What do you think of tattoos on women? (This came up in another thread, prompting my curiosity). Would you date a woman with a neck tattoo? A chest tattoo? Do you think tattoos are irresistibly hot?
I do have a female friend who has a lot of tattoos, I mean a lot and she is a very big lady too. She is such a lovely person, fun, kind and considerate. Unfortunately those tattoos don't do her justice at all.
says YOU. It's not your body. How about YOU mind your own business and let others live their lives as they see fit.
@SkotlandSkye So you know her to be able to say that they do not do her justice then? Which bit did you not understand when I said that she was a lovely person. And do you honestly think that your opinion is the only one that is allowed to be voiced? You twatt.
@Jolanta none of your judgmental business how someone’s tattoos look to you. Just like I think your hair is a fright and you need a makeover...it’s your business if you want to look like you’re stuck in the 1950s, not mine.
@SkotlandSkye , @Jolanta "now kiddies, try to be nice "
Ummmm, so, tattoos on men are just fine, but we women need your permission/approval/discussion ?
Any other areas of MY body you want to control/ comment on?
Or maybe you should Mind Your Own Business (MYOB)!
You do realize the OP is a woman, right...? just curious.
@dellik women can be judgemental control freaks too......you do realize this, right?
@AnneWimsey yes, you are providing a demonstration right now...
What do I think of tattoos on women? I think that some women have tattoos.
That's it.
I didn't get a tattoo until I was 37, and I've just got the one.
When I was going through the process of selecting what I wanted, the only
question I asked myself was "Will I still be happy with this when I'm 60?"
I'm 57 now, and I have not once regretted my choice to get one, or the one I chose
to get, or where I chose to have it placed.
The man I was involved with at the time was terribly displeased when I got it.
I didn't tell him I was thinking about getting one, and I didn't ask for his permission before I made the decision to do it.
He didn't want to see it when I first had it done. About two weeks after I got it,
he asked to see it, and I told him "no". I left him very soon after that, and he never
saw it.
What anyone else thinks of it has always been completely irrelevant to me.
Most people are completely shocked if they see it. They're either surprised I
have one at all, or surprised I don't have more.
If anyone is going to judge me on whether I have a tattoo or not, I don't want
anything to do with them. I especially wouldn't want to date any man who
would think it's his place to even have an opinion on what I chose to do.
You know someone has to ask; can we see a pic of it?
@Sgt_Spanky Nope. Thanks for asking so politely though.
@KKGator Never hurts to try.
One time a guy from one of the dating sites contacted me and one of the first things he asked was if I had tattoos. He told me his religion forbade him from touching women with tattoos. Even if I didn't have any at all, I would have told him I was covered. LOL
I have a small B&W tattoo on the inside of each wrist and no one even notices them. Including me. I forget that I'm "a tattooed person" like 98% of the time.
I love the tattoo on my R wrist because it is my own design and meaningful to me. I've been asked about it a few times, but not many. And I honestly keep forgetting it's there. I like it, but it's not terribly important.
Sometimes you'd never know a person has tattoos--even if they're not in "private" places.
I know a woman who has tatts all over her body: there's a pirate ship from her left hip up to her boob, a Jessica Rabbit on her left thigh, a sexy Alice in Wonderland on her right thigh, the Journey scarab logo on her back, and numerous tribal and abstract designs all over as high as her neck. I've seen them all. Half her body has ink on it.
This woman is stunningly beautiful. The tatts only make her more intriguing. It's how we met. I asked her about her tatts and we've been friends ever since -- about ten years now. Point is, she's never had any trouble getting all the attention she wants. There's plenty of people who appreciate good body art.
The owner of the body can do whatever they like with the body and anyone who doesn't like it should keep their opinion to themselves.
But isn’t that what tattoos are for...to draw attention to themselves? Adornment...says, this is my statement! People have questions?
@Freedompath There is a HUGE difference in commenting on an specific tattoo on an individual over saying that "all neck tattoos" or "all chest tattoos"....etc. One is discussing ART and one is being a judgemental arse.
