So post your level, gender, and how many profile visits you've had. I'm curious how many more visits the gals have than the guys. lol.
Level: 5.6
Gender: Male
Views: 81
Wow, thanks for posting! do tend to turn everything into a competition. My stats are my business-I'm more annoyed about men not bothering to read women's profiles. Most men glance through women's photos then hit on the hottest and youngest.
I don’t see it as a competition really. I’m just curious as to how men and women behave differently. Men are traditionally expected to make the first move. I was kind of curious if, in this more enlightened community, if things would be more even.
@TimWhitaker Why would it be? Men are hard-wired to be predators, while women are the choosers. But there are many women here with elevated male hormones who also are aggressive in courtship.
You don't even have a profile photo of your face-not wise on a dating website.
Level 7
Thanks! Looks the the data are all trending one way!
@TimWhitaker but if you were to ask me how many of my visitors are willing to chat with me, after a relatively short pause, I would say 3 maybe 4. Lol
@Kojaksmom lol I hear ya. Good to be selective.
Female, Level 7, 853 views.
Thanks for posting!
Level 8
Gender Male
Profile Views 746
Post Views 4,697
I have no idea if the views are good, bad or indifferent
Thanks for posting. About how long have you been on here?
@TimWhitaker No problem. I joined on 9th Feb this year
9.2, Male, 59,318 (if that is correct about that number in the upper left on the page)
To be complete: 6000 posts (19413 likes), 11682 comments (27194 likes), 9182 replies (15627 likes)
Okay now it makes sense. Phew. Though that has got to be hovers because even dividing by a full year - that is a ton of traffic?
And there goes my theory about avatars.
@RavenCT I rotate about 4 of them every few weeks. But, I do have real photos on my Profile Page.
@RavenCT Also, I must be uglier than I thought! I've been on here since December of last year, have had 2 sort of dates with 2 different women & have absolutely no one interested in me at all right now! I just saw a post where someone just announced they've found someone here, I must be well & truly lost!
@RavenCT I'm only loved for my brain, I feel like such a piece of grey matter!
@RavenCT Seems I'm getting about, by a very rough estimate, 60% hovers to 40% actual views.
@RavenCT And actual "views" number doesn't match that, tho, on the Visitor # in the Profile info it says 1072! Way different from the number on the listing.
@phxbillcee You obviously need to find a Sapiosexual who will love you for you brains! (No not like a zombie). (It's probably what you're looking for anyway as a good guess - a lot of people are).
You aren't ugly. I think distance is still an issue for a lot of folks.
And at least you are actively LOOKING! That's half the battle.
I've been here since last October... thanks for the inferiority complex dear! You're a higher level in all points levels... sigh.
@RavenCT You are not inferior in ANY way! I just approach things differently, & have less of a life than you do!
I don't think I'm looking that much right now. I've had two disappointments in quick order that hurt more than they probably should have. I have a few good friends here & a number of great 'compatriots', so I should be happy with that. I guess I'm more or less resigned, tho I still have a spark of hope.
& thanks for the 'not ugly', tho it wasn't the ringing endorsement I was fishing for!!! LOL!
@phxbillcee You want a "Gorgeous hunk of burning love" from a photo? I don't trust photos. Have you seen the effects some use? rofl
@RavenCT If I was using 'effects', do you really think those would be the results!!!
Those are some crazy number. ? The power of posting.
You should hit triple digits with this post alone!
Considering my profile picture is a cat? I'm impressed I'm at 4 digits. Female - level 8.9... (Community btw - not dating).
lmao 4-digits with a cat profile pic. Damn we are a thirsty lot!
@TimWhitaker BTW my cats do accidental hovers over profiles all of the time... I'm not stalking anyone it's my cats!
Gender: Female
Level 9.1
2254! Wow!