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The very first transgender woman (Angela Ponce, Miss Spain 2018 ) to compete at Miss Universe pageant on 17 December 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand.

I am not a fan of beauty pageants myself. For what it's worth, let's celebrate this as an achievement for gender equality. This is the positive message I particularly want to share to the community. Trans Lives Matter.

I could not be more proud! What say you?

Related article below:

jemzet8 6 Nov 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Interesting point. Does one support transgender or disapprove of beauty pageants? Arrgh I don't know!


I have mixed feelings. I'm very happy about the acceptance aspect of it, but I am not a fan of the objectification aspect of pageants. Also, she is beautiful, but looks anorexic. Someone get her a meatball sub before she passed out!


Truthfully, do not care. I think beauty pageants are pathetic, regardless of who is competing in them.

I'm more concerned about the mindset that makes people want to compete in such a manner, and a society that promotes that bullshit.


Beauty pageants should've been played out by the 60s but they're like zombies, they just won't die.


Do what makes you happy!

Also for those not in the know yet - (And as this group is so very teachable and open) - the APA in no way classifies Gender dysphoria as a mental illness any longer.


Gender dysphoria involves a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify. People with gender dysphoria may be very uncomfortable with the gender they were assigned, sometimes described as being uncomfortable with their body (particularly developments during puberty) or being uncomfortable with the expected roles of their assigned gender. (For full article please follow above link).

@RavenCT thank you very much for your invaluable contribution to this post 🙂

@jemzet8 You are entirely welcome.
I will gladly educate if I have knowledge others don't.

I'd hope in this community that we get educated faster than the general public.
We don't (hopefully) have the bias of religion anymore. So maybe we'll all get there just a little faster?


Well, I'm not a fan of pageants because all they really do is objectify their competitors. With that said, the acceptance of transgenders into any aspect of society is a positive thing.


I'm not a fan of beauty pageants.

I am a big fan of beautiful women but not so much for pageants.


I’m happy for her. This is what she wants to do and she is not only accepted into it but does very well in it. I don’t need to say anything else.


I agree with your statement. Although this is a step for equality in her eyes, I don’t believe it’s a step in the right direction for any woman/trans woman. We have serious income disparity in the workplace that is a more pressing issue along with other rights being infringed upon on a regular basis.
She is absolutely stunning though.


Finally we achieved the level where are endocrinologists and plastic cirurgions competing...
OK they were the stars before, but now it 8s proven that the original appearance does not matter.


Good for her. I imagine it takes a lot of care and hard work to maintain such beauty. And an inner strength that most can't fathom to put down and triumph over the stereotypes that trans women have to deal with on a day to day basis. ?


Small steps now will one day been seen as monumental steps in history. What seems like a fight today will be a curiosity in the future; why wasn't inequality fought as hard as some people fight to preserve chauvinism and bigotry? A just moral compass has anyone with a good nature questioning their choices which negatively affected others. Will the bigots look back to this era in shame? We are all making up the fabric of history - does anyone really want to look back at themselves on the wrong side?

Here's hoping this chapter closes quickly, and "the future" begins sooner. I hope one day this wouldn't have made news because she's trans, but simply because she triumphed in a contest (beauty or otherwise).


Not a fan of the pageants either but this is great news and a step in the right direction!


I disapprove of beauty contests.


Kudos to contestant for breaking a barrier of sorts. Beauty pagents are a thing of the past.


I’m not a fan woman being standardized with in any society. However I embrace people being able to be what they want to be.

WXYZ Level 4 Nov 27, 2018

Sure, why not, good luck!

Sina Level 6 Nov 27, 2018

Very cool.


I wonder how she did in the swim suit competition....

My thought was in a swim suit do we see a bulge or camel toes? @darien75




It's good to see mostly everyone so well-trained in what to say. Years ago we might have had a lot of disagreement.

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