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I don't know what anyone else thinks, but I don't this is good at all.

RobertMartin 8 Jan 21

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I bet we are in more danger from Trump & his white supremacist followers & appointees than from these 2 people. & why is Israel always such a sacred cow, anyway? I tend to sympathize quite a bit with the Palestinians having their land taken & being kept behind walls & barbed wire. I'm not condoning terrorism or anything; I'm just saying it's very very far from black & white & the Palestinians are suffering & dying a lot more than the Israelis.

Carin Level 8 Jan 21, 2019

I agree. I never could understand why the Israelis and Palestinians can't share the land.


It would worry me. We have similar situations in Canada. Many people are in denial of the fact that in Islam, Sharia usurps civil law.

You twatt and what has actually happened in Canada that is bad for Canada because of this?

@Jolanta Illegal immigration, encouraged by Turdeau and "Ahmed Hussen, my kind of Muslim"


Let me guess, trump supporter, right?

Not really

@RobertMartin , Oh sorry. You had me fooled there.

@chucklesIII I'm neither a Democrat or Republican.

@RobertMartin These days, that's a great idea.

@RobertMartin Get with the program. Anyone who does not subscribe to the regressive leftist group identity viewpoint must be a radical right-wing DJT supporter.

@RobertMartin this is the funniest post ever imo

@PBuck0145 or not


I'm more worried about the idjit & chief & his neo alt right conservative devout christian 2nd in command.


Oh man, but what if they were Catholics or Christians, or Jews...?

OCJoe Level 6 Jan 21, 2019

Catholics, Christians and jews don't fly planes into buildings or commit terrorist acts in the name of Allah.

@RobertMartin No, they do it in the name of GOD and saying that he is on their side.

@Jolanta With this comment, you out yourself as a blatant liar.

@RobertMartin Also, the ideologies of the Catholics, Christians and Jews do not require the conversion, subjugation or execution of all non-believers.

@PBuck0145 Twatt


What BS.

  1. I'm more worried about the president we have who changes his mind based on what the people on tv says to him, made a seal-team pose for a news camera, and suddenly proclaims ISIS has been defeated, against the word of every general asked.
  2. Considering that the recent acts of terror - mass shootings and mail-bombs - came from white men, I'm less worried about brown women in general.
  3. Do they? Can they just walk into the pentagon and ask for the "topest secret" and walk out with the file?

I'm sure most of us know that terrorists are still out there. They will strike again when no one is expecting it.

@RobertMartin Wanna bet who commits the next act of terror in America? I'll bet it's a white man, you bet it's a Muslim/Palestinian.

@RobertMartin Just in case you did not notice but most of the terrorists in the US are angry white males with mental problems.

@RobertMartin While we've been not expecting it, our country has been hit by multiple acts of terror in the form of mass shootings from white American men, some of whom I'm quite sure subscribe to a Christian or Catholic faith. Your argument just doesn't pass muster unless the muster is fear mongering.

@RobertMartin yes these mass murdering white nut bag nra bump stock Intel douchebag idjits . There is a fucking threat. For ducks sake .


I am mostly worried about ignorant uneducated Christians


Pence is still a hypocritical religutard.
45 is still a moron.
They both have access, too. Which is exponentially worse than anyone in
Congress having access.
Is it better because they both claim that they're christians, even though we all
know 45 isn't and Pence is a douchebag about it?
What's your point?
Do you have one?

That we shouldn't have muslims in position of power.

@RobertMartin so you do not subscribe to freedom of religion?

@RobertMartin You are the problem, not them. Terrorist are not borne but made.

@RobertMartin If we're going to allow anyone who ascribes to any religion to achieve any elected office, we have to allow EVERYONE who ascribes to ANY religion. That is how the Constitution works. It's been pretty damned clear about that particular fact for nearly 228 years. Since December 15, 1791.

Now, if you want to work to change the Constitution to remove religious protections for everyone (you know, that pesky First Amendment), that's a whole different story. However, you're going to have to do that FIRST, BEFORE you say "muslims cannot hold any elected offices which give them access to any military information".

You cannot cherry-pick which religions are "okay" with you and have rights, and which ones do not.
Do you not see the hypocrisy in that?
If you don't, that makes you every bit as bad as the evangelicals who want to make the bible the law of the land, and not the US Constitution.
You cannot have it both ways, Robert.
No matter how badly they scare you.

@KKGator if your ok with pedophile worshipping people, you know that Puppet Muhammad had a wife that was 9 years old, well then more power to ya.

@RobertMartin I'm not "okay" with anyone who believes in religious delusions. Any of them.
However, legally you cannot discriminate against anyone based on what their religious beliefs are.
That you are targeting muslims makes you particularly abhorrent, and
a huge hypocrite, and really un-American.
In this country, the Constitution protects everyone. Not just the people you think are "okay".

I detest christianity. I don't think anyone who believes in it (or any other religion) should be allowed to serve in government AT ALL.
That is NOT how it works, however, and I have to accept that fact.
Just like you have to accept the FACT that muslims get to practice their religion, and they get to hold elected office at any level.
Just because a person is a muslim, does NOT make them a terrorist or an enemy of this country.
That's just plain fucking ignorant.


You're right, if I were you I'd go hide in my basement until the coast is clear.........


Paranoid bigotry, my favorite.


It is the culture-centricity like this that has caused the illegal wars, the invasion of other countries, and yes, terrorism itself. Years ago, the radicals did not just wake up one morning, decide to play pin the tail on the donkey, and attack the first nation were the pin landed . . . . . they decided to attack America because America was, (and still is, to this day) constantly interfering in the affairs of the Arab world, from the Levant to Iran. Americans want people from other countries to leave them alone, but every time it comes time to vote, they vote for the assholes who support Israel and endless war, without exception. Then they sit around and wonder why terrorism occurs.

THHA Level 7 Jan 21, 2019

Mostly agree.




They are Americans first...we also have an Evangelical Vice-President...also an American what is your point?

I would worry more about the orange clown who is besties with a Russian before I worried about them...


Shouldn't you be hanging out on a Fox news website somewhere?

Shouldn't we all be concerned about national security

They may not look like you or the way you think they're supposed to look but they're American citizens and should be treated as such.

@RobertMartin Why would you go right to them threatening American security? Do you have inside information on them? What makes them a concern?

@thinktwice 9 11 for starters

@RobertMartin those were not Americans...

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