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This is warped.

HippieChick58 9 Sep 25

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The Epitome of the boys' club

Dougy Level 7 Sep 25, 2018

Yes... very warped.

Especially since they denied letting Ford have any witnesses to testify and corroborate her story.


Pieces of shit


They are trash.

JimG Level 8 Sep 25, 2018

But, The logic algorithm is correct.
Seems like due process is always needed.


And yet the GOP is preventing evidence to be collected or the FBI to investigate. And this is not a criminal trial so there is no due process. This is a job interview, for life and he has already committed perjury and refused to submit the documents that every other nominee has provided. Good men have nothing to fear.


This is why Ford herself wants the FBI to investigate the incident.


This is why we have due process. The accused has a right to stand before their accuser, regardless of gender, race, creed, color or sexual preference.

This is not a trial and there is no right to due process. See my previous post.

Trial rules do not apply, because this is nto a trial. Thsi is a job interview process for a lifetime position. If due process were in effect, then Ford would be able to call witnesses, but they wont' let her.


It's especially warped when those men won't allow the due process and the investigations to determine the evidence

lerlo Level 8 Sep 25, 2018



This is illogical.l What are men supposed to video record all of our life events to protect our selves?

protect yourself from what ?
Just don’t rape or assault, sexually or otherwise, anybody.
ok maybe a few guys will go to jail on false charges, or wrongfully accused, but I will take that if less women are assaulted and raped.
Honestly, how many false accusations of rape do you think there are? Because the actual Rapeing is happening to 1 in 4 women in North America, and I have to think that it’s probably worse globally. That’s a fucking epidemic

@TiernanMcCann Think my point got over look. Are you really going to record every thing you do I think not. Just do the right thing if you need to have sex that bad there are women that will do it for pay.


Scary bullshit. Like voter fraud, this barely occurs. It has happened, but in a small percentage of cases; like any statement, outside of science, there are no absolutes. Most priests were not evil predators. However, most participated in the cover up. I'm way off topic. Pure Bullshit aimed at galvanizing the hypocrites on the right.


Sounds like the GOP.

It is.

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