@powder there is a difference between passing judgment on "all tattoos" in a specific location and discussing the artistic merit and meaning of an specific piece. Don't confuse the two.
Well the owner of the tattoo should not complain then if they don't get that position that they wanted either..
@SkotlandSkye isn’t art in the eye of the beholder? I am an artist and I can’t find ‘art’ in certain artistic expression, no matter how hard I try! I except the effort and that it is created out of a mind, but art, I would leave it for others to appreciate.
@SkotlandSkye So if you see someone who has tattooed their eyeballs you are not going to be a judgemental ass then.
@Jolanta why would what they did to their eyeballs affect my life?? In the restaurant world....it's a given these days that pretty much everyone from the Chef to the waitstaff have tattoos. And blue hair. Or green. And lots of piercings. Hopefully the rest of the world will catch up to the freedom of self expression and the ability to not judge others based on their personal style choices.
@Freedompath that’s absolutely not while I got mine.
I like how they look and all but one are for my children. The other is for my love of books.
Having them just for attention never crossed my mind.
@Freedompath That's not why I got mine. I got them for reasons. For me.
@Freedompath People get tattoos for many different reasons. I have tattoos that no one else (except for my SO or anyone who might get to see me naked) will ever see. All my tattoos are very personal, with special meaning to me, whether they are more visible or more hidden.
@SkotlandSkye Everyone I worked with at my previous place of work had tattoos. Most of the dancers in my dance community are also tattooed, and many with piercings as well. One male dancer has a tattoo on his forehead. Tattoos are so common we don't blink an eye anymore.
@Marcie1974 thanks for another view.
@Marcie1974, @sewchick57 gotcha!
@Marcie1974, @sewchick57, @graceylou Since I never travelled in a circle such as yourself, tattoos grab my attention, and most all the people in my now circle seem to still have the same opinion. I guess, that says what tribe you favor? People can put whatever they wish on their body...I am from another time and place!
@Marcie1974, @sewchick57, @graceylou, @SkotlandSkye I never ‘judge’ anyone until I get sense of their character! Decorations seem to say where they come from and who they want be part of...
i remember saying to my then 17 year old son who was starting to have tattoos done "Ok but don't get a tattoo where it can be seen when you are wearing a suit and tie". His answer was "I am never going to have a job where I need to wear a suit," He is now a hipster running his own coffee bar and is just about to be married to a gorgeous girl who is covered in tattoos and has a great job in TV and films, so what do I know ??
I have 11 tattoos, including a neck tattoo (a black dog at the back of my neck) and 2 chest tattoos (a seahorse on the upper part of my left breast and a tarantula on my right upper chest). Most men I know are fascinated by my tattoos and some started talking to me because of my tattoos. I have never personally met men who say they are offended by my tattoos or that my tattoos are in any way a problem. All my female friends have at least one tattoo, including full sleeves. I have a male friend with a tattoo on his forehead. Tattoos are not a big deal at all among my circle of friends (and former coworkers; I now have my own business). Only my old aunties have issues and say nasty things to me about my tattoos. But yeah, I don't care what other people think of my tattoos or where I choose to place them.
you should have included your areola in that tarantula tattoo
I love body art, on men or women. And if I don't like it it's none of my business anyway.
I came across a man’s dating profile that said something to the affect of “if you have tattoos we’ll have to have sex with the lights off.”
He was wearing a MAGA hat if that tells you anything.
with the hat clearly displayed, he needn't be concerned about ever getting to the sex stage, or much else for that matter !
@evergreen right? The only reason I bothered to actually read his profile was morbid curiosity lol
@Marcie1974 I hear ya ! I get occasional "attacks" of that kind of curiosity too. It's almost like I'm wanting to see just how unappealing and awful someone can be, But then - everyone wants to be loved, I guess ...
I started to put in a misogynistic comment about a comedy routine I heard years ago that said a tattoo on a woman is proof that she is capable of making a decision even knowing she'll likely regret it later. So it is sexy.
