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Are there any special purpose in our life other than eating, drinking, sleeping, making merry, quarrelling, amassing wealth, criticising others and such other silly things?

Noyi 6 Oct 9

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We allow the universe to know itself.


"Purpose" is a subjective concept. It's different things to different people.


We (humans), have no more "special purpose in life" than do other primates swinging through the trees. Also, you left out throwing feces at interlopers in our territory.


When I stopped believing that life must have a purpose I also stopped worrying if I was doing it right.


The physical things, eating, drinking, sleeping, are not purposes but biological necessities that are common to us all.

Being loved and loving others is purpose enough for me. All others things, creativity, job satisfaction, etc. are to attain this purpose.

This is exactly how I feel. If I can feel fulfilled, feel like I'm discovering new things, and learning new ways to grow, then I'm happy and my purpose feels like it's being met. You're beautiful inside and out, TT.

@PolyWolf back atcha PolyWolf...part of feeling fulfilled and having purpose is meeting complete strangers who feel and live as you do...glad to have done so...


I think you may have slightly overcomplicated things...

I'd basically boil it down to just, "Eat, Shit, and Fuck."

The eating & shitting are obviously related: the soil from which the food grows is more or less composed (or composted! Ha!) of decaying plant matter. The most efficient way of synthesising this plant matter into a usable form for supporting a new generation of plant life is for something to eat it... then shit it out. Said plant life has produced both the oxygen and food sources integral to our evolution- the current product of this evolution being a creature so unclear about it's place in the world that it feels compelled to ask questions such as this...

I would assume the Fucking bit is pretty much self-explanatory: it's fun.


You make it what you want.


you make your purpose. if what you listed is it for you, then no, there is no other purpose. if you can find another purpose, then yes, there is another purpose.



Teaching, learning, going somewhere new, changing my mind and the minds of others and so much more.


Personal growth. I think most if not all things flow from it.


Try and improve the lives of those you meet


Sure, anything YOU want to make. It is mostly entirely up to you.


Yes there is.Literature science, love of outdoors.In essence a love of life which is a matter of luck as who is born and where they come into this world.To live well one needs food, shelter, sanitation and some disposable income to provide choice.If one lacks any of these items then existence rather than life is the outcome, a situation endured by millions around the world with little or no hope of escape.Hence if good fortunate smiles on us we should not complain about our lot but find our own meaning through our own actions.


No but some of those things are enjoyable. We can choose whether we partake in the others. Laugh as often as you can and don't let the silly actions of others bother you

Echo7 Level 3 Oct 13, 2018

The purpose of living a good life is..........
Living a good life


We are also food for a lot of bacteria, fungus and large carnivorous animals. We also serve as hosts for viruses and insect larva.


There is no special purpose to my or any other life, to think so is delusional. As life forms, we evolved to survive and reproduce. That's it.


There is only one intrinsic purpose to life, and that is to perpetuate itself. In order to do that, living things engage in eating, drinking, and eliminating waste to preserve themselves until such time as they propagate more of their kind. Humans and some of the animals we share the planet with create any of the purposes beyond the rudimentary. Humans have honed this purpose seeking to a fine edge and have thus convinced themselves that they are somehow special in the overall scheme of things.


Special? No.

Purpose is a niche you find through experience. If you have reached adulthood and not found something you love, stop whatever you're doing and go find it.


You could make it special by volunteering for a cause that speaks to you, or caring for an ill relative, or mentoring a student (Big Brothers/Sisters?)
Or having fun could be plenty for you!


Hey, everybody, let's have some fun
You only live but once
And when you're dead you're done, so
Let the good times roll


If you haven't created it, no.


That sounds to me like a wasted life. It's important to be happy, but it's at least as important to help others, to broaden your horizons, to protect the environment, to advance civilization, and just generally to leave the world a better place.


Creativity in all it's glorious forms...

Btbd Level 7 Oct 9, 2018

You need to supply your own meaning aside from all the biological requirements. The Dalai Lama suggests that helping others provides meaning, and if that's not possible, don't harm others.

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