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What if a God was proven real. Would you worship that god? Just because a God was proven real, doesn't mean I would worship it. I would stop being an Atheist to that God. I would continue to be an Atheist to all the other Gods.

xenoview 8 Sep 23

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If it was the god Christians believe in ,Would you worship it if you were sure to go to a place of suffering and fire and screaming and your ex wife ( or any one else you despise )if you did not? only a masochist would answer no ,But that’s ok ,it’s not your fault if you were born this way.


Worship is a form of flirtation for which attraction is implicit. There is nothing attractive about the concept of God, focus in on what you might feel is appealing and you'll see the hideous undercurrent. If the concept is flawed how could there be anything attractive about its reality? If God were real. I'd tell it to go f@@k itself, because it's getting nothing from me.


I am with you totally. But if this God were proven real it would not be labeled as a god. It would be a part of nature, a part previously unknown, and would be given a new name, such as quantum consciousness or something.

Hopefully science will continue to learn some of the deep secrets of nature. We might find out things ABOUT “God” but IMO humans will never know God completely.

Religion and the gods they worship are human constructs.


Probably not, because more than likely it'd be something like Azathoth: an extradimensional being that didn't even know it created the universe.


It would depend on the scope of its power and its demands for worship.

"light a candle on tuesdays and I'll make your crops grow" yes. I'd worship it.

"sacrifice living things and I'll help you out a bit. No.

"I actually have the demonstrable power to make you suffer for eternity". yes, I'd worship it under most normal requirements.

this is just a mental exercise for me though, I'm pretty sure you can't prove a supernatural being with supernatural control over things, or we'd know about them by now.


Even if that god came down and hacked the arms off of every baby in the Congo, I STILL would not worship it like people do today.


It is a nonsensical question. How could God ever be proven? God is unprovable by definition. If God could be proven, then such a being would be material in some manner, and therefore not God.


As in like what if we found out the Easter bunny is real? Or Santa Claus? Or the Tooth Fairy? Or the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Oh wait, never mind .... that last one IS real. I have felt Her Noodly Appendage touch me, and have personally witnessed Her power in my life. If you do not believe in Her, then you will forever be without pasta and sauce, and will never find happiness or any answers, you ungrateful heathen. R'amen!


If god were proven real would he stand trial for thousands of years of atrocities?


Yes I would. I would start taking every friday off, dress like a pirate, and stand on the street corner handing out RAmens.


If something that appears to be a god were to exist it could only at best be a more advanced species and we should worship it no more than cats worship us. Also, if my grandmother had wheels she’d be a trolley car.

Interesting… How many passengers can your granny carry?


Just so. Existence is one thing. Worthiness of unquestioning fealty and obedience is a completely separate matter and I can't conceive of a situation in which ANY being would deserve that, or where one should not be extremely suspicious of said being's motives.

The implicit assumption that there is some "true" god out there who just automatically should then be worshipped is itself foisted on us without evidence by the Abrahamic monotheisms.

You also indirectly highlight another valid point which is that belief in a specific deity must meet a much higher bar than belief in some generic deity in principle. The more detailed and barnacled with dogma your god is, the less believable it becomes.


Which god are you proving to be real and what is the proof of said god? Enquiring minds want to know.
Why would I have a need to "worship" something?

Never said I was trying to prove a God was real, only if.


You should upload a recent photo of your face, write a profile and answer the profile questions. I feel uncomfortable talking to a man who hides and I may have to block you.

Not looking for a gf. Just come here to read and reply. Blocking me is your own choice.



If that was the case, no I wouldn’t worship it. With the ridiculousness that’s happened on this planet, I would hope it would be accountable for its action.. or lack of.
I would definitely be atheist to the thousands of other gods humans believe in.


I've already committed the Cardnial Sin. Be point less, and he doesn't give a shit anyways.

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