All women want these days is sex. Men just want to snuggle and talk about feelings!
Wow. That is sure an alien world in my experience. But like prohibition, I am 100 years old. =0}
So it is currently acceptable for women to be sluts, & men to be sensitive. Edmund Muskie lost the Democratic primary for president as he cried in public. Perhaps weeping men reduces testosterone & eliminates warfare. We can hope.
I actually have a girlfriend like that. It's pretty nice. I feel bad for the shy guys that don't come right out and say what they want out of a relationship. Basically, they'll take any girl or woman that will talk to them. It's ok guys you can turn down women that aren't interested in what you're interested in. There are compatible women out there.
Every time I want to snuggle, I have to put out. Work, work work. Will it ever end?
Sounds like fake news.
That's why it's under Silly, Random, Fun section. All sarcasm with this one. Hahaha!
In my experience, most men just want sex. A "zipless f-ck," to quote Erica Jong. No commitment or emotional involvement.
Many men just say shit they think women want to hear. Believe me, men still mostly want sex, but that is not what most women really want to hear. That doesn't mean we don't like to cuddle to. I know l do. I have been with women who really weren't into cuddling.
So many men feel they've been castrated by women today.....roles have been reversed.....especially the religious...even their Mothers are telling them they don't run things anymore.....
Well ( cough ) so many people pushed for gender reversal so Mazel Tov ?
@jorj You have a good point. Boys and young men do at some point need a male role model to teach them about the dating game-rules, strategy, etc. It would not necessarily have to be the father or even an uncle. I think for many guys my age who did not get any help on this from their fathers, the guys end up being mentored by their male peers, like we often see on TV or the movies. So it's not always hopeless. In my case what little I've learned has been from same age male peers. Question is, when the male is mentored by same age peers, how appropriate and useful will the info be?