Please excuse my ham-handedness at handling this subject. I am way over my head on this. Its no longer relevant to me, but I look at the news and realize dating has become a mine field I could not traverse without being blown up. How does a man court a woman today? When is it OK to stop treating her like a man, and actually hold her hand, kiss her, or glance at her bosom? As an aside, I will offer what was really the only piece of learning I got when I was a young man: "If she doesn't lift her butt so you can get her panties off then its not OK. Stop." I suspect that could land a young man in jail today?
Be yourself, ask for what you want, pay attention, use your head, use your manners, don't make assumptions. Should cover it.
These kind of statements make no meaning to me....I think Women need to come up with written down codes of approach of initial contact notices that they will hand to us--so we know when not to cross the line.
OK, using your suggestion, Donald Trump is an OK date.. He certainly is always himself. No misunderstanding with him.
@Dick_Martin: False: he fails the "pay attention" and "use you manners" checks. At least.
@Dick_Martin oh I feel I need to swear here, except laughing....
@xamountofstars Let's not forget the 'ask for what you want' part. That pile of shit doesn't ask, he just takes. "I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."
@xamountofstars I love that that quote exists. It provides a litmus test for me. You dip that strip into someone's politics, and if it still turns red, they're an awful pile of shit I want nothing to do with. All those motherfuckers that voted for Roy Moore can drop dead tonight, too, if you ask me.
Hey Dick.... attemp to have a conversation. Ask to go out to eat or a movie or both. Find out what she likes and ask her... don't be so shy...but always ask...
Dating is the same as it ever was, except most women now feel free to let their wishes be known, be it "hands off" or "hands on". This is good news for you guys, i think!
On the other hand, women in the 65+/--year-old age group are the most likely to become HIV positive of any demographic, this has been so for about 10 years (CDC). So get tested, use condoms!
This means Everybody!
Thank you I've read so many posts about sex - but nothing about STDs.
what! What! 65+ & HIV? Just exploded my head.
@Dick_Martin google it! not enough men that can or want to...become like bees pollinating flowers, in a bad way...this generation Never wanted to wear condoms back in the day.....good luck on getting them to do so when you can't get pregnant!
@AnneWimsey Uugh, I need to start dating older women. My dream is a girl that can't get preggers.
Boy are you in for some surprises. First of all I get the treat them like a man thing. That's ok in an office business professional setting. On a date though her femininity should be acknowledged. Your supposed to say nice things like, nice shoes Im glad you got them on the right feet. Nice dress is that supposed to be that loose? Notice their makeup too. It's ok to ask them if they put it on with that new paint sprayer like the one in that commercial. it's a smaller version of the kind they paint cars with but it works about the same. Attention to details is the key in wooing modern women.
You won't have to worry about the panty thing, women don't wear those anymore they wear thongs. They're kind of like little suspenders and none of us guys know what to do with them so better let her do whatever they do with them.
Man you are gonna love this part. Remember pubic hair?
Those days are over. Nope none zip all gone but if you date a woman our age and if you look closely there may be a few similar looking hairs around her nipples you can pluck if you have a mind to. Kinda fun.
Don't use the n word or the c word on a first date. People are getting pretty touchy about that sort of thing.
You still have to pay for dinner and whatever you do tip the waitress 20%. Your date will forgive a lot of crap but not a cheap tipper and whatever you do don't do what I do and suggest a threesome with her no matter how she flirts. She is doing that to get a decent tip.
At the end of the date don't suggest anything that might lead her to believe you want to boink her brains out. She still isn't sure you're not a serial killer so that's going to have to wait until some time in the far off future, think Star Wars future.
Pretend your interested in whatever cockamamie nonsense she wants to talk about. Nod your head and say uhuh a lot like your listening, women love that.
Well I think that brings you up to date.
Completely timeless advice. Except when the Sith take over.
Thank you for the advice. I will bookmark this for future reference.
if you're dating someone you that you "Pretend your interested in whatever cockamamie nonsense she wants to talk about." - you're dating the wrong woman.
Why in the world would you treat a woman like a man. I think that may be your problem. Women like to be treated as ladies. That means respect, understanding, and equality. It's not rocket science!!
I think we need to start defining what respect means...I think many men try to be respectful but by the end of the day, they are hit by a bucket of cold water in the face---when we say respect for women...what are the guiding principals...because today--even saying "hello" to a woman can be branded as being least in the US.
Ask! You can never go wrong with asking. "Can I kiss you?" So simple. And rather romantic. - "Do you mind if I open your car door?" (No but if the car is on fire I'm getting it myself?). I have a friend who has the nicest manners - if I'm stuck in his too low car he comes around in case I need to be levered out. - And that's a two way road btw. Asking!
