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Am I the only one to find this sickening? [edit 14:45 cst "off putting"]

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kgoodyear 6 Feb 26

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A long as it doesn't contain built-in ballistics or explosives, I have never felt threatened by another person's choice of attire. Diversity makes the world a whole lot less boring. I am, however, intensely sickened by the way children are being cruelly abused and mistreated at our country's southern border.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 2, 2019

If you don’t like it don’t wear it or look at it.


I think it's a bit extreme for my tastes, but if that's what he wants to wear, go for it. Who am I to judge people?


I know I've seen this before.


If you don't like it, then don't look!

Try feeling sickened or put off by poverty, another animal species going extinct almost every day, child abuse, torture, greed, crime, corruption, politics, or something else that actually matters.

Carin Level 8 Feb 27, 2019



Sick with envy maybe... I cannot afford such an extravagant gown . Even if I could, I would not look half as terrific as he does in it.

Zster Level 8 Feb 27, 2019

You'd look amazing.


Doesn't affect me so what if he wants to dress like that.


I see it as hilarious! 😀


Its amazing. The fabric is delicious. I wish I had the opportunity to wear something so lovely. Hardly sickening


I find it silly.


Not for me but women wear trousers so why not. We had a hot summer last year and at a school in England pupils were not allowed to wear shorts as it contravened the dress code so some of the boys turned up wearing skirts. Nothing in the dress code about that.


I don't care what he wears, I wouldn't wear it, but if he wants too fine.


It’s an amazing statement piece. He’s a professional stylist who will always push the boundaries of fashion. It looks fantastic on him.


i think it's amazing!


Sad cry for attention.

gater Level 7 Feb 26, 2019

The clothing or this poll?


Sickening? Nah. Strange? You bet. But que sera, sera. Not my business.


It is just odd...but easily ignored.


Its fine.

help me understand....please...

@kgoodyear It's called 'fashion', the Oscar's have always been somewhat of a fashion show......

@Dhiltong Fashion for MEN or that space between?

@kgoodyear What some of women wear is pretty weird--not the sort of clothing you see real people wearing anywhere.

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