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Where the political parties stand on issues:

Infoguy211 8 Oct 15

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Take this quiz. It's a much better test to see which party you are aligned with than the chart above:


BD66 Level 8 Oct 15, 2018

Took the quiz and too my surprise I am democrat.. I have always been liberal and thirsting for knowledge. A democrat

Thanks for posting that. I took the test and no surprises. I am a Green Democratic Socialist.


Awesome chart-hope everyone reads it


I do not see the slant, IT is spot on. The new evangelical, catholic, etc, who follow trump, indeed believe this chart.

EMC2 Level 8 Oct 15, 2018

Definitely a liberal slanted meme, but not that far from reality..........


Well, I must be purple then because this is showing the cherry picked extremes of both parties...putting anybody into an ALL category is irresponsible and incorrect. Nobody is all of anything...and to pick the worse of one party to make the other look enlightened and elevated makes both look bad...I think I will stay purple...

actually these are neither cherry picked nor extreme.


@genessa So you have proof that ever single Republican and every single Democrat supports or opposes each and every one of the items 100%...just look at the choice of words.."cozy up"? "mocked" is obvious that detrimental and derisive language is being used in the red column while positive and affirmative language is being used in the blue column...those words are selected purposely, which makes me label them as cherry picked...and yes, the extreme on both both sides are being used...because if you believe ALL Democrats do not support at least some aspect of the tax reductions for business, you need to continue your all encompassing polling....count me out, because as a life long Democrat, I do not want to be counted in either column in their entirety. I am merely pointing out that such posts do not fairly represent many from either party.

If you were to comprise this chart when the previous republican party existed, we would not have seen such divide. This is merely the nation verses the orange haired raccoon hat president.

@EMC2 agree...

@thinktwice don't be silly, but there is a broad gap between every single democrat being in lockstep and the agenda's being extreme. this is a normal democratic agenda and most of the dems are cool with it. exceptions like joe manchin and heidi heitkamp don't prove otherwise,


@genessa Nice way to get an adult and civil conversation going, you silly girl (back atchya 😉 )...that being said, I agree mostly with the agenda or else I would not be a life long Democrat...I disagree with the specific wording of the chart...obviously slanted to elicit the reactions it did.

@thinktwice Then again, how could it be rewritten to be neutral?

@bingst In a chart, not so easily, but still doable...take for instance, Universal healthcare..leave off the the word "adamantly", an adverb invoking feelings of strong negative and unyielding opposition on one side ..a simple Opposes It to match the other side, Support It...

You're smart...go down each one line by line and remove the terms and language that provoke emotions and do not parallel the other side of the column...I am betting that a similar chart could be done using the same tactic...Universal healthcare on the blue side...Adamantly support increased taxes and government intrusion with socialized you see how wording can be skewed either way? Of course you do!


What they say and what they do are different. Check their voting record.

Exactly, the Dems have had several opportunities the past forty years to implement these. Sold the American people out every single time.

yes do., you will see that the democratic sellout is a myth.


@Druvius And each time they tried the right wing stopped them, Go figure huh. They for the ACA through and then the right wing high jacked Obamas last six years. Oh yeh, we tried and now, thanks to this piece of shit president, we are motivated to make America Great Again. And we will.
This time women see the trauma presented by Trump and will no longer take it.

@EMC2 So they claim, conveniant, eh?

Also, follow whether they take PAC money, and who contributes to the PAC. The ones working for you are not taking money from big pharma and other industries.

@EdEarl Well said and yes let us not forget Citizens United. the great republican scam using the uneducated, the non news people, to convey their message

@EMC2 for sure

@genessa The sellout is a myth! Is that why everyone can get a single job that pays enough for rent, food, and clothing? Is that why schools are free through college, everyone has medicare for all, and the US is fighting climate change harder than any other country?

What do you think the democratic sellout refers to?

@EdEarl because the democrats did not take their power as absolute the way the republicans are doing now.


@genessa The Dems are split into two camps, those who side with Bernie and ones who take PAC money. The ones who take PAC money, the majority of Dems, are wanna-be Republicans. The party would be better off without them, since they vote with the Republicans. I agree that the remaining few can be characterized as you say.

@EdEarl yes i hear this a lot. it's not true but it sounds good, doesn't it? feh.


@genessa It is a fact that most Dems in Washington take PAC money, and that they vote with the Republicans on issues that favor the rich instead of the people. Do you disagree with facts or my opinions that the party would be better off without those who take PAC money, or that I agree with your characterization, but only with the ones remaining after removing those in the party who take PAC money?

@EdEarl no it is not a fact that those who take pac money vote with republicans on issues that favor the rich instead of the people. i can think of three who do. three. i don't care about pac money. until citizens united is overturned, which the dems wish to do, most everyone will take pac money. what they do in exchange for the money is what counts. check the voting records. i have. on that basis i disagree with your opinion because you have your facts wrong.


@genessa Is Nancy Pelosi one of the three?


The Dems look so good I'm at a loss to know how they were defeated! Oh, I forgot, the Electors College.

It may look black and white but it is far from that. Not everyone sticks to their wish list. As far as the electoral college is a concern we have the power to change that in our country if we chose to. The sooner we rid ourselves of the electoral college the better for us.

In this situation where the Electors College changed the will of the people, were they protecting the public from Clinton? If not, what could be the purpose of their vote in this situation?

@Renickulous And now the majority have the other party in control, We are at one of those bad times where what the people want , they do not get. Things will change

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