Brother, I'm so confused about this whole thing, I've given up trying. At least that's my excuse.
You are not alone. Wanking is the way to brings the same relief.
@0752532706, if that's the case, why are you open to meeting women??
@0752532706, I'm sorry, it just sounds like a bitter attitude to me, and that's not very likely to attract anyone.
Geeze Dick... don't think females are so delicate. They say what they feel. They either say yes or no. Don't keep asking if they say no. Once they say no - leave them alone. Show them respect and they will let you know in a nice way... just remember that there's a million of them wanting to meet you so don't get hurt if one of them turn you down... they may not be ready to date and thier no has nothing to do with you.
I hear ya. My experience is that women say a lot of things, but no isn't usually one of the words. They say things like "Oh gosh, I'd love to but my salamander is expecting twins and I want to stay close by" or "Gosh.. Friday? I can't. Sorry." or "I wish you'd asked me sooner." or, or, or. The "no of a thousand yesses."
A good policy is to simply ask her. If given the go ahead, you can move forward without fear, knowing that she is on board. Verbal communication will keep you out of trouble.
No one now-a-days calls it courting. We say dating. Why would you treat a woman like a man?
To avoid being sued for sexual harassment.
So you would treat a woman like a man? I'm so glad I'm not dating this guy. I would not appreciate being called hansome.
@evidentialist What era are we talking about? 1900's?
I'm a Millennial. This seems to be a post directed towards 70 year olds. See ya!
Sounds like you may have problems being nice and respectful to women. If you feel like you have to treat them as men so you won't be accused of harassment means you haven't got a clue about how you should treat a woman. I wouldn't even try if I were you, with that attitude, you'll never win anyone over!!
@evidentialist To avoid being death by hanging. Today we are paying for cuddling.
@stomato -- Please, not me. I just remarked on the probable reasoning of the original poster (Dick_Martin). The only time I would treat a woman like a man is if it were her choice (gender preference).
@stomato I think...since you are a woman---be kind enough to tell us how a woman should be approached today if one picks interest in her--don't nail anyone on the cross--simply use this platform and teach because he is not alone. We fear you (women) today. So the ball is in your hands,teach and we listen.
@Sarahroo29 -- He's talking about today and his reason apparently is that he wants to avoid being sued for sexual harassment as a result of the noise generated by the accusers who have been cropping up recently. Me? I come from an era when being a gentleman was considered the only way to be.
@0752532706 she can't speak for everyone
@stomato I have had women react badly to a simple "hello" and to my opening doors for them.
No, this isn't the norm but it does happen and frequently enough that...well, it hurts. I was raised to be nice and courteous. To open doors and help where I can. Some women take being nice, in and of itself, as a perverse come on. I am just being nice and I do it for guys and gals of all ages with no discrimination. It's fun, in fact, at double doors to hold it for others and have one of them hold the second door for me. "Thank you very much" and "you are very welcome" in two directions.
Part of this I get, it's age. Now that I have grey hair, it's obvious. Women will smile and act coy around a younger man doing exactly the same thing I do, which causes them to glare at me as if I'd just done something perverse. I can sort of get how someone too young to have figured it all out, but who thinks they have, might misconstrue courtesy as a attention they don't want and I hope that they will realize life is easier when we are all nice to each other AND, most importantly, a nice gesture doesn't mean you are reciprocating in a come on.
I have a friend who used to (probably still does) walk up to men and women and say that they think their "outfit looks great" or that they look "positively radiant today" and just walk away. She (key pronoun) reported 100% positive effects from that.
When I try the same? Nope. Guys treat guys who compliment them as weird. Gals (of various ages) are a very risky business with this.
IF we guys got a universal reaction to the same stimulus, we'd learn. The real problem? Just like us guys, gals are different. You are all unique and we guys need to approach each of you having to relearn the rules (mostly) each time.
How do I react to the negative stimuli? I smile, give them a positive response, and shake my head as I walk away.
The key is that you have to maintain a positive attitude, and just keep plugging. Treat them with respect, do your darnedest not to ogle their bodies (I know guys, not always easy as those eyes really do want to travel), be polite. Eventually you will find a gal who appreciates your ways of approaching them. Sadly, that gal is not always the right one... which makes it even harder. However, I do believe the end result of success is very much worth the effort... keep plugging along.
@evidentialist Well then don't do stuff to get you into that position.
@Gnarloc My exes never held the door open for me. Then again, they weren't men. They were boys in a man's body.
