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Wow...what are the creationist/young earthers going to make of this?

Amisja 8 Feb 16

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They Will think of something trust me


They already have bristle cone pines that are older than their earth, and they wriggle round that. (Big trees, you don't need a microscope to see.)


God put them there along with the fossils to test their faith. He just likes to screw with their heads. Fun guy!


The same thing they do work all the other evidence


Very interesting. I must show that to the next Jehova's Witness that comes calling.


Devil worms!



I don't think the cryogenics people should get too excited. These are very simple organisms

I'm excited...I want to be frozen.

@Amisja expensive, but you can have your head done for a knock down rate

@Amisja You live in Lancashire, just stand outside for a bit.

@Fernapple hahaha

@Fernapple, @Moravian I like my particular bits n bats


Heck everything is only a few thousand years old and the scientists do not know anything!


Remember, these people don't believe in science. They will say if it's not in the bible it's not real.


If something survives for so long it has to be younger than you say it is or it wouldn’t survived. They’d have a similar argument to the one about the “living dinosaur tissue”


They will just either ignore it or deny it.


They'll squirm.

godef Level 7 Feb 16, 2019

I don't know, but I'm not looking forward to being eaten by The Thing..



I'd recognize those critters anywhere! Those are baby Ice Worms! According to Norse legends, they grow big enough to crush ships!



It reminds me of a Peanuts strip I saw years ago. Charlie Brown and Linus were standing on a beach. CB picked up a rock and threw it into the water. L asked him "What are you doing? That rock worked thousands of years to get to shore and now you've thrown it back."
Those worms survived tens of thousands of years and now we've changed things so they'll die.

Actually. I doubt that evidence means much to true new-earthers -- they'll just deny it.


“How do you know they are 42,000 years old? We’re you there?”

is what they will say.

Actually...I was


Probably something similar to what a Flat-Earther once told that Australia, where I was born, raised and have lived for the past 65 years, doesn't exist, it IS just propaganda put out by the British Mapmakers.


so they can restore the lowest life forms. i suppose there is some good news there. maybe for politicians?


Fuck the creationists, I think it's worth a 'wow!'

Me too!

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