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Alot of people hate me. i hate alot of people. seems fair to me then again i have a heart of stone

AwesomeAtheist24 4 Nov 3

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And are you proud of it.


The funniest post of the day.... From your profile...

introvert, intp, huge misanthrope, atheist, anti theist, socialist democrat, 19, bisexual male and total edge lord..... you will die alone.....

Open to meeting women

Yeah... Good luck with that!

Well, I realized many years ago, perhaps a bit older than 19, that, "you will die alone." Everyone does. We are existentially alone our entire lives. Some people dedicate themselves to a group membership, often family, and have each others backs. Friends and family can help from being lonely, but we are always alone. It's not worth obsessing, or even thinking about except for this kind of conversation. It is surprising for youth to discover as they become adults, but it isn't fatal.

From your profile, "..., huge misanthrope, ..., bisexual," it's reasonable you felt unusual and outside the more common straight, homosexual community. There's no reason you need to feel like a misanthrope towards everyone because some people treated you badly. Some people will take advantage of you, and you must avoid them. Others will threat you fairly, and you must be fair to them; otherwise, you will live among those who take advantage of each other.

I know that cracked me up!

@EdEarl No one in my family died alone. They were with loved ones. You can choose negativity, or you could contribute to life. What you give is what you get.

Go to some third world and see their problems.


Nah, you're just boring. Some wannabe-edgy, know-nothing, self-absorbed internet troll isn't worthy of hatred or even a second thought, for that matter. I pity you.

JimG Level 8 Nov 3, 2018



I looked up what a "total edge lord" is supposed to be.
How fucking pathetic.
Grow up, get a job (do some manual labor), and stop playing video games.

I had to look up "edgelord" too. The guy does have some growing up to do.

@Flyingsaucesir So did I, when I was 19. Took me a minute. Hopefully, he'll be okay.


"Alot" is not a word. It's "a lot." Instead, try:


Now you can hate me for correcting your spelling.

Zig Hell mein Gramma did not zee that coming. (see if you can resist...)


You're young... It gets better. Your post reads like something from "The Catcher in the Rye." Great book and all... We were all thereish at one point. Find something that makes you happy.. I doubt anyone hates you. The fact is people are too self-absorbed to have time to hate most other people..

@Omen6Actual Truth. We just learn to handle it better.


Maybe if you focused on getting your shit together, instead of being an asshole. You are an adult not a baby, act like it.

How fucking awesome are you?!!!!! 😉

@maturin1919 Dayum, that's my middle name. ♥


You are too pathetic to hate! Get a grip and sample life before you pontificate. There is nothing awesome about you so change that moniker....maybe AttentionSeekingAdolescent24 would be more appropriate.



You have accomplished what you set out to do. Get a lot of people to give the baby some attention.

There are lots of wonderful people in the world.

You are not one of them, by choice.

And, I'm sure you're full of shit, and, you are incapable of of using the English language
on a 4th grade level.

I doubt people hate you. You're not worth the effort to hate.


The fact that you took the time to post this means it bothers you so I do not believe you have a heart of stone but rather that you are internalizing your pain and trying to appear like it doesn't hurt you.

You know, there is no shame in feeling.



Call 211 for community resources. You can probably get free therapy. Seems like you really need it. Good luck.

@AwesomeAtheist24 Spoken like a frightened boy that has never tried therapy in his life and is just basing his opinions off of anecdotes or stereotypes. Sad that the ones that need it the most avoid it the hardest.


lol not exactly a humanist then.


I hate you and l don't even know you. You should become a Republican politician.


I suggest that you may be happier replacing hatred with love. Everybody is a mixture of good and bad. Look for the good in others.

I sometimes hate what people DO, but not the people themselves. I chalk it up to ignorance or poor upbringing or bad influences. I pity the people, but do not hate them.


Well that sounds like a drag. Hate is such a useless expenditure of mental energy. Who are you? Donald Trump?

I do not hate Trump. I despise him. There is a difference. Hate consumes the hater. I feel about Trump the way I feel about dog shit on my shoe. I just want it cleaned off so I can forget about it and move on.

You presume to know a lot about me. If you have read all of my 500+ comments on this forum then you have scratched the surface, barely.

The way you talk, throwing labels around, sounds just like a troll. Slow down cowboy. Take a few deep breaths.


Wow! Pretty good turnout for your pity party. Yeah, life really sucks. Youre young so it is going to suck a whole lot more. You will have to learn to deal with it. I recommend staying in school. A lot really is two words.

Della Level 6 Nov 3, 2018

^^^ So much this^^


Funny enough, my heart is pure muscle. How come a heart of stone can work inside the body??? 😛


I actually thought of posting the same thing. Instead, I just yawned.

@KKGator A yawn is everything. 😀


Unfortunately, misanthropes are self-required to hate themselves. Sad.


Hate is such a strong word; and emotion. I don’t hate anyone but there’s a few people I dislike and some I despise. But hate? Hate takes a lot of energy and is self-destructive.

I do hate crowds.


You are either:

a) seriously in need of help or
b) trying to yank our chains.

The first would be sad and the second tedious.


Please don't give up on the world at 19.

Shed that child skin and mind.

No one owes you a thing.


Hey, it just gets worse as you get older. I now hate just about everybody. Best thing for you to do is enjoy that Idaho nature you got in your back yard.

I think life gets better and better. It's so exciting. We just have to keep learning, and never give up striving for something special in life.


So much energy wasted, why not get a dog or better yet get a cat?

Noooooooo! bad idea!

@CaroleKay I agree about the dog but a cat will just return hate for hate until it finally just takes a big crap on his bed and then goes elsewhere for better food and worship by a new two legged slave.

@Shawappa44820 I guess he'll need a bigger cat, like a mountain lion or a tiger. Hurt a cat like that and it will eat him, problem solved.


No point in dwelling on what other people feel, unless you're willing to debase yourself to make them like you or a troll getting off on the hate.


Well, I guess then it's all working out for the best then? 🙂

So. Why do a lot of people hate you? With a screen name like "Awesone Atheist 24," and whatever happened to the other 23?


I think, IMHO, what you are trading are meaningless generalities. There are almost as empty as a small talk people share on an elevator. About the weather, for example. It fills the void, without adding any content.

Hopefully, you can add some content to your sense of general dissatisfaction.

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