real" crop circles show unusual characteristics), there is no reliable scientific way to distinguish "real" crop circles from man-made ones.

@Redcupcoffee []


I don't think I have any. I believe in aliens that's for sure though lol

They seem to have taken over our government.

@kltuckmn Therec are aliens in the WH. They come from the planet fuck you

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