@0752532706 did you read that in the buybull?
I haven't dated for 44 years. Well I take that back my wife and I still date. I think I would go about it the same way. Dinner and a movie, coffee and pie, picnic in nature, go fishing, road trip, and of course flowers
Picnic or Panic? lol (I know I know spell checker).
Will you grab her to a movie? Today almost all younger people now think inviting a girl/lady/.woman to a dinner or movie is sexual harassment.
@0752532706 Yea I probably step on few land mines
@0752532706 Glad I'm not that young.
@0752532706 I think asking someone out is only inappropriate in a work setting. And even there people do meet each other - but probably over lunch - not over work.
@0752532706 I know you speak the truth
@xamountofstars Sorry. I am not being sarcastic. Thats how I dated my wife, but that was the late 60's and early 70's. We dated for 5 years
@xamountofstars Nope not sarcasm. A lot of work places have actual rules about employees dating.
@xamountofstars Sorry for all the confusion. I guess I am confused about what 075232706's part in this thread. O Well
Years ago, when sexual harassment was first being openly discussed in the workplace I remember one gal who had a sign on the wall at her workstation that said "Sexual harassment at this work station will not be reported,. It will be graded." What intrigued me about the sign was that it made discussion of the issue open and more or less honest
Wow. A lot of commenting here. What surprises me is how varied it all is. Clearly I am not the only one confused, and clearly there are a lot of women who do not understand that not all women are like them.
I would friggin' hope we aren't all the same! Neither are men! And so many of you are overly paranoid, I understand why because of recent news stories but this is not most men or women, IMO.
Healthy respect toward each other, communication is key, do NOT assume...ask! Golden rule, treat people how you would like to be treated.
@sarahjustme at least you acknowledge that there's a problem.
@sarahjustme that doesn't mean being anti--men.
I think in this day and age it's harder to get intimate quicker, but in some ways that's a good thing because it shows more respect to the woman. I'm of the age where everybody in my generation with middle class status seems to be married or almost married. Everybody who I hang out with on the other hand, seems to be poor and have a lot of undiscovered genius. Dating unfortunately isn't much of an intellectual thing except in shows like The big bang theory and scrubs. Traditional dating takes way too much skill for me to try to absorb, especially when I'm more focused on trying to become a breadwinner at my career.
Not just a jail but death sentence...Don't ever joke with has killed everything we that could have connected us, no matter how you try to be civil, respectable---if she likes---you--whatever move you take will be welcomed with a smile---if you look like a frog ---just like me---and she doesn't like it---even if you just blink your eye, you are finished. That's sexual harasment--and if you ask her out for a dinner--that will soon be treated as rape. I remember riding on LA metro-- and I read a sign--if my memory serves right--thate encouraged women to call the police if a passenger made an unwanted eye contact. I see alot of this stuff around areas I walk to on a daily basis. Please don't get me wrong, I know and share the pain of the victims of REAL sexual harassment. I am not trying to water their victimhood down--but we must elevate our curiosity if we need to live in a changing better human world.
I believe you are correct about landing in jail... but if your’re not afraid to be a gentleman, consider this... take time to become friends, try to look the best you can, smell good, if you can’t smell good, at least smell clean.
Courtesy, think about it, it’s not hard... (books) get to know one another, share your thoughts, compromise.
I don’t know what you mean... “when is it OK to stop treating her like a man...” try eye contact before physical contact, are you looking for a long term relationship or no term ?
The term chemistry comes to mind... everything you do or say won’t take you very far unless you both have a similar mindset, in other words chemistry, be prepared to change (improve) the formula. It’s not rocket science... it’s chemistry! ... yeah me neither.
With women, you have to follow their lead, treat them with respect- while showing admiration for them. For instance, when with a woman, notice good things about her, listen to her, remember what she says, such as when she mentions her job, hobbies, favorite bands, movies and books, so that you can reference them later, or invite her to venues you know she'd like.
She'll let you know how far you can go, but these days, if you aren't sure..ask. Always be ready to desist in doing anything she begins to resist. For instance, if you are kissing passionately, and you begin to let your hands roam a tiny bit, notice if she stiffens up, and STOP.
If you can give her a shoulder massage, or even a foot rub if you're far enough along in the relationship, you will probably gain her favor
In this sexual assault accusation climate, best to avoid any "Aziz Ansari" date situations.
But as long you're cheerful, polite, and thoughtful, you shouldn't have a problem.
Now all seems to be about "Consent"... So I learned this "Disclaimer" "You have the Right to Remove Consent at any time, for any reason you feel necessary."