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Who's your Celebrity Crush or crushes? Here's one of mine....sabrina from raising hope, Eva Mendes, Aubrey Plaza from parks and recreation

tacomaa6 5 Oct 18

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I have always had a thing for Sandra Bullock


Colin Firth, Ken Watanabe, George Clooney, Jamie Fox


Bjork. She just seems so honest and free.

Also, Camila Cabello after only hearing her voice in her song Havana.


Michael Strahan and Sarah Haines.


John Cusack! And Jarrod Padelecki


Jensen Ackles!! Jason Mamoa Josh Brolin. But Jensen always 1st!!


Man, that's a tough one. When you say "celebrity," do you mean the actual celeb, or the characters they play? And Does it have to be only one, or can I have a couple? And finally, how do I narrow it down all the beauties that grace my TV screen?

But top of the list are the Winchester Brothers from Supernatural, followed by Castiel the Angel.
I've had a life-long crush on Brad Pitt, which still goes strong, despite the beard (which I'm not that into).
Ryan Reynolds... Jus' sayin'

Crowley works me. Odd I know but the heart wanrs what the heart wants, lol


Different ones over the years...Catherine Zeta Jones...Abby Huntsman....Mila Kunis....and a local weather girl that gives me a chub every day at noon.

Have you ever seen videos of the ladies on spanosh channels? everytime I see one of them,I do not care about the weather,and I cannot speak spanish.


Jason Statham, Vin Diesel, Jason Momoa, Shemar Moore, David Giuntoli (of Grimm), Luke Evans. Lucas Till.

@tacomaa6 I’m not sure. May be they are more into the intellectual types. I like my muscled eye candies. Not saying these guys aren’t intelligent. I like action movies and shows so I tend to go for the actors in them.


jesse spencer and emma watson


A few:

Jeri Ryan, Jolene Blalock, and my two ex-wives (whose photos I won't share)...

yes to the two actresses.I have always enjoyed their beauty.


Young Al Pacino. Alec Baldwin. Adrian Brody. There’s more but I can’t think of them on the spot.


Bill Maher, Mark Sheppard, and Ellen

MsAl Level 8 Oct 18, 2018

Oh and Jay from Scavenger Life ❤❤❤ I haven't listened in a while since I closed down my Ebay shop, but I think he's the perfect person.


i don't know who she is!

i have had many crushes, so to speak, over the years. scott bakula was a major one. david tennant... yeah, i'm not over him yet!



There are a lot of actresses and celebrities I find attractive, but only two who I have considered a "celebrity crush."
In elementary school, it was Amy Jo Johnson (aka the original Pink Power Ranger)
In high school and college, it was Megan Fox


I have a few. Christina Ricci, Nicole de Boer, Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, Zoe Saldana, etc.

Gohan Level 7 Oct 18, 2018

@tacomaa6 I think I remember Meagan Good from Californication. I didn't get much of an impression, I'll check out some of her other work. She might end up added to the list.


Who is that?

gater Level 7 Oct 18, 2018
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