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Do you consider yourself to be weird? I am, but don't care.

  • 42 votes
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CuriousCreature 7 Nov 28

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No, Iโ€™m just a normal lady with a few quirks I suppose.

What is normal? I don't believe I know what that would be. ๐Ÿ™‚

@Sticks48 To me itโ€™s a pretty broad term. I donโ€™t do anything out of social norms. I live a quiet life, regular job, Iโ€™m really not exciting.
The definition would vary by person.. thatโ€™s just how I see myself.

@Green_eyes What are social norms? The social norms in Houston are much different than the social norms in Waco, or El Paso. ๐Ÿ™‚

@Sticks48 And isn't downtown Houston a whole different story? ๐Ÿ˜›

@bingst Downtown is interesting. I tend to stay uptown.

@Sticks48 the social norms are pretty basic to me, be productive, have well adjusted kids, do what makes you happy.


I don't consider myself weird, but all you other mother fuckers, that's a different story lol.


Nah . I do things My way , but that's not weird . It's freedom .


"weird adjective
\หˆwird \
Definition of weird
1 : of strange or extraordinary character : ODD, FANTASTIC
2 : of, relating to, or caused by witchcraft or the supernatural : MAGICAL" - Merriam-Webster


I suspect the defensive, visceral response will be"no". But, considered dispassionately:Is it possible that people who think of themselves as 'weird', just want to feel "special"?

@Ignostic_Skeptic Agreed.


Of course I am. All the best people are.
"Normal" is a wholly subjective word.
Besides, who gets to decide what "normal" is, or isn't?
To me, normal is boring AF.


I might be weird in other person's eyes. In my eyes I'm different and I like this ๐Ÿ˜‰


Yes. I am a mass of contradictions and very little of my nature fits within the norm.


Weird is in the eye of the beholder......


Absolutely I'm weird! Normal people are boring & perfect doesn't exist


The word I would use for myself is 'unique'. Others call me weird, but I don't care.


Of course and glad that I am. Who wants to be like everyone else?


Lol! Weird. And proud.

I am afraid that it appears your weirdness is non-committal. I am fully committed and vested!

@Ignostic_Skeptic I don't know. The nurses here call it the straitjacket, but I call it the vest. It sounds nicer that way.


The right to be ridiculous is something I hold dear.
(I think there's a song in there...)


Of course, who wants to be around normalcy? Boring. Anyone defensively distancing themselves from the term either has some unresolved fears forcing them to try to fit in, or is literally a walking version of a vanilla bean. A lot of us would like to think of ourselves as weird to be more interesting too though. And a good deal of it is contextual. Among the nonconservatives here I'm fairly average. If I had grown up in portland, vancouver or western Europe I probably wouldn't feel as weird either. For my background, Im a superfreak though. I could write a book about bein a weirdo. Oh look I already have.

Weird things about my background: I'm a big cop-lookin honkey, born to farmers in Northeast tennessee, a bible scholar fully entrenched in one of the most religious and ignorant pockets of america during the DARE generation, but I wound up being a super liberal pot smokin atheist in the top percentile or two of intelligence. I'm straight n cis but Im not afraid of or even slightly uncomfortable with LGBTQ+ people. I'm sick of white people's nonsense. I practice yoga, meditation and martial arts weaponry instead of muddin, fishin, and idolizing my gun. I drink hot tea and not iced sweet tea. All that practically makes me an alien around here.

Weird things about my nature: I started puberty at 5, shaving and driving at 12, and balding enough to shave my head at 21. Ive felt like an old man since I was 14, around when cell phones became popular n affordable, always resentful that people expect you to be available 24/7 now. And get off my lawn. I had a stutter, nodules on my vocal cords and a pinned down tongue when I was young, sounded like an anxious bullfrog when I spoke, couldnt give an oral book report without hyperventilating, and now I occasionally get paid to sing.

Then there are all kinds of anachronistic dichotomous behaviors I have. I'm an IT guy and a farmer, I can think digitally but love and live in the analog. I'm a gun owner in favor of gun control. I'm a hippy who believes all life has value but I'm carnivorous enough that I'd like to get into hunting and fishing. I'm equally at home in a pig sty or an ivory tower. I'm a hermit who loves the outdoors. I'm unquestionably an odd duck.


I have lots of quirks, some good, some bad. I get told I'm weird a lot. Doesn't bother me. I try to buck the norm for the most part.


It's a matter of perspective. Everyone is different and besidea who ever made the standard doe being "normal"


Yes, and my weird parents are fiercely proud of my weirdness...

Zster Level 8 Nov 28, 2018

I would have answered yes if I was still religious.


To be honest, I would hate to be normal.


Everyone is weird!!


I'm very different, that's for sure. If different is weird, then so be it! I'm still a likeable person.

Most people have never met someone like me. And only a handful of people in this world will actually be allowed into my heart.


I can fake normal. I am pretty good at it. What people don't know of what I actually think won't hurt them one bit. They never ask the right question anyway.


I like to think of it as being unique. We are all unique in our own way.


Who isn't?..... Whoever that may say "No, I am not" well, that would be weird ?


My normal is societies weird


No, I am special. All the others are normal and boring.

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