Instead I think I'll just apologize for thinking of it and leave this conversation.
The other day I saw a women of very advanced age. She was wearing a singlet and a rather short one it was. Her back was tattooed right down to her pants, and one could not see what it was as the wrinkles and the skin texture had gone so horribly "old" that it just looked like a dogs breakfast. Actually a dogs breakfast looks better.
my my.....and we've identified the judgemental asshat that was bound to show up on this thread.....
@SkotlandSkye Oh, I did not know that you were there too and saw her. I was thinking that you were in the US and not where she and I was.
@Jolanta shall we talk about how gawd awful your hair looks then?
As a senior citizen, tattoos on women need to be selectively placed. I have not adapted to them so much. My mind keeps wondering to how will they feel about their tattoos as they get older, because they are not so easily removed! Aging changes people in mind and body.
My last 3 tattoos were installed after the age of 65. My body, my choice! Keep your useless opinion Quiet!
I have some tattoos I got when I was 17 and 18. I don't regret any of them for any reason. I got a new one when I was 59.
@AnneWimsey thanks for the insult! When did I mention anything about YOUR tattoos? I was making a broad point from another older person...Isn’t that what we do here?
@AnneWimsey you might be surprised to learn that none of my peers in my life time ever got tattoos...that is where I come from.
bad question. thats like asking do you like art? does art make something better or worse? I mean, not all tat's are the same, or even in the same class.
I'm interested in hearing what the differences are. What makes a good/bad tattoo? Subject matter? Placement?
Like any style choice - some folks have tattoos that enhance and fit who they are. Some can be really sexy and eye catching - in a good way, and others have, what they admitted, are clearly a permanent mistake they'll have to live with . Oh well ...
I have two medium size tattoos. A guy I dated someone a while back told me he never liked tattoos on women - but he found mine sexy. That may be part of what forms an opinion. If you feel positive towards the person, it could sway your feelings about their bodies - however they look !
And for those that like them, or are just into an interesting experience - try to get yourself to a local tattoo convention - your eyes won't know where to look next ! Rather mind blowing.
Depends what they are and where they are. Some con look great on a female body with the right proportions but not too many....)
I have a semicolon ; tattoo on my right wrist.
It's a sign of struggle with mh and suicide. As a therapist it helps people understand I relate to their struggles.
Some tatoos are awesome art and I like them. I wouldnt put them on me. So many people have tatoos now the old generalities do not apply
@maturin1919 where I live I would say most people have tattoos
@maturin1919 yes we are antisocial
There are people who look great with tattoos and others don't. It will depend much on the person itself.
I was brought up that tattoos are a sign of ignorance and lack of education. That they should be avoided on self as they prevent you opportunities to move into upper classes and a certain quality of person will exclude you. Judging from some of the responses here, it appears my mother's values are still valid. I have none and she told me if I got one...."just don't even bother coming home". That was the one thing she would not forgive.
I got my first tattoo when I was 38 years old. I was able to hide it from my mom for about 5 years, until she just happened to notice it peeking out above my collar. She wasn't nearly as upset as I thought she would be.
Well I have 5 ... yes 5 ...college degrees Including a doctorate and I have 13 tattoos with more planned so from the depths of my being let me tell you that your mother was an idiot.
This is how I was raised also. I have no tattoos.
@DaphneDarling Exactly. But her head is so far up her holier than thou buttocks that she can't see that.....
@DaphneDarling @SkotlandSkye Why are you so defensive about it? Please quote where I was "ignorant or judgmental"? and/or acted "holier than thou"? I simply shared how I was raised and observed that others on this thread do share the opinions of my . Tattoos are more commonly accepted than when I was growing up, but the values you are exposed to by your parents are often hard to overcome which is why I probably never got one.
@Nina you stated your mother said tattoos were “a sign of ignorance and lack of education“ and then you said that these so called “values” were still valid. That makes you mother an idiot and you a judgemental arse. What further clarification do you need?