15 7


Pipes bombs to the Clintons, Obama, Soros, AND the White House.
Someone is either very confused about their targets, or trying to do some serious "house-cleaning".
Either way, they aren't very bright. ALL the packages were detected at outside screening facilities, well away from their intended targets.

The ONLY ones that were actually endangered were the
innocent hard-working people in those facilities, and the ones who transported the devices.

Fucking cowardly dumbasses with delusions of grandeur.
Their pipe bombs should have gone off on them.


The Time-Warner Building (home of CNN's New York studios), in NYC, has been evacuated, and the bomb squad is responding.

KKGator 9 Oct 24

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Just keeps getting crazier in crazytown.


I'm not sure how the left used fear. If it is the left using fear and bombs also you would have to ask why all of Trumps people seem to be immune from the attacks. It would seem to me that this answers the question. The radical end of the Trump supporters are acting. I suppose that the Clintons, Obamas, Soros, etc. could be trying to do themselves harm and take out Time Warner and CNN at the same time, but this is highly unlikely. It was also Trump who said media is the enemy of the people.


Probably one of those Qanon nitwits.

Dietl Level 7 Oct 24, 2018

**** Addendum There was NOT one sent to the White House.
There are way to many sick and/or mentally ill people out here. It is scary and, you're right there are multiple safeguards in place before ANY package would arrive at the intended target. I sincerely hope they are apprehended quickly before someone dies or is seriously injured. It should not be looked at as a R or D issue but rather as someone who is deluded.
Having said that, trump has certainly added to the idea in some sick person's mind that this is ok with his constant rhetoric about "punching someone out" and public statements like "go ahead and hit him", Ill pay the fine.

Yes. Thank you for posting that correction. I started to earlier, and got sidetracked.


Wow! Crazytown just got a little bit crazier.


It's not enough to suppress the liberal vote? They gotta commit murder too? Fucking imbeciles!

We know it is Vladimir Putin's ardent wish that Americans fight each other. I would not be surprised if Russia is not somehow involved.

You're the one without a picture.

@powder : Oops! Ad hominem attack. Why make this personal by calling people names? Let's keep our discussions about things, policies or ideas - not people.

The facts speak for themselves. The Russians continue to spend millions on their propaganda to sow division in the American body politic. It is very plausible that the jerk(s) who placed the bombs were influenced to some degree by the Russian smear campaign. Remember the ass-bite who who shot up the DC pizza joint because he thought Hillary had a pedophile dungeon in their basement? (Nevermind that the establishment does not even have a basement.) Where do you think he got that notion? Russian propaganda! If someone acts because they believe someone else's lies, well the liar bears responsibility. The really scary thing is that the American President is apparently in the thrall (or the pocket) of Putin, and cannot bring himself to defend the country that he "leads." There is no downside for Putin, so the attack continues.


Some sick SOB's out there.

I'm mad as hell.

I sure as hell don't want to hurt anyone though.


I think our CSI people are amazing and the perp will be ID'ed in short order.

Hard to invent a motive when the person (or persons) behind is/are unknown.

In addition to the fact that whomever created these bombs was a complete amateur.


I think Steve Scalise actually shot himself while he was playing softball. (Sorry...just trying to see what it's like to be as vapid as some posters.)

James T. Hodgkinson.

Hard to predict who is going to start shooting...really.


It's remarkable that anyone could doubt that it's trump (lock her up...fake birth enemy of the people...dem mobs) supporters behind it. They reveal what they are.


These idiots think that if they take out 3 people that all the worlds ills will be taken care of. After all, George Soros is responsible for funding basically every evil in the world since 1200 BC. He's a vampire! Hillary has a secret child sex ring in her basement. Obama is really a Muslim and just waiting to take over and convert America. He's waiting for the right time! Not when he was president and SEEMINGLY the most powerful person in the world. Nope! He has to wait until the moon crosses paths with Alpha Centauri to make it official!

I'm not a fan of Clinton or Obama (No, I'm not a conservative. I'm a liberal.), but these people who believe these things should not be allowed to use cleaning fluids in their house let alone make pipe bombs.

Technically nobody is allowed to make pipe bombs. However heroine is illegal and felons aren't allowed to possess firearms; so put in perspective the making of pipe bombs is pretty far down on the threat scale.

@JimG I was being facetious.


Regardless of who the perpetrator might be, it is good that it has come to a conclusion without injury or incident.


One of Trump's White Supremist fans most likely.


Fuckng Trumptard Proud Boy nazis


trumper has unleashed every idiot in the country

He has.

wouldn't be surprised if this was just not another freakin' distraction - the news has been putting too much of a spotlight of trumplethinskin over the Saudi murder and he needs us to all be talking and focusing on something else....

@Lavergne I just said something similar to a friend. Perhaps a distraction from something larger, and more insidious.

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