Saw this on a friend's Facebook page. I just... barf... I need your snarky replies to counteract what I just read ?
Gracefully Broken
I was in Dollar Tree last night, and there was a lady and two kids behind me in the LONG line. One was a big kid, and the other one was a toddler. The bigger one had a pack of glow sticks, and the toddler was screaming for them. The Mom opened the pack and gave him one which stopped his tears. He walked around with it smiling; but then the bigger boy took it, and the toddler started screaming again. Just as the Mom was about to fuss, the older child bent the glow stick and handed it back to the toddler. As we walked outside at the same time, the toddler noticed that the stick was now glowing; and his brother said, "I had to break it so that you could get the full effect from it."
I almost ran, because l could hear God saying to me, "I had to break you to show you why I created you. You had to go through it so you could fulfill your purpose."
That precious child was happy just swinging that "unbroken" glow stick around in the air, because he didn't understand what it was created to do - which was "glow".
There are some people who will be content just "being," but some of us that God has chosen... we have to be "broken."
We have to get sick.
We have to lose a job.
We go through a divorce.
We have to bury our spouse, parents, best friend, or our child...
In those moments of desperation, God is breaking us. But... when the breaking is done, then we will be able to see the reason for which we were created. So when you see us glowing, just know that we have been broken but healed by His Grace and Mercy!!! ❤??
Copy & Post on your timeline if you have experienced being broken.
Whatever gets you through the day. I don't reply, but I will unfollow if it bothers me too much.
I usually let it pass over me too, but sometimes it's too much ? that's why I brought it here because I didn't want to start a fight on FB and knew you all would deliver
By this logic, God reminds me too much of that sadistic warden in Cool Hand Luke, one of my fav all-time films, where he says to Luke (one of the inmates) after the guards mercilessly beat him, "Now, Luke, I only do this for your own good". To which Luke says, " I just wish you'd quit being so good to me, captain".
His thoughts are not our thoughts. His reasons are not our reasons. His ways are not our ways. If all this is true, what are the Sky Guy's qualifications for dealing with us?
It's entirely true. Once I was broken, I saw the reason I was created ... more exactly, that I was not created, for no reason. It was a clarifying moment. Just not the conclusion they wanted me to draw.
Just go out and take your child and "break" them and then when the nice people from Child Services come to inquire about it, explain that in your loving wisdom, you found it necessary to put the child's hand on the hot stove so they could experience the reason you conceived them. See how that goes for you.
So, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are working against the will of their fellow mythical being, God.
...being given a purpose...
means I never will be self directed.
Plains Indian tribes didn't have intertribal
warfare UNTIL : fur traders guns & Spanish horses
gave them a reason to make war(greed).
So chronic pain is beneficial the
most to any organism?I can't follow that logic!! ...the personal/social ramifications
should lead to improved psychology.
Thanks for the post!
I think you might be on the wrong web site. We discourage the dillusional here. Unless this is meant to be tongue on cheek and sarcastic, which I doubt.
good bye remi.....
Did you read my first sentence? That's the only one that belongs to me ?